SelectSmart Nontheistic Philosophies Test


Feb 18, 2002
Merely Opening the SelectSmart quizes to a group that seems to have been sidelined in the Religions Quiz:

#1 Secular Humanism
#2 Agnostic Church
#3 Freethought, Church of
#4 Transhumanism
#5 Atheism a la American Atheists

#14 Relativism, moral/cultural
#15 Atheistic Paganism
#16 Taoism
#17 Zen Atheism
#18 Theraveda Buddhism

Thats more like it.
EDIT: I took the test, and a thiest could actually take it. It wouldn't fit you perfectly, but it does somewhat. Here is what I got:

1. Ethical Culture
2. Unitarian Universalism
3. Agnostic Church

My only problems with the test was questions 16 and 17, regarding knowledge. Science has its place and philosophy has its place in learning knowledge. Science is meant to prove physical things, while science can't help us gain knowledge when it comes to morality, philosophy, etc. Unless you don't define this as knowledge.
#1 Taoism
THIS was very unexpected

#2 Agnostic Church

#3 Scientific Pantheism
also unexpected

#4 Atheistic Paganism
wait is'nt that term a contradiction

#5 Secular Humanism
thats more like it

#6 Theraveda Buddhism
most unexpected

#7 Atheism a la American Atheists
very much like it

#8 Deism
bery much like it

#9 Ethical Culture

#10 Zen Atheism

#11 Freethought, Church of

#12 Pantheism
not expected at all

#13 Rationalism

#14 Transhumanism
well i *DO* read sci-fi

#15 Unitarian Universalism

#16 Randaism (Objectivism)
now I'm bloody scared

#17 Confucianism
me confucian.haahhahahahahah

#18 Relativism, moral/cultural
Yuck, Objectivism.

I left many "no opinions", that likely skewered the results. Then again, I don't expect them to have my personal philosophy among their options.
its even more ironic considering my political views, I'm economically socialist but socially libertarian
#1 Atheism a la American Atheists
#2 Agnostic Church
#3 Secular Humanism

But what are they? What's in the Cajun Atheism?


#15 Randaism (Objectivism)

Randaism:worship: :lol:
#1 Relativism, moral/cultural
#2 Confucianism
#3 Theraveda Buddhism
#4 Zen Atheism
#5 Deism
#6 Ethical Culture
#7 Pantheism
#8 Taoism
#9 Atheistic Paganism
#10 Scientific Pantheism
#11 Atheism a la American Atheists
#12 Randaism (Objectivism)
#13 Unitarian Universalism
#14 Freethought, Church of
#15 Transhumanism
#16 Rationalism
#17 Agnostic Church
#18 Secular Humanis

Cool. I'm relatively moral.
#1 Atheistic Paganism
#2 Taoism
#3 Ethical Culture
#4 Theraveda Buddhism
#5 Unitarian Universalism
#6 Agnostic Church
#7 Pantheism
#8 Deism
#9 Scientific Pantheism
#10 Zen Atheism
#11 Secular Humanism
#12 Transhumanism
#13 Rationalism
#14 Confucianism
#15 Relativism, moral/cultural
#16 Atheism a la American Atheists
#17 Randaism (Objectivism)
#18 Freethought, Church of

A slight surprise -- I wouldn't have been surprised if my second choice, Taoism, was #1...
1. Taoism
2. Deism
3. Scientific Pantheism

Should probably work out what these things mean. :)
#1 Agnostic Church
#2 Scientific Pantheism
#3 Deism

pretty much as I expected...
1. Objectivism. Not very surprising, but didn't think it would be my number one philosophy.

2. Agnostic Church

3. Church of Freethought
#1 Agnostic Church (no idea what that is)

However, Taoism was #3 and on my other survey I got Taoism as #5 which is very interesting.
This quiz is even more shallow than the rest of them...

What does "Biologically Improve our Species" mean?
For example, I agree removing hazardous genes should be permitted. What should I select?
1. Secular Humanism (again! what can i say, that's just me)
2. Agnostic Church (ok, if you have to be a christian, this is indeed the way to go)
3. Scientific Pantheism
Secular Humanist, definitely.
1. Scientific Pantheism
2. Agnostic Church
3. Secular Humanism

Damned if I know what those mean...
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