Selling map


Oct 3, 2002
I have noticed that you can make a pretty good amount of gold by selling map every turn.
How to proceed
sell map before moving your galleys
Sell map to the AI having the less gold first, when an AI is offering his map for yours, sell it back to every one.
Then move your first galley and sell map to everyone again, move your second galley and sell again.
Note: you also can sell map after moving your galley one square as far as you inlight some black, but I think this is cheating.
May be it is not cheating, but who wants to spend a whole turn in and out of the F4 screen, move the galley a notch each time, then in and out of each leader, especially when you are playing against all civs? :)
When I play, the AI has an attitude problem and thinks my wares are worthless.
Originally posted by apparition
When I play, the AI has an attitude problem and thinks my wares are worthless.

You may have to invest first and buy the map from the AI in order to get an updated map, then every time a square has changed (road, mine, irrigation, rail) the 'new' map can be sold.
So my current map should be worth a bit as I'm in the later stages of carving up a civ, so a lot has changed?
The Ai's really annoying about maps. I had one game were they never wnated my map and when I asked them what they wanted for theirs they would always ask for my map and a tech. Of course I only gave them seven gold and they were as happy as a fat boy who found a twinky.
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