Semper Fidelis -- Ideologies Expansion Pack


Oct 3, 2013
After what must be over half a year of database work, playtesting, and making a stupid number of icons,
Hokath Industries is proud to present

3 Brand New Ideologies for the Religious Victory
Find the Religious Victory here. Mods run fine independently of each other.

Devotion -- Theocracy -- :c5influence:Diplomatic, :c5war:Domination, and :c5faith:Religious Victories
Harmony -- Environmentalism -- :c5influence:Diplomatic, :trade:Time, and :c5faith:Religious Victories
Prosperity -- Neoliberalism -- :c5science:Science, :trade:Time, and :c5faith:Religious Victories

Each aims to tell its story from the turn of the 20th century with 7 attractive Tier-1 Tenets,
to the Second World War and first Cold War with 7 powerful Tier-2,
all the way to the Second Cold War looking to the present day with 3 superpowered Tier-3 Tenets

Spoiler Devotion :


Spoiler Harmony :


Spoiler Prosperity :


Includes lua coding so that the AI can adopt the new ideologies
(a random chance based on their Leader's flavors and how big that ideological block already is)

Each Ideology comes with:
A World Wonder

A National Wonder

A Unique Unit

Unique Policy Unlocks
2 New Policy-Unlocked Buildings

A special National Wonder and 4 megachurch World Wonders for Prosperity,

7 UNESCO Wonders for Harmony

Time Victory Support
A default, stalemate-ending condition at 500 :trade: Turns in the base game,
in this mod each Ideology that targets the Time Victory has a way to reduce the game's max turn, down to a minimum of 375 :trade: Turns.
Harmony does it adopting :c5culture: Policies, creating a "counter-cultural" victory which wins without :tourism: Tourism.
Prosperity does it by making :greatwork: Great Works, which give more score in Semper Fidelis, and can buy them with :c5gold: Gold! A pseudo-economic victory.
And finally...

Rebalancing to the 3 base Ideologies
Spoiler Freedom :


Spoiler Order :

Spoiler Might :


Includes the Diplomatic Victory on Autocracy being swapped out for the Time Victory.
Following @Hinin we rebrand this new "tall warmonger" tree as "Might"

The timer is reduced based on how successfully you've acquire the World's Wonders.
Cruise to the finish line if you've "already won" with a :c5war: pseudo-domination victory.
The Tier-3 Tenet World Capital features a new Wonder of unprecedented power for those looking to close out the game with style

6 Additional Ideology World Wonders
2 for each ideology when running @adan_eslavo 's More Wonders

with more planned so that every ideology has 5 in total (one for each victory)
And a bonus one thrown in for everyone
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How does Foreign Direct Investment work? Does it spawn a franchise of *every* corporation created, or just your own corp, because the way it's written implies it might be the former?
Not even every created, but just *every*.
So the effects are twofold (i) its like a double-edged version of the Order Tenet. All Cities are Franchises, but also for everyone else(!), (ii) you get the Franchise bonuses of every Corporation, i.e. buffs to Luxuries (and they cost no maintenance, which if you are using my Tweaks is significant)
Then ofc the Tenet itself gives +3 yields per Franchise so its a big boost (to make up for the benefit it provides your opponents)

I thought this was one of my more-creative ideas :D
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does the dzong holy site replacement from your Tibet civ work with policies like not-for-profit?
All modded civs with unique improvements should be added, provided they've set the SpecificCivRequired flag to true.
However some great people improvements are not SpecificCivRequired, because they are tied to the Great Person (that is unique) instead. So if you, for example, obtain a Zulu Great General replacement, you can build their unique improvement, even though you aren't Zulu.
Tibet is a bit of an edge case because the Dzong is treated like a Citadel/Holy Site, not a unique improvement. So there the answer is no. HOWEVER, the Yak Pasture improvement I notice is treated as SpecificCivRequired so that will gain yields (!)
Hey, im playing Iroquis and planning to go Harmony, but i also have strong Celts in my game.
I was wondering, how the tennet would work, to get the second most popular pantheon.
Normally, you dont benefit from celts pantheon, but then again, this is a matter of implementation..
So... Should it work, will it work :) ?
Good question
But Celt pantheons are considered kinda OP, so my guess, the best solution would be, to use most popular and "not celt".
So in case Celts are most popular it would be second not the first one.
But im guessing some mechanism should be at work any way.. cause, what would happen, when your is the most popular, you would get double benefits from yours :) ?
Also im guessing it has to be evaluated per turn, since cities flip followers every turn, so the first place can alwyas change.
There a graphical glitch in the civilopedia, buildings section connected to the mod (e.g. Deep Ecology) but otherwise I don't see anything. And this may be my mod setup.
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Why are you putting the policy Help text as the dummy buildings' Description though?
It was the standard practice back whenever I started, means you don't have to add more text to the database.
It should never be seen unless you're in IGE and then you see the text of the policy, which is very helpful!
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Hey guys question

I've picked prosperity for my last game, I have 414 population in my cities but when I pick laissez-faire it changes my gold income from 119 to 130 only (it suppose to give 1 gold for every 2 citizens?) Now, I have many additional mods and I'm still in testing phase about stability and compatibality for perfect setup just wanted to know. Is there possible mod conflict or am I missing something about this policy?

Btw I love the concept, gonna play many more games just to test all the combinations. Great job.

Edit: I play on 4.17.8 version
It's my fault, @anastazjasz. Stupidly thought Policy_CapitalYieldPerPopChanges was same as Policy_CapitalYieldPerPopChangeEmpire, so you are only getting 1 gold per FIFTY pop :O
Will fix!
If it's still an ongoing game, go to line 48 in Prosperity/NewPolicies.sql and change 50 to 2. Not sure if it will update but you can try.
It's my fault, @anastazjasz. Stupidly thought Policy_CapitalYieldPerPopChanges was same as Policy_CapitalYieldPerPopChangeEmpire, so you are only getting 1 gold per FIFTY pop :O
Will fix!
If it's still an ongoing game, go to line 48 in Prosperity/NewPolicies.sql and change 50 to 2. Not sure if it will update but you can try.
Thank you for fast response, yup the game is still going on. I'm gonna modify that line and see after my next policy choice pops. Siam AI is kicking my ass, need all the money I can get and I'm bit rusty with VP, guys did good job on tactical AI no doubt.

Also its very interesting to see how the AI civs are picking new ideologies, since I play 15 civ on map choices varies a lot, 4 main blocks emerged with few outsiders, then few coups happened with big fish eating small ones and now we have classic cold war. Gives taste of living, vibrant ingame world.

Edit: changed the value in sql file, took policy and it gave me the proper gold value. I'm rich now. Ty

Edit 2: game bugged out after some turns, my Capital multiply gold each passing turn. Currently I have 120k income ;0 Toolpit in the city says bugged extra gold is from terrain if it helps. Anyway it was time to start new game and test more mods composition.
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found a couple of issues
M22 Locusts don't have an attack order
also Prosperity and Harmony's wonders get obsolete at Modern era according to their Civilopedia pages, shouldn't it be Information Era?


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