Sengir03 - The Orwellian State


Oct 16, 2004
With Izzy's cultural victory near, I think it's time for me to run another SG, one that's been brewing for some time now:

The Orwellian State
Variant rules:
- We cannot declare upon AI's not on our continent, nor take cities not on our continent untill we have both conquered our continent completely, as well as have reached the industrial age.
- Upon fullfilling both requirements we are to declare immediately upon one of the other continents, and must stay at war with at least one of them for the remainder of the game.
- Other Orwellian game elements are encouraged (Police State and such).

- Difficulty: Emperor
- Map size: Standard
- Speed: Epic
- Leader: Hammi

Starting position:
Spoiler :

1) nocho
2) happyturtle
3) IPEX-731BA5DD06
4) Whosit (skip until 17th of August)
5) Brian Shanahan
6) Norvin Green
7) Sengir



Is this a Pangea map? :P
Sign me up, if you're not tired yet of having me on board again. :p Be advised though that from the 2nd till the 4th week of August I'll be mostly away.

Other Orwellian game elements are encouraged (Police State and such)
How about having to finish in 1984? :lol:

Civics-wise, police state indeed. Any of vassalage/bureaucracy/nationhood could be fitting, labourwise slavery or serfdom, economically State property of course, religion OR or Theo I suppose.

And beeline Satellites for full disclosure of the world. :mischief:
I'm in if you'll have me. The enjoyment level of these SG's is directly related to who the participants are. You guys are very patient and knowledgeable. I figure if I keep hanging out eventually I'll get better! :D
For other Orwellian elements I was thinking that of course we need to empower Big Brother to watch our people. Or as is Civ, to watch all other people. :D So somehow spies should be prioritized. How about having to build spy buildings before any other buildings, when they are available. So we can build granaries and libraries at first, but as soon as we have CoL all cities should first build a courthouse before being able to work on other buildings. It can't be a coincidence you chose an organized leader. ;) Same with jails, security bureau, intelligence agency when (and if) we get the corresponding techs. However, to avoid making it an espionage game only (like Sengir01) let's keep spy slider at 0 at all times.

As to specialists and great people, spies are okay of course. Most totalitarian regimes do like science and great infrastructure, so we could add the rule that only spies, scientists and engineers are allowed and only wonders that produce the corresponding great people. No individualist merchants nor artists that will only lead our people astray with their perverted ideas! I'd make an exception for building the Epics, if we happen to generate an artist by accident he will be instantly shot. Also by accident. :mischief: Prophets also usually have "perverted" ideas of course, although we could have one maybe for a shrine of our one and only state religion and eliminate any subsequent ones, that is, if religions are allowed in the first place...

And what map script did you use? I find it curious that SIP means 2 hills at most, the one visible and the other one (hopefully) in the only tile in the fog.
Whoa, whoa, this is starting up, at long last? Oh, I want in! Only one little problem: My civ computer is currently shot, and I won't have secure access to a new PC until around August 17th. But hopefully I can still got on the roster ....

Spies: Station a spy unit in each city.... But only our own cities.
Objection! Great Artists can be very useful to the State!

Let's not forget to respond to random events like the passenger airline crash appropriately! Not sure about the :espionage: slider kept at 0. Is there any reason for that, other than avoiding an :espionage: dominate game?
I'd like to sign on if you have space Nocho.

On the State tyranny, Bureaucracy would have to be a must.

Wonders, Eiffel Tower would be a must, although it produces Great merchant points, it gives free Broadcast towers in all cities.

Colosseum, should be a required building in all cities, as "Rome is the Mob" entertain the mob, rule Rome, well Carthage.

State Property- Another required civic?? Big Brother controls all.

Religion- That could be any, as long as the State controls the Shrine, Never adopt another religion you don't found.

Civic Musts, Police state, Bureaucracy or Nationhood, State Property.

NEVER adopt Emancipation, (Can't free the Polteriate)
NEVER adopt Free Religion, (The state religion rules the masses)

A level of Espionage Must be maintained after Alphabet (to Monitor the Populace of course)

Mass Media MUST BE RESEARCHED. (Fascism also would be a must, for the Great General). Well really all the Media tech's and wonders, Required as the state controls the entertainment of the masses.

Final Note, would the Map be best played on Continents, with 3 continents and Nine Civilisations.
We would have to Maintain war against 1 continent and ally with the Other, but able to switch allegiance as "Politics" dictates.

Maybe I've gone over board, Of course I have. As I always say, its easier to say then actually do.
The roster is full. In fact the roster has always been full.

nocho can start the game after some discussion.

About the map: it's a edited map, though based on a continents map IIRC. That's why Norvin and I are slotted in last.

About the extra rules:
I dislike putting to much in stone, still, some more rules might be in order.
I think that spy buildings first fits the game. Also, have a spy in every city of ourselves before we can send any of them out.
No further restrictions on specialists or GP's (merchants and artists can be used for state purposes :D ).
Civics: I can agree with no Free speech, no Free Religion and no Emancipation. No other restrictions.
Religion: Only adopt a self-founded religion.

Other rules can still be suggested of course.

@Brian Shanahan: Oceania of course.
So I'm up. Got it! :D

Is there a reasonable alternative to settling in place?

We start with the wheel and agriculture. If we go worker first he won't have anything better to do than roading. We can't go workboat first as we don't have fishing. Is this a rare case of warrior first?

Tech, I'd go fishing-mining-BW. Build warrior first, switch immediately to WB when fishing is in (unless warrior finishes in 1 or 2 turns, let it finish). Maybe even 2nd workboat before worker?
1NE might give us better production, while retaining the river and the seafood.
Yeah, I'm not sure if there's a good place to settle instead. I mean, the terrain isn't awful, we can just fill the land with cottages. But the Warrior's in a bad place to scout out more terrain, and moving elsewhere, we'd be pretty much blind--no idea if there's more food.

Actually, we could go Worker first while teching Pottery. Worker starts laying down cottages/roads while we tech fishing, build warrior, then Work Boat. Not saying that this is the ideal way to do things, but it's an option.

Downside is that all the prime riverside land is covered in forests we can't cut down. :lol:
@Brian Shanahan: Oceania of course.

Is there any openings in Minitrue then? (I like getting rid of references to unpersons, and ensuring that BB is always right. "Down with Goldenstein, I love BB")
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