My thoughts
Settling: As I see it we have two options of where to plant Paris. We could settle in place or we could move to the plains hill 2E1N. Settling in place is going to be my vote as it saves a turn, saves a forest, gives us an extra clam, and gives us the ability to put another city on our starting island. Moving to the plains hill means we sacrifice 20 early hammers, but get an extra hammer for maybe ~200 turns

)). I'm going to say that the hammers from the chop has the potential to be almost as useful as the extra hammer from plains hill settling. Overall, I'm all for going with settling in place (this seems to be the group consensus as well)
Early Techs: I'm going to agree almost completely with neil m. We start with Agriculture and the Wheel. So the corn is already taken care of. Fishing will allow us to improve the clams and start on a workboat asap. I think we'll need to talk about when to start on the boat, I'll talk about that below. Mining is a good next tech. I'm undecided atm about what our third tech should be. I agree that the next two should be Sailing and BW, but I'm unconvinced that Sailing should come first. Bronze working will let us chop two forests and revolt to slavery. After that I agree that beelining for the Oracle is a good move. While we build the Oracle we'll research Pottery (note to self: finish pottery before you finish the oracle ... I have done this before,

City Builds: Worker first makes sense to me. He'll be busy enough with farming the corn, mining the hill, and building a few roads, not that these are uesful. I'm unsure if we should finish the worker first before starting on the workboat. We'll be trading 3f for 2f and 3c. So it's not a completely obvious decision. The 2f 2c will also be online sooner (I think, I'll test game to confirm). So maybe interrupting the worker for a workboat will make sense. After those two first units come out I agree that another workboat is a good idea. But what do we want to do with him -- explore or improve a second clam?
Next Cities: I think that this map is going to represent, at least somewhat, Europe. That is, we're on a silly little island. But then five of the other AIs will be on a large mainland (Catherine, Frederick, Isabella/Louis/Charlemagne/others) and then on another larger island will be one more AI (Victoria). Therefore, I think we should do our very best to find this mainland as quickly as possible and then SETTLE ON IT. This I think is going to be key to a faster finish time as attacking from land is immensely easier than attacking amphibiously. A few more cities on islands is alright, but I want to get to that mainland asap. If we have to wait for galleons then obviously the plan is different, but I find that unlikely.
I'm pretty busy this week with midterms, but I'll try to get in a few test games on the first 50 turns or so. The hard part of the first few turns, as with all stupid water starts, is going to be managing improving the seafood and exploring.