Brian Shanahan
Alaman I think play your turns as is, we're all a bit busy for testing at the moment.
On the Guinness made test save (which is Buffyless, argh, this mod is addictive), barbarian galleys show up really quickly, so having a couple of hammers ready in a trireme is worth it, so we can whip it quick.
I'm going to try to post a few screenshots, but I'm not really good at it.
We're teching masonry to get full advantage of the stones, and a discount on Moai and possible access to the marble. But yes, it wasn't an absolute necessity right now, since a mine and a quarry give the same yield (which actually strikes me as really weird.)
We were first to get writing, so they're not going for alphabet anytime soon. Still, I think currency is a priority. It makes a HUGE difference when it kicks in.
We could indeed open borders with everyone and start the group hug. As of now, we didn't have enough cities to need the extra routes, so no harm done.
I believe I whipped a monument somewhere in the build queue in Paris. Or maybe not... Orleans doesn't need it yet.
I still don't know about the copper site, it's unbelieveably horsehockey for about 10 or 15 turns of production gained. Which is something, sure... This DOES require testing.
We have a settler on a galley headed toward the western gold/fish/2 clams islands, which will arrive in 2 turns.
There are 2 barb galleys N of Paris, adjacent to our trireme.
I would suggest that we switch the build in Orleans from the Library to a settler or another worker. Although we'll want a library there, I think we need to focus on expansion at this point. Most of our city sites stink. We need to find better places to put cities. I would use the WB from Paris to explore the SE area on its way to Lyons. The horse island to the E might be good if it has a seafood resource.
Since we are going to finish Masonry next turn anyway, we might as well cancel the mine build order in Lyons so we can start a quarry. We can use the stone to build the Moai. There are really only 2 choices of where to build them given Orleans horrid production: Paris or Lyons. Lyons is lacking in food, so I would suggest Paris. This would delay the Colossus, but might work out better in the long run. I'm still not sure of when to start the Colossus. We will need a forge in Paris also.
I am still advocating we tech Alpha > Currency > CoL