I'm going to agree with Brian in that the overriding concern should be what tech path is going to get us to what we need for Dom/Con (i.e. Astro and Steel)?
Yes of course. We have a goal laid out nicely for us so we don't even have to worry about picking a VC. I'm not sure steel is a priority since cannons can't attack from boats, but we'll wait and see what enemy territory looks like.
Normally the GLib is a huge help at this point in winning the Liberalism race. My concern with the Aes > Lit path here however is where we are going to get the hammers to build all those wonders? Recall we've already committed significant research to get the Colossus. So, I would ask myself how do we maximize the advantages of the Colossus. The answer is obviously working lots of water tiles, which means getting our happy cap up. Whipping to compensate for our poor production would also benefit from a bigger happy cap. And working lots of water tiles would go well with the plan to build Moai.
Yeah, hammers are at a premium. We've already kind of decided that Colossus + water tiles + big cities is our strategy, we may as well stick to it.
So I would argue that Monarchy/HR has to be a priority. I don't think using a GE for Pyramids is going to be a viable alternative.
Agreed. We've whipped to heavily to not get happy going immediately.
Rather I would argue we try for a GE to use on the GLib.
This is actually a really nice idea. I'll run an engineer in the capital and if we get that GE at 30% odds we'll have something nice to do with him!
I am not certain what tech path I am actually arguing for here, other than "Monarchy soon". If Aes yields Alpha and Monarchy in trade we would be in a great position, obviously.
True. But the risk the other AIs don't have alphabet and/or monarchy worries me.
My problem with putting Alpha > Currency off for too long is that I don't think we'll be able to build the Colossus soon enough (and grow big enough cities) to impact our short term research, so that Currency trade routes might have more immediate effects.
I think only by a little bit. Remember that monarchy will still let us grow big and coastal tiles still have 2 commerce so it's not like they're totally useless without colossus. Currency is obviously an important tech, but I think growth for working tiles and WHIPPING is more important than extra trade routes.
And I still think getting Confucianism from CoL makes pursuing that soon worthwhile.
I'm unconvinced. But I am curious where all the religions are.
Sounds like a plan. I'm reading this at 4am due to insomnia, and I have no idea what you are ultimately recommending!![]()

Firstly, I must apologise to the team. Sorry that I have not been involved more proactively.
Don't worry about. We've all been busy. In other words, I'm glad you guys have not been involved more proactively otherwise I'd feel guilty,

I haven't looked at the current save yet. Can I ask that before anything else happens, please give me a day to study it, not just because I am a high-maintenance prima-donna who thinks he knows best (I am ashamed to say that this is partially true) but because I honestly want to get back into the game.
Of course. I'm much more available then I have been. So I will move the play of the next 20 turns to tomorrow ~9:00 NYC time.
My Current Tech Path
1. Monarchy: Of the utmost importance. We can't rely on AIs having it available to trade. We need it ASAP so it must come first.
Yup, I tried to pick a number 2 and couldn't. I think I will play up to the end of Monarchy and see some things that will aid in our decision.
- Who has religions?
- Who has alphabet?