Sounds like I should play about 10-12 turns and then check in. By then, the Iron city should be settled and we might know more about the SE. Any objections to that? Also, should I switch the scientist at Orleans to a coast to cut 2 turns off the settler?
BTW, when I trade for Monarchy, should I revolt right away or wait for a GP to do a golden age? My inclination is to revolt, but I wanted to check before it came up.
I was going to raise that issue earlier, but forgot about it.
I think we need the happiness now, and our next GP is likely a GS for an academy, so I wouldn't wait for a golden age. Just remember it's far better to revolt when the settler is in transit to the Iron city site, rather than while building him or after we settle.
You would go on the marble, rather than go for the Horse/Dye location? Or 1SW of the Marble, which loses a Clam but gets the Horse and has a much higher base production?
I refused this trade offer, since the Colossus was still four turns away:
Here we go!
Trades I made after completing the Colossus:
I saw the opportunity to get Code of Laws, and took it:
I could have gotten Hunting too, but passed...
Hunting was possible here too...
I'm tempted to trade Alpha to Izzy for Monotheism and some cash, but wanted approval. Note that I can probably get Calendar with Currency next turn, which may make the Dye city more appealing.
Holding off on revolting until I check in with you guys, due to possibly whipping a city or two below...
Orleans was going to start losing hammers if I didn't go Granary next. I'm tempted to whip it out:
Just finished the Settler at Rheims, so went Warrior first:
Started a Trireme in Paris after finishing the Colossus. Can 3-pop whip it with enough overflow to get a WB on the next turn. Thoughts?
I meant to whip the previous Trireme in Lyons when it was 1 turn left, but forgot. Started another one, since it seemed prudent to get control of our seas.
Finished the WB in Tours, went Warrior but in retrospect it might be worth doing another WB or two to help get other cities up and running better. Concur?
So, I'm going to leave this game on "pause" until tomorrow night. After Aes, the plan is to do Lit. Two settlers are ready, one I'll land for the Iron city next turn. I'm planning on revolting to HR this turn, but wanted to discuss the whips before doing so. I'm trying to draw a pirate galley off using the Galley that was exploring over by Liz. I've got the new Trireme heading SE to see what is down there. The Galley that is dropping off the Iron settler can go get the other one after doing the drop.
I'm tempted to trade Alpha to Izzy for Monotheism and some cash, but wanted approval. Note that I can probably get Calendar with Currency next turn, which may make the Dye city more appealing.
Since almost everyone else has Alpha, the trade to Izzy sounds like a good idea. As much as for the cash as Monotheism. Nice job building up our cash reserves, BTW. Those overseas trade routes are already paying off, as well.
Will Joao give you Calendar & cash for MC? That would maintain our Currency monopoly. Hopefully we can get Construction in trade too (once Cathy loses her monopoly).
Orleans was going to start losing hammers if I didn't go Granary next. I'm tempted to whip it out:
I tend to avoid the 3 pop whip if possible. However, getting the WB the turn after would allow us to work a 5f3c tile to recover the pop. I think that might be worth it.
We should consider building Moai here soon, I think. maybe after a warrior for MP duty?
I meant to whip the previous Trireme in Lyons when it was 1 turn left, but forgot. Started another one, since it seemed prudent to get control of our seas.
Finished the WB in Tours, went Warrior but in retrospect it might be worth doing another WB or two to help get other cities up and running better. Concur?
So, I'm going to leave this game on "pause" until tomorrow night. After Aes, the plan is to do Lit. Two settlers are ready, one I'll land for the Iron city next turn. I'm planning on revolting to HR this turn, but wanted to discuss the whips before doing so. I'm trying to draw a pirate galley off using the Galley that was exploring over by Liz. I've got the new Trireme heading SE to see what is down there. The Galley that is dropping off the Iron settler can go get the other one after doing the drop.
I am for the whips then revolt, but optimal whipping is not my strong point, so I might wait for another opinion. Is the worker on the galley with the settler heading to Iron city?
Very nice trades! With Maths & CoL, we can tech CS.
I agree with Trystero in that the Alpha trade is a good one. Also, agreed about WB's needing to be a priority, as long as we have enough triremes to defend them.
@Trystero: I dropped off the worker this turn, but couldn't unload the settler on the same turn he loaded (I thought you could when you loaded directly in a town?). Next turn I'll drop the settler off and move the worker on to the iron and start a road, though after 1 turn of building it I'll switch to mining since the town will get built the next turn.
I was also figuring I might be able to use MC to get Calendar, after waiting a turn (since this turn I traded for the prereqs). I'll do the Alpha trade to Izzy, and keep an eye on whether I can get anything from Cathy for MC down the road.
It's morning here, and I've got some work to do today so it's about 9 hours until I can play on.
I'm stuck on where to put the other settler. Here are some screenies:
The East doesn't seem to have much to offer atm, though I did find Joao:
The West has a ton of less that optimal city locations, though I think the White location (on the Dye, getting the Horse, Rice, and other Dye) is the strongest location even if it does make any other city on the island lame.
I'm going to delay settling another turn or two while I explore over that way with a Trireme.
Hmm, nothing. Got another decision to make: Go for Music for the Great Artist and a Golden Age, or CS? I'm going to pause while I wait for feedback, and plan on finishing in a couple of hours.
Are we going to shoot for the Great Lib? Grab the marble in that case.
EDIT: We could settle on the marble for max speed of setup, and use another city to get the horses. We can use the clams then if we settle on the marble.
Turn 167, 95 BC: Napoleon has completed The Colossus!
Turn 168, 80 BC: You have discovered Code of Laws!
Turn 168, 80 BC: You have discovered Mathematics!
Turn 168, 80 BC: You have discovered Monarchy!
Turn 168, 80 BC: You have discovered Monotheism!
Turn 168, 80 BC: The revolution has begun!!!
Turn 168, 80 BC: Napoleon adopts Hereditary Rule!
Turn 168, 80 BC: The anarchy is over! Your government is re-established.
Turn 169, 65 BC: You have discovered Calendar!
Turn 170, 50 BC: Marseilles has been founded.
Turn 171, 35 BC: You have discovered Aesthetics!
Turn 175, 25 AD: You have discovered Literature!
Turn 177, 55 AD: You have trained a Trireme in Lyons. Work has now begun on a Trireme.
Turn 177, 55 AD: You have trained a Work Boat in Tours. Work has now begun on a Warrior.
Turn 177, 55 AD: Isabella adopts Hereditary Rule!
Turn 178, 70 AD: Paris can hurry Library for 3? with 50? overflow and +1? for 40 turns.
Turn 178, 70 AD: Rabbi Akiva (Great Prophet) has been born in London (Victoria)!
Turn 179, 85 AD: Lyons can hurry Trireme for 2? with 40? overflow and +1? for 28 turns.
Turn 179, 85 AD: Joao II will trade Silk
Turn 179, 85 AD: Joao II won't trade Horse
Turn 179, 85 AD: Chartres has been founded.
Turn 180, 100 AD: End turn set
Turn 180, 100 AD: Paris will become unhealthy on the next turn.
Turn 180, 100 AD: Orleans can hurry Worker for 1? with 7? overflow and +1? for 19 turns.
Turn 180, 100 AD: Willem van Oranje will trade Theology
Turn 180, 100 AD: Isabella won't trade Wheat
Turn 180, 100 AD: End turn set
Turn 180, 100 AD: Paris will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
I can't find the BUFFY Log. I don't have a lot of time to post now, so I'll see if I can figure out what went wrong with my log path later.
Made the trade for Monotheism:
and Calendar:
I really didn't want to give up Currency so fast, so I didn't:
Researched some techs:
and then went for Music next.
Here's the empire:
Current foreign relations:
Current technology race:
I don't see much value in trading for Theology at this point, when we don't have a religion yet.
Most of the tech tree:
I started Moai, realized the plan was Library and Monument first, switched to Library, and now that I think about it realize that it would be a good opportunity to use whip overflow into Moai while we get the Marble hooked up for doing the GL.
Not the best place to be building the worker, but it can mine the hill S of Lyons, while our Galley picks up the worker from xxxx and hauls it down to Chartres.
Working on what I anticipate will be the last Trireme from Lyons for a while. I have one stationed S of xxxx, one near Chartres, one near Tours, so this will make #4.
I figure its time to start running scientists as the population here increases, especially with the work boats going out.
Pumping work boats for other cities, this one is for Marseilles.
Once the hill is mined, the worker will be free to relocate to help Chartres out. The Galley should arrive by then. I went with the Monument as the fastest way to get a border pop for the other Clam, plus the happiness is nice.
Just settled, also went Monument to hook up the Fish.
I do think we need to get a city settled for the Marble soon, since it would be very nice to get the GL. Anyway, that's all for now.
I was about to mention the lack of activity. I think ParadigmShifter is up next. (edit: I checked, yep)
I'm still here! Sorry I didn't comment on your turn set, things have been hectic this week.
Going with Music for the GA (and trade bait), and then CS seems like a good idea to me. And we should definitely settle the marble site if we are going to build the GLib soon (I think we might want Moai in Paris first).
I'll have time to take a closer look at the save tonight, and will provide more informed opinions shortly.
edit: Also, judging by the SGOTM progress page, we are not really behind other teams in our progress. I am definitely interested in continuing with whoever remains involved.
The "busy" bug seems to have bitten many of us this spring. The reason I mentioned it is because we're on Epic speed for this one, which means it'll probably take more turn sets to complete than the last game (or longer ones). We're more like 25% through, where we would be over a third through a normal game (in turns). With the later turn sets taking longer to play, running out of time seems a real danger.
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