SGOTM 13 - T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't

Yes - I think Ragnar is Willem's worst enemy.

We should also consider moving the swordsman from Lyons to Avignon (marble city). Willem's stack could easily capture that city if he chose to do so.
Ragnar looks a bit beliggerant, maybe we could bribe him?

I looked at the save again. We stopped trading with Ragnar, so he won't even talk with us. And no one else is interested in war with the treacherous Dutch boy.

No matter. We'll have maces and cats shortly. We'll re-capture Chartres, march on Amsterdam, and stick Willy's head in a dike.

"There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch."
"Easy peesy, lemon squeezy."

Oh and if I'm close to being due (don't think I am I believe it's Benginal) skip me if it's before Sunday as I'm OOP until then.

Actually its Alaman is up with Benginal on deck
Sorry for my absence. I've been studying for tests and whatnot. (well no whatnot, I've just been studying).

Willem is kind of a jerk. I think we'll only lose Chartres though as the AI remains pretty inept.

I'll be available for lots of civ obsession starting on the afternoon of the 11th. (one week left!). In the meantime it looks like you guys have it under control.

... I wonder if we'll see another extension. The other teams don't seem to be going much faster than us. (they are all higher up though, :lol:)

I've also updated the first post to reflect the batting order changes.
Yeah, those tolerant dutch, they are bastards! :lol: We did need a first target, and he has nicely identified himself.

Alright then, this is a got it.

I will post a plan later today for comment.
Yeah, those tolerant dutch, they are bastards! :lol: We did need a first target, and he has nicely identified himself.

Exactly. Nothing like a little adversity to focus the mind. The Dutch appear to have fairly substantial islands under their control. Taking his lands would put us in a much better position.

And one reason that Ragnar might be reluctant to declare war on Willem is that the Vikings have only 1 city.

A couple of things I didn't mention:

The worker at Lyons finished the workshop this turn and is free to move, as is the galley at Paris.

We have a galley on the other side of the world that I was using to explore Portuguese territory, I don't think there is any map left that it can uncover, so you're probably best recalling it for transport duty.
OK, here is the plan.

Switch Marseilles from Forge to Lighthouse.
Switch from Machinery to Construction 1 turn before we research it. (Axes cost half the hammers to build, and we have an enourmous amount of revenue to upgrade them).
Build 10 Axes, at least, in cities with barracks, plus a 4-5 galleys and Cats in cities without barracks.
Finish Machinery, upgrade, romp.

Build Cats & Macemen for most of the rest of the game.
I am fine with the tech switch.

Can't we grow Marseilles and whip the forge?

I am amazed that we are # 1 in production. Granted we are in a GA, and most of that is Paris, but still... most of our other cities stink hammer-wise.

What is your plan for the GP?
Marseilles is 17 turns from a forge IIRC, but a lighthouse will take 6. All of its food is coming from the ocean, so we will be in a much better position to whip the forge once we have the extra food coming in.

No real plan for GP yet. I'm tempted just to hang onto him until we get another GP, for a GA.
The Dutch got Maces before we did, Chartres had 2 maces and a bunch of spears only a few turns after I started. So... I took peace with Willem for cash and prepared to invade Ragnar.

The invasion went reasonably well, we have his best 2 cities, including the Hindu holy city, plus another I should have razed. No shrine, but we still have our GP. A switch to Hindu could be good, after the shrine is built. (assuming thats what we do)

Sold/traded Lit around and then Music. Paris is almost finished building HE.

We might want to take peace with Ragnar, to let us regroup.

edit: Workers are sleeping, as galleys were busy with troops, but we can move them around a bit now. Especially to work the horses.

Spoiler :










Peace offering:
Spoiler :


Spoiler :







Spoiler :
Turn 210, 550 AD: You have discovered Construction!

Turn 211, 565 AD: Ibn Battuta (Great Merchant) has been born in a far away land!

Turn 214, 610 AD: Victoria has completed Shwedagon Paya!
Turn 214, 610 AD: Francis Bacon (Great Scientist) has been born in Guimar�es (Joao II)!

Turn 215, 625 AD: Victoria adopts Free Religion!

Turn 217, 655 AD: Tsongkhapa (Great Prophet) has been born in London (Victoria)!
Turn 217, 655 AD: Willem van Oranje adopts Bureaucracy!

Turn 218, 670 AD: Hinduism has spread in Tours.
Turn 218, 670 AD: Catherine adopts Bureaucracy!
Turn 218, 670 AD: Ragnar adopts Hereditary Rule!

Turn 219, 685 AD: You have discovered Machinery!

Turn 220, 700 AD: Xi Ling Shi (Great Scientist) has been born in St. Petersburg (Catherine)!

Turn 222, 730 AD: The borders of Tours have expanded!
Turn 222, 730 AD: The borders of Avignon have expanded!
Turn 222, 730 AD: Joao II adopts Bureaucracy!

Turn 223, 745 AD: The borders of Lyons have expanded!

Turn 224, 760 AD: You have declared war on Ragnar!
Turn 224, 760 AD: The borders of Rheims have expanded!
Turn 224, 760 AD: Ragnar's Catapult (5.00) vs Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (8.00)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Combat Odds: 15.1%
Turn 224, 760 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 15 (40/100HP)
Turn 224, 760 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 15 (25/100HP)

Turn 225, 775 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) (2.00) vs Ragnar's Galley (1.42)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Combat Odds: 88.1%
Turn 225, 775 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 225, 775 AD: (Class Attack: -50%)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 225, 775 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Galley!

Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) (8.00) vs Ragnar's Archer (6.03)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Combat Odds: 73.3%
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Plot Defense: +26%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Archer!
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) (8.00) vs Ragnar's Swordsman (6.96)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Combat Odds: 70.6%
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Plot Defense: +26%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Combat: -50%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: (Combat: +25%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Swordsman!
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) (8.00) vs Ragnar's Catapult (4.16)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Combat Odds: 99.0%
Turn 226, 790 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 27 (73/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 27 (46/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 27 (19/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 14 (86/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Catapult!
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Swordsman 1 (Lyons) (6.00) vs Ragnar's Catapult (2.27)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Combat Odds: 99.9%
Turn 226, 790 AD: (City Attack: -10%)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 26 (24/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Swordsman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 26 (0/100HP)
Turn 226, 790 AD: Napoleon's Swordsman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Catapult!
Turn 226, 790 AD: You have captured Nidaros!!!

Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult (5.00) vs Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) (7.44)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Combat Odds: 27.1%
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 16 (77/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 16 (61/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 16 (45/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Catapult!
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot (4.80) vs Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (6.08)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Combat Odds: 36.0%
Turn 227, 805 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 16 (60/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 16 (44/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Ragnar's Chariot is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 227, 805 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Chariot!

Turn 228, 820 AD: You have made peace with Willem van Oranje!
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) (5.00) vs Ragnar's War Elephant (8.80)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Combat Odds: 12.2%
Turn 228, 820 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 26 (74/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 15 (40/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 26 (48/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 15 (25/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 26 (22/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) (5.00) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (6.55)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Combat Odds: 48.3%
Turn 228, 820 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 17 (74/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 17 (57/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 17 (40/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 228, 820 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer has defeated Napoleon's Catapult 3 (Lyons)!

Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) (8.80) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (5.34)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 96.0%
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) is hit for 16 (52/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (57/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) is hit for 16 (36/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (33/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (9/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Horse Archer!
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) (2.02) vs Ragnar's Galley (1.53)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 77.9%
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Class Attack: -50%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 17 (75/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 17 (58/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 17 (41/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 17 (24/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) is hit for 17 (7/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 2 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Galley!
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (7.36) vs Ragnar's Catapult (5.00)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 82.7%
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 16 (76/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Catapult is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Catapult!
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (7.04) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (2.88)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 99.7%
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (16/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Horse Archer!
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) (7.52) vs Ragnar's War Elephant (2.20)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 99.9%
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 23 (2/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 16 (78/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's War Elephant is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's War Elephant!
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer (7.20) vs Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) (7.81)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Combat Odds: 32.9%
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: (Fortify: +5%)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 18 (75/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 18 (57/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 18 (39/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 229, 835 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Horse Archer!

Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) (2.00) vs Ragnar's Galley (1.42)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Combat Odds: 88.1%
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Class Attack: -50%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Galley is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Galley!
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (8.00) vs Ragnar's Archer (4.20)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Combat Odds: 98.5%
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Fortify: +10%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 14 (86/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 27 (73/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 27 (46/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 27 (19/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 14 (72/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Archer!
Turn 231, 860 AD: Robert E. Lee (Great General) has been born in Paris (Napoleon)!
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) (8.00) vs Ragnar's Swordsman (4.80)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Combat Odds: 96.2%
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: (Combat: -50%)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Ragnar's Swordsman is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 231, 860 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Swordsman!
Turn 231, 860 AD: You have captured Sigtuna!!!

Turn 233, 880 AD: Paris can hurry Heroic Epic for 4? with 46? overflow and +1? for 30 turns.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Tours has grown to size 6.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Marseilles has grown to size 6.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Nidaros has become happy.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Sigtuna will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Victoria has 100 gold available for trade.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Willem van Oranje has 110 gold available for trade.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Willem van Oranje has 6 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Your Catapult 1 (Paris) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 56%!
Turn 233, 880 AD: Your Catapult 4 (Orleans) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 52%!
Turn 233, 880 AD: Your Catapult 5 (Rheims) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 49%!
Turn 233, 880 AD: Your Catapult 6 (Rheims) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 45%!
Turn 233, 880 AD: Paris will grow to size 11 on the next turn.
Turn 233, 880 AD: Orleans will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 233, 880 AD: You have discovered Paper!
Turn 233, 880 AD: Isabella has founded Salamanca in a distant land.

Turn 234, 890 AD: Paris has grown to size 11.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Orleans has grown to size 7.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Rheims will become unhappy on the next turn.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Nidaros can hurry Monument for 1? with 6? overflow and +1? for 28 turns.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Sigtuna has been pacified.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar has 150 gold available for trade.
Turn 234, 890 AD: Victoria will trade Cow
Turn 234, 890 AD: Will Trade Map: Ragnar, Victoria, Willem van Oranje
Turn 234, 890 AD: You have discovered Theology!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Catapult 6 (Rheims) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 42%!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Catapult 5 (Rheims) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 38%!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Catapult 4 (Orleans) has reduced the defenses of Uppsala to 34%!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris) (5.00) vs Ragnar's Axeman (8.95)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Combat Odds: 11.7%
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Plot Defense: +34%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Catapult 1 (Paris) has caused collateral damage! (2 Units)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris) is hit for 26 (74/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris) is hit for 26 (48/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris) is hit for 26 (22/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 15 (40/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris) is hit for 26 (0/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult 1 (Paris)!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Catapult 1 (Paris) has died trying to attack a Axeman!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (7.92) vs Ragnar's Archer (4.74)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Combat Odds: 94.9%
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Plot Defense: +34%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 16 (83/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 24 (62/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 24 (38/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 24 (14/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Archer is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) has defeated Ragnar's Archer!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Maceman 1 (Paris) has destroyed a Archer!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) (6.64) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (4.32)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Combat Odds: 90.7%
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (65/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (68/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (53/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (38/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (23/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (40/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (8/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (15/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris) is hit for 15 (0/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer has defeated Napoleon's Maceman 2 (Paris)!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Maceman 2 (Paris) has died trying to attack a Horse Archer!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (7.44) vs Ragnar's Axeman (2.68)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Combat Odds: 99.9%
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Plot Defense: +34%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Combat: -50%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: (Combat: +50%)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 25 (15/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Ragnar's Axeman is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 234, 890 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Axeman!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Your Maceman 1 (Lyons) has destroyed a Axeman!
Turn 234, 890 AD: Rheims will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 234, 890 AD: You have discovered Compass!

Turn 235, 900 AD: Lyons will become unhealthy on the next turn.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Rheims has grown to size 7.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Rheims has become unhappy.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Marseilles can hurry Maceman for 1? with 16? overflow and +1? for 50 turns.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Victoria has 70 gold available for trade.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Willem van Oranje will trade Optics
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (7.44) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (0.72)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 235, 900 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 235, 900 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 32 (0/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Ragnar's Horse Archer!
Turn 235, 900 AD: Your Maceman 1 (Lyons) has destroyed a Horse Archer!
Turn 235, 900 AD: You have captured Uppsala!!!
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) (5.00) vs Ragnar's Horse Archer (7.20)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Combat Odds: 28.8%
Turn 235, 900 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Your Catapult 2 (Tours) has caused collateral damage! (3 Units)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 16 (52/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer is hit for 16 (36/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours) is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 235, 900 AD: Ragnar's Horse Archer has defeated Napoleon's Catapult 2 (Tours)!
Turn 235, 900 AD: Your Catapult 2 (Tours) has died trying to attack a Horse Archer!
Turn 235, 900 AD: Lyons will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 235, 900 AD: Avignon will grow to size 3 on the next turn.
Wow! That was quick! (I must have misread the number of cities Ragnar had. :blush:) And, yay, we nabbed another capital. Nidaros won't be a half-bad production site.

I agree with getting peace (no Hunting though) and regrouping. If we capture the remaining Viking cities on the bigger island the Vikings share with the Dutch, we can then move straight to Willem's cities, and leave the Vikings their smaller island cities.
Yeah, Nidaros & Uppsala will both be very good cities.

Peace is sensible, at least until we have a few more troops on the island. Settling another city to get fur & crabs would also be a decent idea.

I sailed around and positioned our galleys so I could land 4 maces & 4 cats next to his capital the turn we declared. It all turned out very well, and we have only lost 1 mace, plus the suicide cats of course.

I believe that Joao will win the Lib race, as he has Paper & Philo already. I would be tempted from this point to beeline steel.

edit: we are 60% likely to get a GS in Paris in 4 turns. I would part bulb Education. Probably our only chance to win the Lib race. Also, we can't see Ragnars new capital (we captured the last 2), so there is at least 3 cities worth taking. We definitely need peace to regroup.
Whover is next will have to remeber to whip something in Uppsala the turn it comes out of revolt, otherwise it will start shrinking. Once HE is finished, build nothing but troops in Paris.
I believe that Joao will win the Lib race, as he has Paper & Philo already. I would be tempted from this point to beeline steel.

Joao doesn't have Philosophy, Willem does, and he doesn't have Paper. :goodjob:

edit: we are 60% likely to get a GS in Paris in 4 turns. I would part bulb Education. Probably our only chance to win the Lib race. Also, we can't see Ragnars new capital (we captured the last 2), so there is at least 3 cities worth taking. We definitely need peace to regroup.
Whover is next will have to remeber to whip something in Uppsala the turn it comes out of revolt, otherwise it will start shrinking. Once HE is finished, build nothing but troops in Paris.

I was going to recommend an Academy in Paris, but bulbing Edu makes sense. We can get another GS soon after by running scientists in Orleans. Were you thinking it's better to get Nationalism and draft, or try for Astronomy from Liberalism? (We'd need Optics)
Joao doesn't have Philosophy, Willem does, and he doesn't have Paper. :goodjob:

Oops! :blush:

I was going to recommend an Academy in Paris, but bulbing Edu makes sense. We can get another GS soon after by running scientists in Orleans. Were you thinking it's better to get Nationalism and draft, or try for Astronomy from Liberalism? (We'd need Optics)

Good question. Astro will take away our Colossus advantage, and does not seem to be essential, so I would hesitate to get it.

It all depends on the progress of the AI. It seems I was mistaken about where the others were up to, ideally we could take Chemistry, or even Steel. This assumes we can tech or trade for Engineering after Education-Gunpowder.

The tech situation of the AI means we probably will need Cannon or Cavalry to conquer much more. Cannon is easier to get.

We probably won't want to draft anything until we get Rifles.
I'd forgotten Astro obsoletes the Colossus, so yeah, I'd agree we skip that for now. Beelining to get Chemistry or Steel from Liberalism sounds like the best plan. I don't have the save open, but a couple of AI's have Engineering, I think.

We get shrine income even if Hinduism isn't our state religion, correct? We are likely to capture more Hindu cities. We should probably build the shrine.
I don't have the save open, but a couple of AI's have Engineering, I think.

Yeah, at least 1 does. I can't remember how many do though.

We get shrine income even if Hinduism isn't our state religion, correct? We are likely to capture more Hindu cities. We should probably build the shrine.

Yes thats correct. Also, the shrine will hopefully spread it to our other cities, meaning a switch and maybe Theocracy could be rather beneficial.
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