SGOTM 13 - T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't

Honestly, at that point, capturing the two viking cities on the landmass and razing the two others on the southern island is as perilous as sorting my sock drawer and as time consuming as picking your nose.
We would stop the yearning, and avoid any possible maritime backstabbing : they have iron on that island.
I just realized that we're going to have problems with protecting our navy. Everyone except Izzy and Ragnar already have Astronomy and will therefore have galleons. Our galleys will stand no chance against the Galleons and I'm worried we'll land our initial invasion force and then never be able to bring back-up as we'll have no method of transporting troops.

I think that leads me to a quick deceleration against Izzy and a finishing off of Ragnar. While we tech gundpowder, chemistry (which we trade for astro with Victoria?) and then steel. In the meantime I can build up some longbowmen and put some walls and castles in Bjorgvin as that's where I think Willem is most likely to attack.

It also looks like Catherine is going to DoW us. This isn't good. We need some tech rate. Courthouses and universities along with a Forbidden Palace and an Oxford seem like good ideas. Longbowman and Muskets for defense are also probably wise.

D'oh! Yes, that would be an issue. Well, multiple issues...

I'll try to look at the save later today, but that sounds like a reasonable plan.
I think we can work around it, and unload a mass of troops on Willelm, establish a foothold, then sue for peace while the galleys are hiding, then ferry more troops.

Or, we could trade astronomy (Cathy was offering it, with a lot of cash) and with the leftover money, we probably could upgrade all the galleys at once. When we finish our beeline, we will have picked up chemistry on the way, and hence, frigates.
But Astronomy will hurt the Colossus.

I'm more in favor of still using our galleys, with a little back and forth.

How do you know Catherine will declare on us ? I suck at reading the AI's intention and wouldn't mind a lesson. My usual approach to diplomacy consist in assuming they're all here to get me, and accordingly to get them first.
I think we can work around it, and unload a mass of troops on Willelm, establish a foothold, then sue for peace while the galleys are hiding, then ferry more troops.

Unloading a mass of troops will be hard given that we only have 6 galleys. 12 units is hardly a mass. So we could stop and build some more or we could go after Izzy and Ragnar and have the ability to go back and forth a few times.

How do you know Catherine will declare on us ? I suck at reading the AI's intention and wouldn't mind a lesson. My usual approach to diplomacy consist in assuming they're all here to get me, and accordingly to get them first.

I'm just going on experience. She's got a little fist. She's not less than cautious with anybody. And we refused a demand. So she's probably after us. Ideally, she declares on Willem and we then backstab Willem and earn diplo with Cathy. But my hopes aren't high.
OK, while I don't love the idea of Astro just yet, I can see your logic, and I can't argue against it.

Delay astro until the last possible minute, as with our +1 movement, we will not be fighting with our galleons, just running away. If we have any triremes left, it might be a good idea to position them in such a way that we get a few turns notice of any fleet coming from Catherine. Otherwise a WB or 2 might serve the same purpose.
I'm ready to play this turnset I think.

The only controversial topics I see is who to declare on and tech path. I think Izzy right away is our best bet. Our 20 maces along with more trebs and cats can take her. Then I'll mop up Ragnar. I'll hope that Willem attacks our hill city on the former Viking continent. If he goes straight for our capital we're screwed, so cross fingers.

As far as tech path goes I like the idea of finishing gunpowder. And then I'll decide on either Chemistry or Astronomy depending on trade options and what happened with wars.

Other things I want to do are replace the cottages in Vikingland with farms where possible. We still only have 2 workers so I might make one or two more. I'll beg a gold a turn from Catherine and hope she accepts. (I think she's pleased with us currently). Willem is not and we're in no position to make demands.

Other than that I'll mostly build troops with some key infrastructure being whipped in when possible.

Speak now (in the next few hours) or forever hold your peace.
Sounds like a reasonable plan.

On a different topic, does anyone have any recommendations for other strategy games to play? I find that I am largely uninterested in Civ4 atm (beyond this SG) and Civ5 didn't grab me so I'm looking for alternatives. I prefer turn-based games to RTS with regard to strategy games, (big fan of Master of Orion back in the day, plus the entire civ series), old-school board gamer (AH and SSI games), and some action/RPG games (EQ/WoW, but not interested in any MMORPGs right now, liked Diablo 2, Wing Commander, and MechWarrior).
Try Fall from Heaven if hy haven't already. Otherwise Sword of the Stars might interest you as a MOO fan (it's turn-based with real time combat at tactical level).
I've tried some of the mods for Civ4, including FfH and The Ancient Med, and while I like the premise behind them they aren't grabbing me either. I think I just need to do something completely different. I put Sword of the Stars on my Steam wishlist to check it out further.
Alright. I'll play this afternoon!

As to other games. Some old, but very good games, are Fields of Battle and Panzer General. There's a bunch of remakes and later editions of both of them, but the originals are best. They're both free to download online as well. (not sure how legal the downloads are though).

Fields of battle is easier and more relaxing to play. It was one of the very first computer games like 1990 or something but is quite addictive. Panzer General is more intellectually stimulating, has tons of replay value, and is the best example of what one unit per tile games should be like.

Warning: not tested for legitness!
Fields of Battle
Panzer General

EDIT: I've also found myself playing a lot of Othello lately. I'm not good at studying for super extended periods of time. And a five minute game of othello or two was very welcome and now I can't seem to stop playing it...
You plan sounds reasonable to me as well, Benginal. Do it for Cuddy!

I will have to check out some of the recommendations for drlake, as I'm getting a little Civ burnout myself. (I'm still on the fence about Civ5, but I don't find it as engaging as Civ4. I bought Civ3 on Steam for $5, but I haven't looked at it much yet. :p). My absolute favorite, albeit non-strategy, games were the Baldur's Gate series. I have also been meaning to improve my chess.
Like all the old farts in the team, I have been playing Civ since Civ 1. CivII was CivI with better graphics and the bugs fixed, CivIII was a big change and very good, but not as well balanced as Civ4.

The big secrets to CivIII are:
- there is NO overflow - so timing your build to use every hammer is crucial.
- cities grow while building settlers/workers
- its all about REX. He who REX'es fastest wins.

I too loved Master of Orion, first edition. Have you ever played Railroad Tycoon, the original? Firaxis re-released it a few years ago, and as part of the marketing they gave away copies of the original, but with the bugs fixed! Give it a go: railroad tycoon, go to the downloads screen and there it is, all 14.2MB of it.
Have a look around the web for strategy guides.
Never tried Railroad Tycoon. I was looking at Europa Universalis earlier, since I could download a demo for the Rome and III versions from Steam. I need instructions to figure it out! Grabbed a demo for Hearts of Iron II, as well.
H'okay. So I played the round. I wouldn't call it a complete disaster. Actually I felt really good about it. But then after submitting it I looked at the other teams. I don't understand. The plastic ducks power is like WTH mate!? I don't get how they are so far ahead of us. Anyway, we're well on our way in our own game.

I wrote some notes on the round, but nothing particularly interesting or unexpected happened. Here's the log and whatnot.

Spoiler :
Here is your Session Turn Log from 1150 AD to 1355 AD:

Turn 261, 1160 AD: Hinduism has spread in Hastings.

Turn 263, 1180 AD: Islam has been founded in a distant land!

Turn 264, 1190 AD: You have declared war on Ragnar!
Turn 264, 1190 AD: Catherine has completed The Sistine Chapel!
Turn 264, 1190 AD: El Cid (Great General) has been born in Marseilles (Napoleon)!

Turn 265, 1200 AD: You have discovered Gunpowder!

Turn 266, 1210 AD: You have captured L?d?se!!!
Turn 266, 1210 AD: You have destroyed the city of L?d?se!!!
Turn 266, 1210 AD: You have captured T?nsberg!!!
Turn 266, 1210 AD: You have captured Jelling!!!

Turn 267, 1220 AD: Hinduism has spread in Avignon.

Turn 268, 1230 AD: You have captured Roskilde!!!
Turn 268, 1230 AD: The Viking Civilization has been destroyed!!!
Turn 268, 1230 AD: You have discovered Guilds!
Turn 268, 1230 AD: Tycho Brahe (Great Scientist) has been born in Seville (Isabella)!

Turn 269, 1240 AD: Victoria has completed The Hagia Sophia!

Turn 271, 1255 AD: The borders of Tours have expanded!
Turn 271, 1255 AD: Victoria adopts Bureaucracy!

Turn 272, 1260 AD: You have discovered Chemistry!
Turn 272, 1260 AD: You have trained a Galley in Orleans. Work has now begun on a Maceman.
Turn 272, 1260 AD: The borders of Birka have expanded!
Turn 272, 1260 AD: Catherine has completed University of Sankore!
Turn 272, 1260 AD: Anthony van Diemen (Great Merchant) has been born in Amsterdam (Willem van Oranje)!

Turn 273, 1265 AD: You have discovered Astronomy!
Turn 273, 1265 AD: Enrico Fermi (Great Scientist) has been born in Rotterdam (Willem van Oranje)!

Turn 274, 1270 AD: You have declared war on Isabella!
Turn 274, 1270 AD: John Honeyman (Great Spy) has been born in Lisbon (Joao II)!
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley (2.40) vs Napoleon's Galley 1 (Paris) (2.20)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Combat Odds: 67.6%
Turn 274, 1270 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Napoleon's Galley 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella's Galley is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Napoleon's Galley 1 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Galley!
Turn 274, 1270 AD: Isabella adopts Slavery!

Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (9.00)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 1.8%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +75%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -100%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims) is hit for 29 (71/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (61/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims) is hit for 29 (42/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims) is hit for 29 (13/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims) is hit for 29 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Trebuchet 4 (Rheims)!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (8.00)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 6.0%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -100%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka) is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 14 (78/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka) is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 14 (64/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka) is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka) is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Trebuchet 6 (Birka)!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.52)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 83.4%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (44/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (24/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Maceman 3 (Paris)!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.30)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 91.7%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +75%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.04)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 82.6%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (63/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (42/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (21/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Paris) (9.60) vs Isabella's Horse Archer (4.37)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 99.8%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Paris) is hit for 14 (86/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Paris) is hit for 14 (72/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 28 (56/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 28 (28/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Horse Archer!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.24)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Combat Odds: 98.6%
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 275, 1275 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: You have captured Madrid!!!
Turn 275, 1275 AD: The borders of Marseilles have expanded!

Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) (6.00) vs Isabella's Catapult (5.00)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Combat Odds: 78.3%
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 276, 1280 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) has defeated Isabella's Catapult!

Turn 277, 1285 AD: You have constructed a Walls in Jelling. Work has now begun on a Lighthouse.

Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (13.20)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 0.4%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims) (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (13.20)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 0.4%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims) is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims) is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims) is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims) is hit for 31 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult 9 (Rheims)!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans) (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (13.20)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 0.4%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans) is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans) is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans) is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans) is hit for 31 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult 11 (Orleans)!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (13.20)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 0.4%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 12 (88/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 31 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (7.65)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 46.1%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 19 (69/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 19 (50/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 19 (31/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris)!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (5.56)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 85.7%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (43/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (22/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (1/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.33)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 84.5%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +5%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (44/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (24/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (4/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 7 (Marseilles) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.25)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 99.5%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Hills Defense: +45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (10/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Trebuchet (2.75)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Trebuchet is hit for 32 (68/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Trebuchet is hit for 32 (36/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Trebuchet is hit for 32 (4/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Trebuchet is hit for 32 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Trebuchet!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: You have captured Toledo!!!
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Caravel (3.30) vs Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) (2.40)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Combat Odds: 79.7%
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons) is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 278, 1290 AD: Isabella's Caravel has defeated Napoleon's Trireme 5 (Lyons)!

Turn 279, 1295 AD: You have constructed a Courthouse in Rheims. Work has now begun on a Grocer.
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Willem van Oranje has completed Angkor Wat!
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Isabella's Caravel (3.30) vs Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) (2.20)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Combat Odds: 90.1%
Turn 279, 1295 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours) is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 279, 1295 AD: Isabella's Caravel has defeated Napoleon's Galley 11 (Tours)!

Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.30)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Combat Odds: 70.9%
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (78/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (56/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (34/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (12/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.30)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Combat Odds: 70.9%
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (78/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (56/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (34/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (12/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Catapult (4.54)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Combat Odds: 96.8%
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 26 (74/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 26 (48/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 26 (22/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 26 (0/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 280, 1300 AD: You have captured Barcelona!!!
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Giovanni de Medici (Great Merchant) has been born in Paris (Napoleon)!
Turn 280, 1300 AD: You have trained a Trebuchet in Nidaros. Work has now begun on Forbidden Palace.
Turn 280, 1300 AD: You have trained a Trebuchet in Uppsala. Work has now begun on a War Elephant.
Turn 280, 1300 AD: You have trained a Trebuchet in Haithabu. Work has now begun on a Pikeman.
Turn 280, 1300 AD: You have trained a Trebuchet in Birka. Work has now begun on a Forge.
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel (3.30) vs Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) (2.20)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Combat Odds: 90.1%
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (52/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (36/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (20/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 16 (4/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans) is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 280, 1300 AD: Isabella's Caravel has defeated Napoleon's Galley 9 (Orleans)!

Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (10.50)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Combat Odds: 2.3%
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 13 (61/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Oliver Cromwell (Great General) has been born in Seville (Isabella)!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult (5.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (7.09)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Combat Odds: 23.8%
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 24 (76/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 24 (52/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 24 (28/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 24 (4/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Catapult is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Catapult!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (7.09)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Combat Odds: 64.0%
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Attack: -20%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (71/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (51/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (31/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (11/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.43)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Combat Odds: 69.1%
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (37/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (19/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (1/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans) is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Maceman 9 (Orleans)!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (0.07)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Defense: +70%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: You have captured Cordoba!!!
Turn 281, 1305 AD: You have constructed a Library in Lyons. Work has now begun on a Grocer.
Turn 281, 1305 AD: Marseilles celebrates "We Love the Monarch Day"!!!
Log continued:

Spoiler :
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 1 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Caravel (3.60)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Combat Odds: 99.7%
Turn 282, 1310 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 1 (Paris) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 1 (Paris) is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 1 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Caravel!
Turn 282, 1310 AD: You have constructed a Grocer in Orleans. Work has now begun on a Maceman.
Turn 282, 1310 AD: You have trained a Galleon in Tours. Work has now begun on a Grocer.
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Marseilles celebrates "We Love the Monarch Day"!!!
Turn 282, 1310 AD: You have constructed a Granary in Roskilde. Work has now begun on a Courthouse.
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Joao II adopts Mercantilism!
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Willem van Oranje adopts Free Market!
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Catapult (5.00) vs Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) (6.00)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Combat Odds: 29.3%
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Napoleon's Crossbowman 1 (Rheims) is hit for 18 (28/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 282, 1310 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 21 (37/100HP)

Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 2 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Caravel (3.60)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Combat Odds: 99.7%
Turn 283, 1315 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 2 (Paris) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 2 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Caravel!
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (7.04) vs Isabella's Catapult (2.03)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 283, 1315 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (74/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 27 (10/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 283, 1315 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!

Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 2 (Paris) (7.65) vs Isabella's Caravel (3.60)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Combat Odds: 98.4%
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Plot Defense: +10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 29 (71/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 29 (42/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 29 (13/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Caravel is hit for 29 (0/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Frigate 2 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Caravel!
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (8.70)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Combat Odds: 56.9%
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (40/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (20/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (0/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 6 (Lyons) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (7.50)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Combat Odds: 66.2%
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (6.96) vs Isabella's Catapult (3.03)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Combat Odds: 98.9%
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (70/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (40/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (10/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 30 (0/100HP)
Turn 284, 1320 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 284, 1320 AD: You have captured Seville!!!
Turn 284, 1320 AD: You have trained a War Elephant in Uppsala. Work has now begun on a Market.
Turn 284, 1320 AD: The borders of T?nsberg have expanded!

Turn 285, 1325 AD: The borders of Jelling have expanded!

Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.00)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Combat Odds: 73.6%
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (66/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (49/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (77/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (32/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (54/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (15/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (0/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Maceman!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Archer (3.75)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Combat Odds: 99.1%
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Archer!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.21)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Combat Odds: 96.7%
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Plot Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Hills Defense: +25%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 17 (83/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (31/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (8/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Horse Archer (4.80)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Combat Odds: 96.2%
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Horse Archer!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Horse Archer (4.80)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Combat Odds: 96.2%
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (Extra Combat: +20%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Isabella's Horse Archer is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Horse Archer!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: You have captured Zaragoza!!!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: The borders of Roskilde have expanded!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: The borders of Madrid have expanded!
Turn 286, 1330 AD: Hinduism has spread in London.

Turn 287, 1335 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.60)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Combat Odds: 68.1%
Turn 287, 1335 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (78/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (56/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (34/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (12/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 22 (0/100HP)
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 287, 1335 AD: Nidaros celebrates "We Love the Monarch Day"!!!

Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (6.96) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.00)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 95.6%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (73/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (73/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (46/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (59/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (45/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (31/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (17/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (3/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (19/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Maceman!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (7.28) vs Isabella's Catapult (2.85)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 99.5%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 31 (69/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 12 (79/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 12 (67/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 31 (38/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 31 (7/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 31 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (6.80) vs Isabella's Catapult (3.44)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 96.6%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 13 (72/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 13 (59/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 13 (46/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Robert E. Lee (Maceman) (9.60) vs Isabella's Archer (4.50)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 99.1%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (Extra Combat: -20%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Robert E. Lee (Maceman) is hit for 13 (87/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (72/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Robert E. Lee (Maceman) is hit for 13 (74/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (44/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (16/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 28 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Robert E. Lee (Maceman) has defeated Isabella's Archer!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.80)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 94.8%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) (7.84) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.80)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 94.6%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 15 (83/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 15 (68/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) is hit for 15 (53/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 25 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Lyons) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) (7.21) vs Isabella's Catapult (2.85)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Combat Odds: 99.3%
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) is hit for 12 (70/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (68/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (36/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (4/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (0/100HP)
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 4 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: You have captured Salamanca!!!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Nidaros celebrates "We Love the Monarch Day"!!!
Turn 288, 1340 AD: Foshaug the Deceiver (Great Spy) has been born in St. Petersburg (Catherine)!

you guessed it. here's some more

Spoiler :
Turn 289, 1345 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Sigtuna!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Rheims has grown to size 8.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Rheims can hurry Frigate for 2? with 5? overflow and +1? for 112 turns.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Haithabu has grown to size 8.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Barcelona can hurry Longbowman for 2? with 18? overflow and +1? for 28 turns.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Zaragoza has been pacified.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Catherine has 270 gold available for trade.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Joao II has 100 gold available for trade.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Willem van Oranje has 440 gold available for trade.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: The borders of Barcelona are about to expand.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Frigate 1 (Paris) has reduced the defenses of Murcia to 4%!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 14 (Birka) has reduced the defenses of Murcia to 0%!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.61)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 34.8%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -100%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) has caused collateral damage! (2 Units)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) is hit for 21 (79/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) is hit for 21 (58/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) is hit for 21 (37/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) is hit for 21 (16/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu)!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 13 (Haithabu) has died trying to attack a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 8 (Paris) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.23)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 79.9%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -120%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 8 (Paris) has caused collateral damage! (1 Unit)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (71/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (50/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 8 (Paris) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 8 (Paris) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (29/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 8 (Paris) has withdrawn from combat with a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.36)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 87.6%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -100%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (64/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (44/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Bernard Montgomery (Great General) has been born in Rheims (Napoleon)!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 11 (Nidaros) has withdrawn from combat with a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) (4.00) vs Isabella's Catapult (2.50)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 98.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -100%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (85/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (70/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (55/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (40/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 25 (75/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 25 (50/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (25/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (10/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 25 (25/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) is hit for 15 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Catapult has defeated Napoleon's Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala)!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 12 (Uppsala) has died trying to attack a Catapult!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (2.62)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (19/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 8 (Tours) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (2.25)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 8 (Tours) is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 8 (Tours) is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (2/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 23 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 8 (Tours) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman 8 (Tours) has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (6.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (1.57)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (5.84) vs Isabella's Longbowman (2.71)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 97.9%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +45%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 14 (59/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (32/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (5/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (5.36) vs Isabella's Archer (2.40)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 96.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +50%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 32 (68/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 32 (36/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 32 (4/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Archer is hit for 32 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Archer!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Archer!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: You have captured Valencia!!!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Catapult has destroyed a Worker!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: You have captured a Worker
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.75)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 72.7%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -120%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 3 (Paris) has caused collateral damage! (2 Units)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (81/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (62/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (80/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (43/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (24/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 20 (60/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (5/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris) is hit for 19 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman has defeated Napoleon's Trebuchet 3 (Paris)!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 3 (Paris) has died trying to attack a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 7 (Paris) (4.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (3.23)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 79.9%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -120%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 7 (Paris) has caused collateral damage! (1 Unit)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (71/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 7 (Paris) is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (50/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 7 (Paris) is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (29/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Trebuchet 7 (Paris) is hit for 18 (46/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Trebuchet 7 (Paris) has withdrawn from combat with a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (6.30)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 89.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (63/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (42/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 18 (82/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 18 (64/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (21/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 21 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) (8.00) vs Isabella's Longbowman (4.14)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 98.6%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Extra Combat: +10%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Attack: -45%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 16 (84/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (36/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 16 (68/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) is hit for 16 (52/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (12/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 24 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 1 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman 1 (Paris) has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) (8.80) vs Isabella's Longbowman (1.87)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Extra Combat: -10%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Fortify: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (City Defense: +25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: (Combat: -25%)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella's Longbowman is hit for 27 (0/100HP)
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Napoleon's Maceman 5 (Paris) has defeated Isabella's Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Your Maceman 5 (Paris) has destroyed a Longbowman!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: You have captured a Worker
Turn 289, 1345 AD: You have captured Santiago!!!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Orleans will grow to size 8 on the next turn.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Birka will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Roskilde will grow to size 2 on the next turn.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: The borders of Barcelona have expanded!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Catherine's Golden Age has begun!!!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Johannes Kepler (Great Scientist) has been born in Moscow (Catherine)!
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Judaism has spread in Leiden.
Turn 289, 1345 AD: Isabella adopts Caste System!

Turn 290, 1350 AD: The enemy has been spotted near Sigtuna!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Paris can hurry Frigate for 1? with 49? overflow, 15? added to the treasury, and +1? for 15 turns.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Orleans has grown to size 8.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Nidaros can hurry Barracks for 1? with 14? overflow and +1? for 47 turns.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Birka has grown to size 9.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Bj?rgvin can hurry Walls for 1? with 1? overflow and +1? for 15 turns.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Roskilde has grown to size 2.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Cordoba can hurry Granary for 2? with 7? overflow and +1? for 28 turns.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Victoria has 260 gold available for trade.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Catherine has 5 gold per turn available for trade.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Napoleon's Maceman (8.00) vs Isabella's Catapult (2.45)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Combat Odds: 100.0%
Turn 290, 1350 AD: (City Attack: -75%)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: (Combat: +10%)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 12 (88/100HP)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (49/100HP)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (17/100HP)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Napoleon's Maceman is hit for 12 (76/100HP)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Isabella's Catapult is hit for 32 (0/100HP)
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Napoleon's Maceman has defeated Isabella's Catapult!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Your Maceman has destroyed a Catapult!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: You have captured Murcia!!!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: The Spanish Civilization has been destroyed!!!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Tours will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Uppsala will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: T?nsberg will grow to size 6 on the next turn.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Madrid will shrink to size 8 on the next turn.
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Catherine adopts Caste System!
Turn 290, 1350 AD: Catherine adopts Free Religion!

Turn 291, 1355 AD: Paris has become happy.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Tours has grown to size 9.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Uppsala has grown to size 7.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Uppsala can hurry Market for 3? with 7? overflow and +1? for 25 turns.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: T?nsberg has grown to size 6.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Madrid has become happy.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Seville will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Valencia will be pacified on the next turn.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Joao II has 120 gold available for trade.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: has no worst enemy.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Nidaros will grow to size 7 on the next turn.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Haithabu will grow to size 9 on the next turn.
Turn 291, 1355 AD: Barcelona will grow to size 6 on the next turn.

So yeah you can read that if you want. In the end I captured a few cities and lost limited number of troops.

I apologize for not writing a better report here, but I just spent 4 hours playing 29 turns and my brain is a little :nuke:.

Here's some pictures:









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