Thats a good point Benginal,
To explain the reasoning behind the super-siege. There are 2 options:
Attacking Siege
If we promote it to have barrage III and City Raider II, it will have: +100% collateral, +10% melee & gunpowder, and +50% extra to attack cities.
It will be very effective against everything until Rifles, and it will help decimate all of the other defenders at the same time.
Bombarding Siege
If we promote it to have CR I and Accuracy III, it can almost singlehandedly remove the cultural defenses of cities at 36% bombard per turn.
Our most experienced siege weapons are 2 trebs with 4/4. I can't remember exactly the promotion levels (2, 5, 10, 17, 26?), but as Napoleon we get a discount(2, 4, 8, 14, 22 ??). We should be able to get a treb or cat to level 5.
Me personally, I would probably pick the bombarding siege, as it is not at risk of dying and will survive much longer, not tp mention that it will save the lives of many units.... but the attacking siege is always fun to play with.