SGOTM6 - Team barbslinger


GOTM Staff
Jan 24, 2003
SGOTM6 - Celts. Team barbslinger.

Welcome to your team thread for SGOTM06. I hope you enjoy the game.


Map Parameters
Playable Civ - Celts
World size - 100 wide by 130 high.
Difficulty Emperor (approximately)
Landform Contiguous Pangea

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This Months' sponsored variant is Cultural Celtic Communists the rules for which are as follows.

1. The only allowed governments are despotism and communism.
2. You must win by 100K victory condition.

Your save has been uploaded to the server and will become available to you on the 7th February.
I am present. I wonder what that water is (fresh/salt, connected to the ocean?). I also wonder how difficult it will be to irrigate the cow.

Some insightful discussion regarding fast 100k victories has occurred in the HOF forum. It would be good to read that. Some of it is hidden in the HOF w/o threads thread.

It looks like three settler factories could be set up (assuming the cow is irrigatible, all 4-turn).
The cow tile may not be getting irrigated depending on the terrain, i.e. a red herring, but we know for sure that the wheat and game tile can be. As the saying goes, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. My suggested opening move would be settler 2NW. Start a temple. Worker 2 west to chop the game. At 15 shields, the chop would get the temple in real quick. Then it's a matter of irrigating the game and wheat for our 4-turn settler factory. If by chance the settler on his first move NW spots another food source, the second move can be adjusted accordingly.
Good to have you with us, chunkymonkey. Now that I'm here, I do have to disappear for about 48 hours on business. Will be back on Tuesday night, but will try to post comments.
I agree with M60s plan. It seems to be the most sensible based on what we can see, and since this game is basically going to be about whichever team can pump out settlers at a faster rate, we should make sure we have the most powerful tiles at our disposal right from the off. The only two downsides I can see are the two turns to settle, and moving away from coast, xcept this is pangea, so that shouldn't pose a problem. The only suggestion I'd make to to move the worker W before the settler moves, this way we can uncover the two blank squares before the final decision is made.

I'm glad we're considering the temple first approach, i imagine we'll wanting to be doing this in every newly built/acquired city.

Anybody got any ideas as to city spacing? I suggest using close to ICS, since our most important builds are going to be early game (temple, library, swordsmen) and they are not shield heavy. Obviously we can vary this once we know locations of AI, resources etc...

Also, research path? We can try to do the philosophy slingshot to literature for the libraries, since we won't be needing republic (maybe only as a powerful trading tool). We should also try to locate iron as soon as possible.

Just to note, i hardly use Communism, and i tend to go straight into republic as soon as i research it, so i'm not akin to pop-rushing. Somebody's going to have to fill me in on the basic mechanics, advantages, disadvantages etc...

Can't think of anything else that's jumping out at me right now, so i'll go have my sunday evening whisky! :)
I agree with having very tight spacing.

Another question is whether we should build the Temple of Artemis, or just pop-rush temples in new cities. The advantage of the latter approach is that the culture will double. The advantage of the former approach is that we could build other stuff faster. I'd lean towards pop-rushing temples, since they'll stay after education.
Just had a thought... what if the game cannot be irrigated directly, it looks like there is forest to NE,NW, an N of it. In this case it will take us longer to get optimum output, than if we went and irrigated the wheat first thing, which we know we can do.

However, the 10 shield boost would be nice. Anybody know if the shields do actually come to the city even though the forest would ot be in our radius?

Regarding ToA, i think it is only worth building if we are considering stopping research completely before Education, and just ICS with temples, library, and cathedral. Otherwise, we should just pop-rush temples, they are extremely cheap. Capturing the ToA on the other hand... :mischief:
change of mind
since we're going at least close to ICS, we may settle on spot, go for a quick settler and settle our 2nd city on the planned spot. i think rapid expansion is more important then early temples, but with the cheap temples we should be able to build some in between settlers. however, we should grab as much land as possible as early as possible, so i vote for early granary in our settler pump.
The reason I would not settle on the spot is that it will probably not give us a superior growth curve. We will need another city to take advantage of the wheat and game. The move 2NW allows us to take advantage as soon as we get border expansion of Entremont on turn 7.
Thanks for the email Tim. I'm here and reporting. I am flying to Minnesota on business tomorrow AM and will be back Saturday so I can not start the game. I will monitor the thread on the road though.
I can't play until Thursday/Friday either. I don't mind doing it, but we should probably get this rolling sooner rather than later.

Have we settled on a strategy?

Settler 2 NW. Worker chops game, roads, irrigates... (chopping other forests if necessary to irrigate but remember to time for efficient shield use). With the irrigated game, we have 5fpt, so we can concentrate on mining those BGs.

Initial builds - Temple, Warrior, Settler? (optimised of course)
Research path? - straight to literature at max? or republic for trading?
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