Shallow? Racist?

I try to judge people by their actions and not their words.

That said, it does depend on context. If the remark is made in jest to a close friend then that is one thing, but if the remark reflects deeply held beliefs, or if it is made in a crowded bar, then that is another thing altogether.

Why is the comment being made at all? Is it a joke because you would have to be stupid to believe it?

People sometimes use this type of remark to define themselves as part of a group ('aren't we cool'), at the expense of others ('aren't they uncool'). That type of exclusion is racist, or sexist, but the person may not really hold those beliefs. In that case I would say that they are supporting racism or sexism, and validating people who truly hold those beliefs, for their own benefit and would hold them in very low esteem.
Satire and irony are not necessarily racist. Read Mark Twain for examples of that. However if you hear a racist joke and think "Hee hee, it's funny because it's true" then there is a creeping racism inherent in the joke and your understanding of it. A shallow or racist person would leave it at that, but a more enlightened person will go the extra step to understand why it is perceived as true and why it is actually absurd.
I have noticed that you can make sexist remarks and not be considered sexist if you are being sarcastic and obviously don't mean it. I have also heard a lot of people make racist jokes or comments only to mock those who actually think that way.
I'm not shallow; my comments on such matters are quite sophisticated. :ack: :yeah:
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