Since alot of people made posts about race, I'll play along:
Students applied to the State University of Rio de Janeiro* and took the admission test.
1958 - The students who scored the most get accepted. The people who corrected the tests don't even know the name of the students who made it, much less how tehy looks like, what is the color of their skin, where they studied or how rich they are. The students that were not approved can apply again next year, or try one of the many other universities avaiable.
2008 - Prior to applying, every student will have to declare his race and income level. There is a 50% quota for blacks/mulattos, and parts of that quota are also reserved for poor people or people who went to public schools. If you declare to be black but the university wise men feel suspicious, you are to be examined by a board of specialists (Mengele disciples?) that will pseudo-scientifically determine your race. Some even suggest that "liers" be prosecuted. Instead of the best students being admitted, it is now frequent for people to be admitted who scored less than half of others that were not, just because of the color of their skin. Even though the Constitution exciplitly forbids racial discrimination.
As you can see, racism did not decrease everywhere since 1958.
*The same is true for many other universities accross the country, state and federal.