Hello! I have civ 3, and I hear alot of things about SMAC that seem really cool, but will I be dissapointed? Should I buy or not?
Originally posted by Ohwell
Hello! I have civ 3, and I hear alot of things about SMAC that seem really cool, but will I be dissapointed? Should I buy or not?
Originally posted by MummyMan
I wouldn't consider buying Alien Crossfire. If they took it of the market it must suck.
You're talking about things you don't know right.Originally posted by MummyMan
I wouldn't consider buying Alien Crossfire. If they took it of the market it must suck.
SMAC(X) still is able to buy (if you look at the right distributors)Originally posted by Joben
You are overestimating the inteligence of the conssuming public.
Sadly its more often about recognized licences and pretty box art than actual quality.
Is SMACX totaly new awsome stuff different from SMAC? no not realy but its an expansion pack. It suposed to just add some good stuff; in that respect it succeds well.