• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Should I get founders or deluxe editions?

Ugh I hate different launch editions. I haven't preordered yet because I still can't figure out which one to get. I don't need the early access because I promised a friend we would play our first game together, and he is only getting the standard edition, but I would like the personas. It's a lot of money for pretty limited additional content though, and presumably they will eventually be available to everyone. All very irritating if you ask me!
Ugh I hate different launch editions. I haven't preordered yet because I still can't figure out which one to get. I don't need the early access because I promised a friend we would play our first game together, and he is only getting the standard edition, but I would like the personas. It's a lot of money for pretty limited additional content though, and presumably they will eventually be available to everyone. All very irritating if you ask me!
If it does help out my dude, the more expensive versions do come with additional DLC down the line. If you're going to get them anyways, then it seems to be a no brainer to get the pricy stuff.
Ugh I hate different launch editions. I haven't preordered yet because I still can't figure out which one to get. I don't need the early access because I promised a friend we would play our first game together, and he is only getting the standard edition, but I would like the personas. It's a lot of money for pretty limited additional content though, and presumably they will eventually be available to everyone. All very irritating if you ask me!

Maybe preorder standard and wait a bit to see if you want to buy the upgrade packs after launch? Or to refund standard and change to one of the other version if you make your mind before release.
If it does help out my dude, the more expensive versions do come with additional DLC down the line. If you're going to get them anyways, then it seems to be a no brainer to get the pricy stuff.
True... I will definitely get the DLC eventually, (provided I actually like the game of course :D), but at least I know that will be available separately, it's the personas that are a bit of a mystery to me.
True... I will definitely get the DLC eventually, (provided I actually like the game of course :D), but at least I know that will be available separately, it's the personas that are a bit of a mystery to me.
Personally, I think of personas as a whole other leader who just happens to not be able to be in the same game as one other leader :dunno::)
I'm thinking of pre-ordering the deluxe to get everything possible in one packet instead of buying the dlcs later which might cost more on the amount of time given.
True... I will definitely get the DLC eventually, (provided I actually like the game of course :D), but at least I know that will be available separately, it's the personas that are a bit of a mystery to me.
For Civ VI, the savings for each DLC that was intended to come with the Deluxe bundle or whatever they called it was only like $1 less per DLC, with the first four DLC packs included. IIRC, it happened that because of a foreign pricing error, they retroactively added access to the Nubia and Khmer/Indonesia as part of the Deluxe edition, which made it actually a very good deal. I imagine Firaxis won't make that mistake again, but you never know. Assume for now that the piecemeal DLC will be about the same price as the base game bundles.
I broke my usual policy of not pre-ordering games, and ordered the Deluxe edition, but that decision was influenced by several factors:

1. I could afford it thanks to a windfall this month

2. I have a group of friends who also love 4X games and plan to play the game with me or are at least interested, and having that advance access means I can potentially stream or record gameplay for those still on the fence about it so they can get my perspective on it when making a decision.

3. Even though I'm not sure if this will end up being my favorite civ game, I reasonably expect to enjoy enough to want the DLC, so having the first round of DLC included is fine by me. Civ 6 was probably my least favorite civ and I still enjoyed it enough to purchase nearly all the DLC for it without regrets.
True... I will definitely get the DLC eventually, (provided I actually like the game of course :D), but at least I know that will be available separately, it's the personas that are a bit of a mystery to me.
Aye, that's fair. On my end, it's the dosh. If I have the money to spare, oh you bet. I'm going to buy the 200 dollar version haha. Shame about the rising prices of games nowadays. Though I suppose we're lucky it's only a 10 bucks increase when inflation as a whole has been insane.
I got Deluxe. Later, when it's more clear what is in the next DLC, I will probably buy it also. But my Christmas present covered Deluxe, so that's what I pre-ordered.
Bumping this to see if OP or anyone has changed their stance now that we know exactly is contained in the deluxe DLC. We still don't know pricing for the DLC separately, so we still can't accurately determine value, but we can make a reasonable estimate.
Bumping this to see if OP or anyone has changed their stance now that we know exactly is contained in the deluxe DLC. We still don't know pricing for the DLC separately, so we still can't accurately determine value, but we can make a reasonable estimate.
I am indeed tempted to upgrade. But I can't play until the proper launch week anyway so wouldn't benefit from early access.
Any news on the 2 personas each in the deluxe and founders content packs, and if that’s something you won’t be able to get without upgrading?
Any news on the 2 personas each in the deluxe and founders content packs, and if that’s something you won’t be able to get without upgrading?
The road map suggests that CotW is either a single purchase or two at most. It doesn‘t look like the civs or leaders can be purchased individually. I would assume the same is true for the personas: buy the deluxe package if you want them. But, of course, this is still speculation and not officially confirmed.
Any news on the 2 personas each in the deluxe and founders content packs, and if that’s something you won’t be able to get without upgrading?
Unfortunately the editions comparison isn't exactly clear on that, but i would assume they won't be available separately, at least not for some time. They might release them at a later point, as part of some "game of the year" edition, or maybe when they release the "complete" edition.

What is unclear to me is which personas exactly come with which edition
We know those will be personas for Ashoka, Friedrish, Himiko and Xerxes. For Himiko i think it's the High Shaman persona, while Queen of Wa will be the base game persona, but what about the other 3? Do we know for sure which one is base game and which one is DLC? Also do we know who comes with the Deluxe edition and who's limited to Founder's edition?

Note that it doesn't really matter to me as i have already pre-ordered the Founder's edition but it would be good to know for those who are still on the fence.
Unfortunately the editions comparison isn't exactly clear on that, but i would assume they won't be available separately, at least not for some time. They might release them at a later point, as part of some "game of the year" edition, or maybe when they release the "complete" edition.

What is unclear to me is which personas exactly come with which edition
We know those will be personas for Ashoka, Friedrish, Himiko and Xerxes. For Himiko i think it's the High Shaman persona, while Queen of Wa will be the base game persona, but what about the other 3? Do we know for sure which one is base game and which one is DLC? Also do we know who comes with the Deluxe edition and who's limited to Founder's edition?

Note that it doesn't really matter to me as i have already pre-ordered the Founder's edition but it would be good to know for those who are still on the fence.
Himiko High Shaman - Founders
Ashoka World Conqueror - Founders
Xerxes The Achaemenid - Deluxe
Friedrich Baroque - Deluxe
Do we know for sure which one is base game and which one is DLC? Also do we know who comes with the Deluxe edition and who's limited to Founder's edition?
Yes, their respective game guide on the official website clearly states which one is "base game" and which one is "persona", with the mandatory asterisk to inform of how to get it.
Any news on the 2 personas each in the deluxe and founders content packs, and if that’s something you won’t be able to get without upgrading?

For what it's worth, the Xbox store has each persona listed as an individual DLC. I imagine if they were deluxe/founder exclusive, they would be listed as deluxe/founder "persona packs", as with the deluxe and founder "cosmetic packs".
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