Should India be Agricultural, and not religious ?


Aug 26, 2001
Mountain View, California, USA
The thread title says it all . I'm an Indian , and I think the agricultural trait is waaayyyy more important to India than the Religious one . Hell , we depend a lot on agriculture even now , and the religion thing , IMHO , is slightly misplaced . India never had any organised religion , everything was completely dependent of geography .
Maybe it should be agricultural and relgious. What is the current trait other than religious? Don't people stop in the streets for cows that are holy to Hindu beliefs? Throughout the nations history, there have been fights between the Muslim (now separated into Pakistan) and the Hindus.
I think India is in many ways still one of the most religious places.
India should be acricultural/religious.

Celts could then be commercial/ religious. They were very commercial, trading stuff between Rome and german tribes. They also made lots of art, pottery and weapons that they sold.
Originally posted by Inhalaattori
I think India is in many ways still one of the most religious places.
India should be acricultural/religious.

Celts could then be commercial/ religious. They were very commercial, trading stuff between Rome and german tribes. They also made lots of art, pottery and weapons that they sold.
YES! Apsolutly! I was kind of disapointment couse I was expected that change for India 100%. But they didn't change it that way as I heard.
Originally posted by Yoda Power
I think Rel Agri would be most realistic for India.

I'm with you, ofcourse!

Also for China I think Agr. combined with Mil. or Ind. but again I'm not creator of this game.

btw YP have nice ski-holyday :D
Well , no , people don't stop for cows on the streets . Religion here is not as important as commerce . The colonial powers were attracted here because of the huge wealth trade and commerce had concentrated here . Religion is rather peripheral compared to the commerce we hold to be more important . And this sterotype of India as a religious centre is very old and very wrong . We were one of the earliest known traders in the world , starting with trade in about the time of the Indus valley civilisation . They even had trade links as far as Rome , later on . Artificial docks were constructed in Lothal by the Indus valley people - one of the oldest known .
Celts could then be commercial/ religious. They were very commercial, trading stuff between Rome and german tribes. They also made lots of art, pottery and weapons that they sold.

nah, that'd suck. The Celts should always be Militaristic. And this Agricultural trait sounds cool....
Aneeshm, right on!

The restayous all clearly don't know you're history- India is highly commercial throughout history. Why do you think the Brits, and other Imperial nations colonized the dang place. TRADE GOODS to bring back to their markets. Though, truthfully, this is the commercialism of OTHER nations, it could be argued that India could have taken control of this trait themselves better since they were historically positioned to be great middlemen throughout a lot of history.

India was the birthplace of Buddhism and Hinduism, two of the world's major religions. How could India possibly NOT be a religious civ????

No offense, but when scores of people routinely 'bathe' in a filthy river because of religious significance, it tells me they must be pretty religious.

BTW, I made China Agricultural and Scientific.
Originally posted by Mojotronica

I think that China should be Argicultural and either Scientific or Industrious.

While the Chinese have contributed little to scientific community in last few centuries, they were fairly advanced until the European boom. That was my basis, anyway.
Originally posted by thestonesfan

While the Chinese have contributed little to scientific community in last few centuries, they were fairly advanced until the European boom. That was my basis, anyway.

Makes sense to me.
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