Should ships be BOMBARD only?


Dec 7, 2003
Colorado USA
The idea of ships attacking each other the way land units attack each other seems...not right.
Warships are pretty much floating artillery platforms, right? Would it not make more sense to give ships 0 attack and lethal sea bombardment?

So not every naval engagement would be deadly, which I like.
But you would have to wait for your turn to return fire, which I don't like.

Has anyone tried this in their mods?
That would be true on only modern battleships.
Modern ships have bombard
Ancient ships don't.

that would lead to an interesting situation; ancient sea vessels could capture easily the enemy battleships... :lol:

I think the attack method for ships is quite fine. Plus they have that bombard ability too.. :p
You could give them normal defense and a very small attack factor (ram speed).
warpstorm--that was my line of thought--if you must force a decisive confrontation, you would do so at a disadvantage. With the current system, it pays to attack almost every chance you get.
With Galleys, I rarely attack (I usually fortify and hope they attack me).

I have thought about this before, giving ships Lethal Sea Bombard, and minimal attack (while the Galley would only have attack and defense, no bombard). I think it would be great if you could have a list of units that you can kill with bombard (like you have a Stealth attack list) so Frigates can't kill Ironclad ships.
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