Since the American government is undertaking a broad program of re-segregation, as well as some of our “greatest hits” from the past (maybe the Comstock Act!), I would like to ask the following question:
Should Trump bring back the Fugitive Slave Act?
Now, before any of our CivFanatics gallant moralists get up in arms about the very idea, may I direct you to DeSoto County, Mississippi? A forward looking (by looking back) district attorney has proposed a new state law:
You can find the rest of the article here:
Since my previous question (the invasion of two peaceful, sovereign nations) went so well, I figure it’s time for a new one. Obviously, this is just a state law, one that hasn’t even passed yet. But is this something the new administration should pursue at a federal level? Would you yourself become a bounty hunter in an effort to send people to their deaths? Is this is libertarian policy? A Christian policy? A constitutional policy? Let me know!
Should Trump bring back the Fugitive Slave Act?
Now, before any of our CivFanatics gallant moralists get up in arms about the very idea, may I direct you to DeSoto County, Mississippi? A forward looking (by looking back) district attorney has proposed a new state law:
HERNANDO, Miss — DeSoto County District Attorney Matthew Barton announced a proposed bill that will allow certified bounty hunters in identifying and reporting undocumented immigrants.
The Mississippi Illegal Alien Certified Bounty Hunter Program (House Bill 1484), authored by Mississippi Representative Justin Keen from DeSoto County is aimed at addressing and expediting the deportation of undocumented immigrants in line with the Trump Administration's immigration policies, according to a press release from the DeSoto County District Attorney’s Office.
The bill would offer a $1000 reward to registered bounty hunters for every successful deportation they assist in completing.
You can find the rest of the article here:
Since my previous question (the invasion of two peaceful, sovereign nations) went so well, I figure it’s time for a new one. Obviously, this is just a state law, one that hasn’t even passed yet. But is this something the new administration should pursue at a federal level? Would you yourself become a bounty hunter in an effort to send people to their deaths? Is this is libertarian policy? A Christian policy? A constitutional policy? Let me know!