Should the US Invade Greenland (Denmark) & Panama

Currently US American support in case of invasion is far from sure.

It has not gone unnoticed that all of your allies of recent decades have been thrown under the bus one by one.

You are known as unreliable ally, albeit still a strong one.
What do you mean by thrown under the bus?
there are those who will justify stronger forms of Goverment once the war can be ended with even some more Ukranians under the ground . Merely making the facade of Trump being unstable and whatnot .
there are those who will justify stronger forms of Goverment once the war can be ended with even some more Ukranians under the ground . Merely making the facade of Trump being unstable and whatnot .
America so far has supported Ukraine far more than any other country. Trump wants to change that but for 3 years straight you couldn't possibly say we didn't help. But secondly and more importantly, Ukraine is not in NATO so article 5 dosen';t apply to the situation.
America so far has supported Ukraine far more than any other country. Trump wants to change that but for 3 years straight you couldn't possibly say we didn't help. But secondly and more importantly, Ukraine is not in NATO so article 5 dosen';t apply to the situation.
Well you started with help, then changed your mind and left Ukraine without ammo for 6 months while your congress debated futilities, causing their front in Donbas to collapse.

Something similar happened in Iraq where you invaded much against everyones advice, destroyed the country, left it in pieces and then withdrew, leaving the Kurds to hang this time.

And who can forget your shameful flight from Afghanistan, leaving all your Afghan collaborators to be murdered by the Taliban.

We could go further back in time, but the point is clear, you are worthless allies. All brawn, no stamina. As they say, trust comes on foot and leaves on horseback.
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Neither the governments in Afghanistan nor Ukraine were in NATO so article 5 doesn't apply. For America to have succeeded in Afghanistan they would have had to spend a lot more which they didn't to. Personally I wish we got the job done but most people here disagreed with me when I discussed it before on this site. If it wasn't for US involvement Ukraine would have fell quickly, the only reason they're still in the fight is because of our help. Biden and congress have supplied Ukraine with quite a bit. Even if Russia technically wins their losses - both in lives and military equipment and economic penalties have made the victory nowhere near worth the cost.
If it was not for US involvement NATO would not expanded East as it did, it was your presidents search for willing accomplices to invade Iraq that drove the expansion, are you old enough to remember Old Europe and the Freedom Fries ?

It could also be pointed out that the only NATO member to have ever invoked article 5 was precisely the US, for a simple terrorist attack, imagine that.
the entire Iraq invasion thing , as soon as the oil contracts were secured and nothing ever happens to oil contracts , was leaving the Kurds as the only viable Western allies on the ground so that the attacks to come on some NATO country can be justified . The front in Donbass was broken down by the Russians . They become tougher as they get defeated and whatnot . The Ukraine thing started with the Western approval that they would betray Ukraine in the end , perpetually unable to kick out the Western hordes of locusts to descend once the fighting stops . The Europeans have had no issues in being the vassals of the US . All the betrayals and whatnot .
Cnada and Denmark fought over an island with whiskey and akvavit. Is the US going to bring Trump vodka?
As non American, are Trump and Musk serious about invade Panama, Greenland & UK or is just a smoke screen to hide something?
I wonder if the politic and military stamens would consent on such insane ideas or Trump would rather be murdered or something. I really hope there is indeed a deep state run by pros behind the idiot the idiot people has chosen.
“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
As non American, are Trump and Musk serious about invade Panama, Greenland & UK or is just a smoke screen to hide something?
trump and Musk are very serious about being given something that resembles a conquest . They will need it politically because they have unleashed passions . Not all passions are good . They will discover riding tigers is a 24/7 job and it only gets worse . Also ignore the Leftist stuff because them Trump and Musk are not antisemites that can be shut down by brilliant (Leftist) oratory . They are the real deal . Also ignore the Rightist stuff because assassinations are no doubt the hallmark of Communists and Putin's Keystone Cops , those imbeciles from Charlie Chaplin movies .
It's all about trade routes. Controlling Greenland and Canada add half of all Artic to US (and add influence on North Sea Way (Route) ). Add controlling Panama and why not invade Yemen? Alies can do it.
And. Pam-Pam. You control most of the seas trade route. Witch give you huge power in trade war with China (#1 Trump enemy)
Well no, the goal here is colonial possession. The US doesn't allow its territories to vote.

Import 200,000 US citizens there and Greenland is an English speaking territory of NFL fans. Indigenous people will be reduced to a minority of whiners that we will pretend to deplore the loss only after the job is done.
Also, since everyone has forgotten about the warming earth, it is assumed the ice will melt, flooding Florida and LA, but exposing untold riches in the Artic.
Greenland can become a wonderful prospering country (a green land) again when the climate change is continuing and a good place to evacuate millions of people from the big US cities of the US west- and east coast when they are flooded, because the intended climate risk by Mr. Trump for profit can turn to the bad side.

This means tripple profit for some US citizens: Profit by ignoring climate problems plus profit from new territories by access to natural resources plus profit of new "living room" for solvent US people, when their cities are disappearing under water. :think:

Edited: Crosspost with the post above.
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