I say walls would be nice, but are not a priority. I voted yes anyway though, admittedly before reading your post which says "after Newton's". Oops. Basically, if Kev thinks that walls are viable after the wonder is finished then we should build them, but if there is something else that requires building then we should go with that. It all depends on the situation really.
Please, no walls. If THDP is adequately defended, there should be little danger of AI or Barbarian attack amounting to much, esp. now that we have muskets. THDP needs trade routes and other things far more importantly than walls.
I would like to see City Walls in dukeshire though.
Plus, a redistribution of our military on the main continent. If the Zulus land another force near Hippoville, we don't have anything in range to attack them the first turn. Now that we have Railroad, some quick upgrades of roads could fix this, but until then, we should move some troops to cover that flank.
Maybe this is a discussion for the Military Advisor Thread, but as there isn't one right now, I'm posting it here.
Dukeshire needs city walls, as does Marl Downs and Dover, although I think that Dover has just had some built so we shouldn't be too concerned there. Ideally, I'd like to have a bridgehead on the Zulu continent complete with musketeers and city walls so that they can throw their troops at it, waste a ton of shields and leave our main island alone.
This is a good idea I feel, but I don't know how long it will take to implement. For starters, we don't know whereabouts Zululand is and it's a bit dodgy trying to explore with settlers on board. But something to consider in future. We will of course need to get some settlers to start laying rails and farms eventually on the mainland but should not disregard taking any great city spots we may come across. We won't have any corruption and so can take full advantage. I realise that we already have to settle Viroconium's continent and that our production will be quite stretched with wonder caravans and defenders and dips but it's something to consider for future turns.
I don't know how long ago the Mongols began Suffrage (well, the wonder they transferred to it from) but I still think we may have a chance of grabbing it, but hopefully not at the cost of Newton's. The AI rarely research Theory of Gravity until later but they may still flip to it through one having researched it and the Chinese grabbing it.
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