• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Sid Meier's Civilization - BOARDGAME coming August 2002


Jan 28, 2002
Perhaps you have already heard the story: EagleGames will release a boardgame version of Sid Meier's Civilization.

Please go to my page: http://www.wargamer.com/axisandallies
And please visit the link at the top of the page.

I started this thread about this project. Hope to have more info soon. Please post your ideas about this project here.
Do you think this is a good idea? What kind of game do you expect?

It feels like civ is to much a computergame, they have to scale down the importance of cities and such because it feels like all the mathematics of support and things will be too heavy to handle.

if all units are visible, wouldn't the advantage of a surprise attack be lost?

It sure is a cool thing to combine civ3 and a boardgame though. I mean, what other game than RISK (haven't played Axies&Allies) can keep you up all night just to play it over, and over, and over again?
Funny this is just happening now. The orginal civ was based on the board game . Not sure of the name but I was told it was very complicated. Personally risk is too time consuming don't know how anybody could play something like civ on a board.
Thanks for the news, Thrasher. :) What is this EagleGames company? Do they have a homepage?

Update: nm... found a link to EagleGames on your site...
i honestly cant wait. This seems like it'll be a bigger version of risk. And you know how good risk is. One of the best board games ever made, along side monopoly and scrabble.
The original board game was called "Civilisation". It was designed by a genius of a games designer called Francis Tresham who published it with his own company Hartland Trefoil in the UK. The game was then bought by Avalon Hill in the US who issued it and after the success of the original they added on some extra bits and brought out "Advanced Civilization". They then brought out a computer version of the boardgame under the same title.
I'm sure that the boardgame versions of Civilizatiion and Advanced Civilization are still available. It's a brilliant game. Simple mechanics (can be learned by an 8-y-o) and yet involved strategy. No dice - no random elements at all. Francis Tresham is a genius.

Tresham was also responsible for a Railroad game called 1829 about the early days of rail in the UK. Avalon Hill liked this one too and had Francis design a US version called 1830. Meier credits 1830 as the inspiration for his superb "Railroad Tycoon" game.

It's interesting to see Civ coming full circle and inspire another boardgame design. It will have to be very special to better the original which I urge you to play if you have a passing interest in boardgames.
Oh. My. God. Now I can share an experience that I enjoy by myself with my family or friends! I'm buying it.
This would be great. The randomness which makes Civ good would be gone, cities would be simplifeid, and the exploration aspect would disappear. Other than that, this makes up for an aspect the CivIII completely misses: multiplayer. Just the thought that I am matching wits with another human being is great to me. Also, isn't ot better to say that your better than another, rather than a computer?
Originally posted by seghillian

I'm sure that the boardgame versions of Civilizatiion and Advanced Civilization are still available. It's a brilliant game. Simple mechanics (can be learned by an 8-y-o) and yet involved strategy. No dice - no random elements at all. Francis Tresham is a genius.

Civilization the board game is still very available and has been for a long time. An excellent game, although we have found 7 player games take 7-10 hours to finish.

Whilst sharing the same name (Avalon Hill's Civilisation and Sid's Civ I, II & III) they are, to my mind, very different games and I have been playing both of them since the late 80s.
I can't wait for this game to come out. It sounds like a souped up version of History of the World (also by Avalon Hill), but with all the plastic pieces of Axis & Allies (btw, if you like Risk, you should try Axis & Allies Pacific or the new Risk 2210 A.D., both excellent board games).
Axis and allies is the greatest board game ever. To compare, Axis and Allies could be considered the chess version of world-war stragedy games, and Risk would be considered the checkers version. So anyone who likes Risk and has not played Axis and Allies, who wants more in-depth play and complex strategic moves should try Axis and Allies.

BTW (Axis & Allies computer version doesnt do justice to the board game, not the same feel)
I cannot find any official info on this :(.


what ? You dont believe me, its true :(

IMO, no board version can compete with the PC version.

I can imagine my self now, attacking each unit both on screen & off :crazyeyes .
Originally posted by tpasmall
Axis and allies is the greatest board game ever. To compare, Axis and Allies could be considered the chess version of world-war stragedy games, and Risk would be considered the checkers version. So anyone who likes Risk and has not played Axis and Allies, who wants more in-depth play and complex strategic moves should try Axis and Allies.

BTW (Axis & Allies computer version doesnt do justice to the board game, not the same feel)

Agree whole heartedly. Axis and Allies is a great game. Though I often play as the axis, so I usually don't win. The number of dice you roll in that game really gives you an appreciation for probability. So many of the complaints in the combat threads I have said to myself seen that been there with A&A. And yes, I would say go for the board version first. The computer AI is absolutely horrid (makes the stupidest mistakes the civ AI makes look brilliant by comparisson). I need to try the two new Axis and Allies games.

I am looking forward to this board game, should be another nice sink of many hours that I can't afford to lose. It will be different, but if done well it won't matter.
Originally posted by thrasher
Perhaps you have already heard the story: EagleGames will release a boardgame version of Sid Meier's Civilization.


I went to the Eagle Games site, and there is no mention there of doing a Civ board game. I checked all their links. I was wondering where you heard about this boardgame?
IMO, no board version can compete with the PC version.
I dont know about you Big Bird; but sitting in front of my computer until 4:00 AM isn't as much fun as getting together with my friends and having a social life. IMHO There is more to a game than good graphics and excellent game play. I have the board game and I play both. To me there is no comparison..... I prefer the board game.
How many times have I plugged this newsgroup...well here goes again...


The site links to www.days-of-infamy.com the best AApacific PBEM site and also to aaeuropemc.com the best AAeurope PBEM site...may play you there sometime!

Glen Drover is always giving us a "heads up" on EagleGames new releases in this part of the forum...see Imperialism and American Civil War threads by Glenn Drover:

About A&A: anyone here playing this game please check out my website ( http://www.wargamer.com/axisandallies ).
Any one willing to review A&A or Risk2210 (or History of the World or Shogun/SamuariSwords or Fotress America or...).

About the upcoming CIV-game. As soon as I have more info (and as soon as I am allowed to post it) I will post it on my site. Stay tuned and hope the game will be a blast!!

Originally posted by etj4Eagle
Though I often play as the axis, so I usually don't win.

You have trouble winning with the axis? I found a way as Germany to completely cripple the British navy, take half of Africa, and either 1 or 2 Russian territories, without stretching myself out. And with Japan, start with the attack on Pearl Harbor, take China, India, and If possible that Russian territory that i cant remember the name of. I kinda suck as the allies, though i have never lost with them. My record vs. my friends is 14-0. Computer is even easier.

[plasma] :sheep:
Whatever happened to Avlon Hill anyway? I used to love those games as a kid, especially Squad Leader.
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