Hello everybody
normally I refuse posting in English but I've played a game lately that might be interesting for you. Actually some members of our beloved German Webring Forum forced me to open a thread here...
I did not score many points, but I gave Sid a fight on continents.
Anyway, some of us play a type of game we call "absoluter Pazifist" which means that we do not build any military unit, only settlers, workers and scouts.
After successful games on emperor and deity level I decided to give Sid a try. My first attempt failed. Hammurabi built a space ship while I just discovered Electronics...
For my next attempt I decided to change my rules a little bit: in order to be able to get the GL I allowed myself to build military units until the switch to Republic.
1,22, Sid, no barbs, large map, continents, 60 % water, warm, wet, 5 billion years and max ai aggression and only 8 civs. Cultural Victory is not allowed and cultural linked starting location is off.
I did not use a premade map. Just took the first map that provided me a cow and a river.
Since agricultural and scientific are by far the best traits for that settings, I took the Sumerian civ for my little adventure. Sick of the ****ing colour they have I changed it to German blue.
As I noticed my rules don't fit with HoF-Rules, but hey...I don't know where to post that game either.
If you can read German just follow the link and read the original report.
Anyway here's the starting location.

normally I refuse posting in English but I've played a game lately that might be interesting for you. Actually some members of our beloved German Webring Forum forced me to open a thread here...

I did not score many points, but I gave Sid a fight on continents.

Anyway, some of us play a type of game we call "absoluter Pazifist" which means that we do not build any military unit, only settlers, workers and scouts.

After successful games on emperor and deity level I decided to give Sid a try. My first attempt failed. Hammurabi built a space ship while I just discovered Electronics...
For my next attempt I decided to change my rules a little bit: in order to be able to get the GL I allowed myself to build military units until the switch to Republic.
1,22, Sid, no barbs, large map, continents, 60 % water, warm, wet, 5 billion years and max ai aggression and only 8 civs. Cultural Victory is not allowed and cultural linked starting location is off.
I did not use a premade map. Just took the first map that provided me a cow and a river.
Since agricultural and scientific are by far the best traits for that settings, I took the Sumerian civ for my little adventure. Sick of the ****ing colour they have I changed it to German blue.

As I noticed my rules don't fit with HoF-Rules, but hey...I don't know where to post that game either.

If you can read German just follow the link and read the original report.

Anyway here's the starting location.