Silverhelm (June 3, 2006)


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal

Here's a high elf silverhelm from the warhammer fantasy. Enjoy :)

Here's some civilopedia from the games workshop website:
Many of the famed regiments of the High Elf army come from one or other of Ulthuan's provinces, but not so the Silver Helms. They are formed from the sons of our nobility, given a chance to fight the enemies of the High Elf people and possessing the means to equip themselves in all the expensive panoply of a fully armoured horseman.

In these troubled times all nobles must prepare themselves for war, and teach their sons the ways of the sword and bow as well as the finer arts such as poetry and song. It is not only the High Elf way of life that lies threatened, but their very existence.

The Silver Helms are named for their traditional tall helmets, which are polished to a mirror-like sheen and worn with gleaming white robes.

Here are the files:
High-Elf Silver helm (~990 kb)

Here are animation previews:

Attached is a civilopedia preview.


  • SilverhelmCivilop.gif
    20.8 KB · Views: 562
:eek: Looks Great aaglo. love the horse armor, nice touch...
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Looks great !!!! Like all your fans I have seen the preview in the WH discussion thread, but the anim wasn't there and it's superb !!! Just to be nit-picky I like it when the horse falls down in the death anim, but you ain't going to redo it, huh? :D
This looks fantastic, aaglo's back again!

Funny how the horse just kicks the guy off for the death.

Is wonderfull.!
It looks like some kind of cataphract (kata-tank). I think i´ll use it as that in the near future.
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