
Oct 15, 2016
Hi, I've posted this on reddit, but I want to post it here too.

Here's my idea of a simple economy system in Civilization VI.

This is just an idea, not like, that we should 100% have in game, all values are out of thin air, so there's no balance at all, but in generally, it think, that we should have some sort of Economy System in Civilization.

There's no more gold coins, each civilization has its own currency (that behaves like gold coins, but now it is influenced by Currency Value). The currency has a value that determines exchange rates with other civs (examples below). Each civilization starts with an equal currency value of 100. This value can be changed with almost any in-game action :)commerce: - currency value, :commerce: is Global, but also can have modification with specific Civilizations):

  • Each city provides 5:commerce: + :commerce: from population
  • City's Amenities level determines its output of :commerce:
Ecstatic - 2x
Happy - 1.5x
Content - 1x
Displeased - 0.75x
Unhappy - 0.5x
Unrest - 0.25x
Revolt - 0x​
  • City's Loyalty level determines its output of :commerce:
Loyal - 1.25x
Wavering - 0.75x
Disloyal - 0.25x
Unrest - -0.25x​
  • Capital outputs double :commerce:
  • Each citizen provides 1:commerce:
  • Each strategic resource provides 5:commerce: (10:commerce: against civilization that does not have this resource)
  • Each bonus resource provides 2.5:commerce: (5:commerce: against civilization that does not have this resource)
  • When you enter new World Era you get 2:commerce:
  • If you first to enter Individual Era you get 5:commerce:
  • Each World Wonder provides 5:commerce:
  • Each Natural Wonder provides 10:commerce:
  • Each Commercial Hub/Harbor (one of them) provides 2.5:commerce:
  • Each trade route provides 1:commerce: against Civilization that you have trade route to per turn
  • Friendship declaration provides 1:commerce: for both Civilizations per turn
  • Alliance provides 2:commerce: + 2:commerce: for each level of Alliance for both Civilizations per turn
  • Denouncing civilization penalize -5:commerce: Global and -10:commerce: against denounced civilization
  • Declaring Formal War penalize -20:commerce: Global (for duration of war and then 50% less for 30 turns (at standard speed)) and -35:commerce: against whom declared war
  • Surprise War -40:commerce: Global (for duration of war and then 50% less for 30 turns (at standard speed)) and -60:commerce: against whom declared war
  • Capturing City penalize -5:commerce: Global and -10:commerce: against target civilization
  • Capturing Capitol penalize -15:commerce: Global and -30:commerce: against target civilization
  • Wiping Civilization out penalize -30:commerce:
  • Participating in Emergency provides 10:commerce: for duration (winning provides permanent bonus based on place - 1st place 15:commerce:, 2nd place 10:commerce: and 3rd place 5:commerce:)
  • Participating in Competition provides 10 for duration (winning provides permanent bonus based on place - 1st place 15:commerce:, 2nd place 10:commerce: and 3rd place 5:commerce:)
  • Getting hit by disaster penalize -10:commerce: for 30 turns (at standard speed)
  • Liberating City provides 30:commerce:
  • Reviewing Civilization provides 60:commerce: and that Civilization starts using your Currency
  • Each City following your Religion provides 1:commerce: against Civilization that owns that City
  • Each Civilization following your Religion provides 5:commerce: Global and 10:commerce: against that Civilization
  • Having Cultural influence over other Civilization provides 10:commerce: Global and 10:commerce: against influenced Civilization
  • Each Suzerain City-State provides 5:commerce: against anyone who has any Envoys there
  • Each recruited Great Person provides 3:commerce:
  • Market/Lighthouse provides 1:commerce:, Bank/Shipyard 3:commerce:, Stock Exchange/Seaport 5:commerce:
  • Each National Park provides 5:commerce:
  • Each visiting tourist provides 1:commerce:
  • Civilization's :commerce: output based on the Type of Age
Dark - 0.75x
Normal - 1x
Golden - 1.25x
Heroic - 1.5x​
  • With each Turn :commerce: decreases by -0.05:commerce: (Inflation) * number of people living in Civilization
  • When :commerce: falls below 50:commerce: Civilization enters Economic Crisis: Happiness of all Citizens across all Empire is reduced by 50%, Growth rate is reduced by 50%, all yields is reduced by 50%, Loyalty is reduced by 50% (when more than half of Civilizations are in Economic Crisis this is considered World Economic Crisis and there could be some penalties for everyone) and you also could lose that way if you would do absolutely nothing about this, new type of Defeat!
  • Caught Spying penalize -2.5:commerce: Global and -5:commerce: against Civilization that caught you
  • Broken promise penalize -5:commerce: Global and -10:commerce: against Civilization to whom promise was broken
  • Etc.
Then we would, of course, have:
  • New policies to manipulate :commerce:
  • New Spies operations, e.g., in the City of other Civilization - Gain 5:commerce: against that civilization for the duration of that operation
  • Loans from other Civilizations with interest (which will influence :commerce:)
  • Depts
  • Possibility to trade (buy/sell) with City-States
  • New Competitions
  • New Emergencies
  • New World Wonders that will have interesting mechanics with :commerce:
  • New Governor or New Abilities for existing Governors to manipulate :commerce:
  • New World Congress resolution, e.g., World Currency - where your gains 2x:commerce: boost
  • New victory type - Economic, etc..
  • New Civilization and Leaders abilities, e.g., Mansa could have new addition to his ability, that also provides additional 2:commerce: per route, etc..
  • New Type of Alliance that you could have multiple at a time with many Civilizations - Economic Region (I still haven't thought of details but it could benefit those in Alliance, e.g. receive 1:commerce: per turn against other Civilization in an Alliance and -2:commerce: against all other Civilizations)
  • Etc.

Trade example:
We have a product that costs 50 and we have Civilization A and Civilization B. A sells product and B wants to purchase it.
Previously B would spent exactly 50 to purchase this product.
With the new Currency System we first look at of both Civilizations.
When :commerce: is equal for both of them B still will spend 50 for this product.
But let's say that Currency of Civilization B has more :commerce: and :commerce: of A is less. 135:commerce: vs 90:commerce:.
To see how much B must pay A to receive the product we need to do next thing:
:commerce: of seller / :commerce: of buyer * Original Price = New Price
So, with the provided example:
90 / 135 * 50 = 33
B needs to spend 33 to purchase this product.
In case when A wants to purchase this product from B with the same conditions they will need to pay
135 / 90 * 50 = 75
Trade Agreements use :commerce: at the moment when they were signed.
In case when Civilization uses your Currency (if you revived Civilization) or City-State, exchange rate is always 1:1.

So, what do you think? Any ideas? Thoughts?

Edit: Had to replace Unicodes U+1F4B9 with :commerce:
Edit 2: Typos
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The military coupled with a military engineer should add to the economy not drain it. Don't they work? Even something simple as generating culture when fortified.
Building things should increase your currency's worth and so should building units.
The military coupled with a military engineer should add to the economy not drain it. Don't they work? Even something simple as generating culture when fortified.
I didn't see where I said that they should drain it, but yes, you are right
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