Simultaneous Turns and Religion Founding


Aug 26, 2007
When two (or more) players finish researching a technology on the same turn, what determines which one gets the "first player to discover the tech" bonus, such as founding of a religion?
good question.
same question i have for building a wonder.
I once builded stonehenge. and when it was completed someone else finished it the same turn. and he got it. AArrggggg
we always play simul turns, and it does indeed seem random
i think its all random, like a dicethrow each or something, engineer wount garantee you wonder either fex
I have no source to verify, but enough reading in these forums has left me with a near-certain understanding that it goes to the Civ with the most overflow :hammers: or :science: with regards to Wonder Building, Religion Founding & Tech races, such as Liberalism or catching the Great Person that comes from it.
But I just read several times and it is always said that overflow does not decide who build/research first.
I thing that "playing" queue is determined at the start of the game and who is first in that queue takes it all...
Overflow has no effect in the event of a tie, either in single player or multiplayer games. It's just a very persistent myth. The religion (or whatever) goes to whichever civ is listed first, and hence would normally be first in the turn order. In single player, this will be the human player unless you deliberately change it. In multiplayer, even with simultaneous turns, there is always a first civ (the civ that is listed first when setting up the game) which by default will be the host.
That isn't very good or fair.

Thanks, Mr. Cyn.
That isn't very good or fair.

Thanks, Mr. Cyn.

No, it isn't. I think that is pretty stupid, frankly. Thanks for the info though.

I guess that only goes to further the notion that Civ is first and foremost designed as a single-player game.
CIV developed from board game, and thats why turns and other "non- concurrent" things...

Well, I'm not sure if that is true or not, but the point is that it wouldn't be all that difficult to put everyone on equal ground for simultaneous turns. It seems like they just went with the lazy route in this particular case.
Indeed, from now on I'm going to make sure that my games are either random-order, or (better yet) in the same order as people give me their civ selections (to encourage promptness). Though that means I'll have to go last, I suppose.
i got pentagon same turn as the host just yesterday, atleast he sayd so, but its a guy i know pretty well so think its true, anyhow, i got it, he didnt
i got pentagon same turn as the host just yesterday, atleast he sayd so, but its a guy i know pretty well so think its true, anyhow, i got it, he didnt

Were you higher up on the player order than him?
ill only host games from now on ;)

Ha. This topic played out last night and it reminded me of this thread.

My buddy who HOSTED the game was building the Oracle. With 2 turns to go, a whip and chop arrived to his Wonder-city at the same time. Effectively making it due in 1 turn.

Next turn, guess what happened? He lost the Oracle. BIG slap in our collective faces. Lost the Oracle, lost a forest and a population point in exchange for 108 :gold:. YAY!

I assumed since he hosted the game that it was a lock to get it. Nope. :crazyeye: Anyone care to help me understand the finely-tuned intricacies behind this programming logic?
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