Ok, Aphex, I'll answer the basic tennants of you question, only because the answers, thus far, make me cringe.
Your use of the term "saint" shows your lack of the basic ideas of the Christian faith. However much the term may have been (and perhaps still used by some) used in the past, it is wholly inappropriate.
There are only two types of people in the Christian faith: sinners and saved sinners. Note that those who claim to be Christians are indeed also sinners and continue to be sinners.
The basic idea of Christianity and faith in God is that "all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God." "There are none righteous, no not one." The VERY first thing all must acknowledge is that they are hopelessly in slavement to sin. Once it is acknowledged that one is indeed a sinner (note that this is THE most difficult hurdle for most people), they are on their way to knowing the true freedom of accepting God's grace and forgiveness.
Once you accept you are hopelessly a sinner, and no matter how hard you try, you will never be sinless, you accept that only God's grace can save you. Only God's perfect gift of salvation through the sacrifice of His perfect son Jesus Christ can save us from our sins. The acknowledgement that Christ is God and became God-man, died, was buried and rose again is the foundation of becoming "saved".
The true saved part is really just the major (and very humble) acknowledgement that we are hopeless creatures of sin without God and do nothing of our own to become perfect and good. For, becoming sinless is the only means by which we may have eternal fellowship with God.
So, to answer your question:
"Can a "sinner" who repents in the very last moment of his life enjoy heaven, while a "saint" who would slip at the same time would be granted the grill treatment?"
By your definition of a "saint": yes, yes, and double yes. This is so DIFFICULT for so many to understand. "How is Joe Shmoe, who is the nicest guy I've ever known and does everything for everybody, going to go to hell while Suzy Slut next door becomes "saved" at the hospital is going to heaven? I don't want to serve a God like THAT!"
God says our good works are as filthy rags. Anything can look good if you put it up against a sufficiently bad thing. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately in your eyes), the bar is not set by humans. The basis of comparison is Jesus Christ, the only one who was perfect on earth. That is who you are to compare your life to. The fact is you OR I will NEVER measure up to that bar. So we MUST accept God's gift of grace for our salvation!
Man, get it right, you all! I am so sick of seeing Christianity and the plan of salvation being perverted and twisted by all of you and those like you. It's a beautiful and simple gift, but all of you are too proud to accept it. "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
"How "evil" must one be in order to go to hell?"
It is NOT how "evil" a person is that determines who goes to hell. All are hopelessly lost in sin compared to the Glory of God. You go to hell, I go to hell, Ghandi goes to hell, Billy Graham goes to hell if we all do not acknowledge that we are all sinners and need the salvation of Jesus Christ and the Grace of God.
There, I hope that answers your questions. Flame away!