Okay...given that our newb foray into DyP resulted into a spanking of the AI before we got anywhere close to railroads, even, we are "kicking it up a notch" to Emperor.
Here are the details for Round II:
MOD/Rules: DyP v1.10 beta build #4 (expected to be released today I believe)
Difficult: Emperor
Civ: still unselected (see below)
Map: Normal, 8 civs
Everything else (barbs inc.): Random
Current players and order (we may pick up one or two more):
Quokka (lead off)
Sultan Bhargash (if he has the guts)
Chosing our civ: In the last game we played Militaristic and Religious, so for this game I want to avoid those traits and hit the four we haven't played yet. So what I would like everyone who's playing to do is rank the four remaining traits (Industrious, Scientific, Commercial, and Expansionistic) in the order that they would desire to play them. I'll accumulate the votes and pick the Civ that matches most closely. The latest version of DyP has 8 new Civs, so I will be chosing our Civ from the new ones, and also setting the opponent Civs to include the new ones as well (although I play to pull China in as a grudgematch from the last game).
I play to post the starting savegame tomorrow morning, so Quokka let us know if you can start then.
Re: my opinion on the starting civ traits, here is my ranking: (1) industrious; (2) scientific; (3) commercial; (4) expansionist.
Here are the details for Round II:
MOD/Rules: DyP v1.10 beta build #4 (expected to be released today I believe)
Difficult: Emperor
Civ: still unselected (see below)
Map: Normal, 8 civs
Everything else (barbs inc.): Random
Current players and order (we may pick up one or two more):
Quokka (lead off)
Sultan Bhargash (if he has the guts)
Chosing our civ: In the last game we played Militaristic and Religious, so for this game I want to avoid those traits and hit the four we haven't played yet. So what I would like everyone who's playing to do is rank the four remaining traits (Industrious, Scientific, Commercial, and Expansionistic) in the order that they would desire to play them. I'll accumulate the votes and pick the Civ that matches most closely. The latest version of DyP has 8 new Civs, so I will be chosing our Civ from the new ones, and also setting the opponent Civs to include the new ones as well (although I play to pull China in as a grudgematch from the last game).
I play to post the starting savegame tomorrow morning, so Quokka let us know if you can start then.
Re: my opinion on the starting civ traits, here is my ranking: (1) industrious; (2) scientific; (3) commercial; (4) expansionist.