• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Six-Months War; Take 4

Funny considering you're a Kingdom. The Netherlands hasn't been a Republic since Napoleon.
Oversight on my part. You are a Kingdom.

Welcome everyone, I'm glad to get this going! I'm looking to update sometime in the next week, so I'll make orders due this coming Monday. If that's possible.

I'm still working on the front page. If I seem to have missed anything, let me know.
I'm trying to decide between Ireland, Romania, and Saudi Arabia. Anyone got any advice?
Britain here. I would appreciate it if anyone who is supposed to be my ally or to have pre-existing relations with me would contact me. :)
Glad you came back Justo. ;)

From: Haiti
To: World, the United States of America

We firstly remain committed to proving our innocence in the attempted assassination of the Dominican President Fransisco Carvajal. With that, we'd like to highlight the United States' wanton aggression towards us, killing several dozen Haitian soldiers and civilians, in their support of the belligerent invasion of our territory.

We demand that the world take notice of the barbaric actions of the United States and the Dominican Republic, and aid us in our time of need.

OOC: About two years ago, the Dominican Republic claimed that Haitian nationalists had attempted to assassinate the Dominican President. Last year, the United States sent a naval blockade, and one of it's aircraft carriers to support the Dominicans, after the fighting between the two came to a relative standstill.

From: Remaining White Russians
To: The World

The withdrawal of your soldiers from our conflict is disheartening to say the least. While we will fight on, without your continued help, winning seems to be but a dream. We not only fear for our ideals, but our lives, and the effect that a Soviet state will have on the world. Now may be your last chance to help us, we are but few now.

OOC: Monarchist hold outs are few and far between, and mostly in Siberia. The Russian Republicans have either fallen in line with the Soviets, or found themselves in the Monarchist camps.

To: The Habsburg Monarchy
From: Ukranian, Serbian and Croatian Rebels

We will fight to the last for our freedom if need be. Your rule is as unwanted. corrupt and rotten, as it is old. Free us, or we will make you pay in blood.

To: Spain
From: Liberia

For a nation so interested in peace, the lack of control you seem to have on your settlers is disheartening. We have worked with you in resolving previous disputes, but you seem to continue to push the envelope.

OOC: Border conflicts between the increased Spanish emigrates to the new Sierra Leonine colony, and Liberia have been escalating in recent years. After a series of trials which condemned some Liberian generals, tensions between the two nations remain high.
Norway in.
I'm trying to decide between Ireland, Romania, and Saudi Arabia. Anyone got any advice?

Ireland is in an interesting position as an independent power. It has the full military support of the German Empire, and in turn provides them (and the United States) access to military ports. They have already began to involve themselves with foreign affairs, going so far as helping with the intervention in the Russian Civil War, as Liam McCourt is staunchly anti-Socialist and Communist. Of the three, Ireland probably is the best nation for a player that prefers a steady builder nation. It could become a moderate sized European power if played right, and who knows, maybe an Irish colony or two isn't too far away from existing.

Romania is surrounded by Austria-Hungary right now, who won some territory from them in the Great War. A bit of anger and tension remains from that, along with a sense of satisfaction at watching the Austrians struggle with their "ill-gotten gains". Romania has some potential, as being surrounded by defeated Bulgaria and struggling Austria-Hungry leaves it relatively alone to forge it's own path.

Saudi Arabia is surrounded by 3 powers, and is in a position to be be friendly with at least the two European powers, being Spain and Britain (the former of which has already given you some aid and money in the past.) Of the three nations, this one is in the best position to expand it's territory and power immediately.

Hope that helps. I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have.
From: Kingdom of Spain
To: Liberia

It is Liberia who is the aggressor, and not Spain. We have taken and we will continue to take whatever measures are necessary to protect our citizens in the Spanish Sierra Leone. It is the opinion of Generalissimo Estardo that "turning over the leaf" in the relationship between our nations could be possible if the Liberian military officials responsible for the wanton massacre of our colonials were turned over to Spanish justice immediately. If the Liberian government were to approve and enact such a transfer, and abide by whatever punishment Spanish courts consider appropriate, we believe this matter could be resolved.
From: Liberia
To: The Kingdom of Spain

We have already turned over officials in question, and they have already been through the Spanish court systems. We had promises from Generalissimo Estardo that the conflict between our nations has been resolved. This does not seem to be the case. We will not fall prey to Spanish expansionist tactics, and will not stand for more Spanish civilians entering our land and causing disruptions.
From: La Republique Indépendant du Québec

La Republique Indépendant du Québec is proud to reaffirm our position in this progressive and modern world. We are ready to join the proud nations of this world in putting the past few dark and terrible years FIRMLY in the past.
La Republique Indépendant du Québec has much to offer to this future, and is willing to open trade relations with the world.

Jean-Marc Bérubé
Ministère des Affair International et de la Diffusion Culturelle

From: La Republique Indépendant du Québec
To: The United States

Our Nation owes much to yours, and we wish to continue this friendship into a partnership that will last into the Future.
As such, we propose a defensive pact, wherein either party would come to the assistance of the other should another nation begin offensive actions against us.

Jean-Marc Bérubé
Ministère des Affair International et de la Diffusion Culturelle
From: Kingdom of Spain
To: Anyone Whom It May Concern
CC: Portugal

Henceforth the following is agreed upon between the Kingdom of Spain and the Republic of Portugal as the terms of the Iberian Prosperity Compact, to be adhered to by the signatories until such a time as both parties may find it necessary to disregard them. This treatise will of course hope to provide that such an unfortunate time may never arise.

1. The nations of Spain and Portugal shall agree not to go to war with one another, under the predication that any disputes which arise between the two states both will seek to rectify diplomatically and without the use of arms.

2. The nations of Spain and Portugal, while acknowledging that no status of formal alliance exists or shall exist due to this treaty between the two, shall seek to cooperate whenever and wherever possible for the mutual benefit of both nations.

3. Recognizing that no peace can ever be achieved in Iberia without the cooperation of both, Spain and Portugal agree to work now and in the future to maintain the peace and ensure the power, safety and security of each other and Iberia as a whole.

4. When and where it is agreed to be necessary, the two states will seek to correct trade protocols and trade tariffs for the mutual benefit.

Signed, Generalissimo Nicholas Estardo of Spain on behalf of the Spanish National Senate

From: Kingdom of Spain
To: Liberia

This being the case we see that once again, Liberia is the only party responsible for or interested in continuing the ongoing disputes. You will recognize and abide by the rights of our citizens both in Spanish territory and abroad, or we will take appropriate action to ensure them. Rest assured that if any further infringements upon the rights of our citizens occur, we shall avenge those injustices however we consider necessary.
To: The Spanish Kingdom
From: Liberia
CC: European Powers

Spanish citizens are free to express their rights to whatever they wish, so long as it is in Spanish territory. Causing civil disturbances in Liberian lands is not a right they are, nor should they be afforded by either the Liberian government, or the Spanish government. We are moving our army to the border region to insure the safety of our people from your trouble makers, and to keep the integrity of our border.

To: The Spanish Kingdom
From: Portugal

We can agree to these reasonable terms, and hope that the recent conflict between us is just a small hiccup in an otherwise peaceful tradition.

signed Teofilo Braga, President of Portugal

OOC: I am working on the Encyclopedia and FAQ on the front page. No real overriding them, just important things I think people should know, or understand. If you think something is missing, or have a question yourself, don't be afraid to ask.
Glad you came back Justo. ;)
To: The Habsburg Monarchy
From: Ukranian, Serbian and Croatian Rebels

We will fight to the last for our freedom if need be. Your rule is as unwanted. corrupt and rotten, as it is old. Free us, or we will make you pay in blood.
From: The Habsburg Monarchy
To: Ukranian, Serbian, and Croatian Rebels

If you will back down, I wish to negotiate. Pen and paper is very much so cheaper than blood, would you not say so?
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