• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Six-Months War; Take 4

From: Kingdom of Spain
To: Liberia
CC: Anyone Who Cares

Any movement of your soldiers to the border with our colony in Sierra Leone will be regarded by this nation as an act of rank aggression. That your army has already been willing to perpetrate slaughter and genocide against Spanish citizens in Liberia is of no condolence to us when the matter of the presence of your military near our colonial territory is concerned. Should you seek such aggression we will respond accordingly to what we can only understand as an act of warfare.
The Andes checking in. I need to read the rules before answering diplo. And it is time to celebrate for a bit anyway.
To: Haiti, the Dominican Republic
From: The United States of America

You committed a hostile act against a foreign power by attempting the assassination of the Dominican President. You have shown that your government does not belong in the community of nations.

Thus, we will not stop until your government is removed and the people of Haiti has leadership capable of conducting itself in international affairs.

To: La Republique Indépendant du Québec
From: The United States of America

We too welcome and wish to continue the traditional friendship between the nations of Quebec and the Union.

As such we welcome such a defensive agreement between our nations.

To: The World
From: The United States of America

We reaffirm the treaty of Jinan, which signs the alliance between China, Germany, and the Union, as well as the Treaty of San Clemente.

The Kingdom of Italy believes that all people should have the right to self-determination whether it be Croat, Serbian, Ukrainian, or even Italian. Although we believe the right to self-determination, we must also stress that we believe violent revolution is not the way to achieve independence, and autonomy. Rather we believe peaceful referendums are the true way towards continued peace in the Balkans, an extremely unstable area in Europe.
So for these reasons we ask that our ally, and friend, The Austro-Hungarian Empire holds binding, Empire-wide referendums on independence in Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, and also in the areas containing large numbers of Italian minorities with the option of joining The Kingdom of Italy.
We ask that Austria-Hungary honorably accept these conditions so peace can continue to reign in Europe, there is no need for further bloodshed after the disastrous war which ended a short four years ago.

Signed, Emmanuel the fourth, King of Italy, King of Egypt, and protector of Albania
To: La Republique Indépendant du Québec
From: The United States of America

We too welcome and wish to continue the traditional friendship between the nations of Quebec and the Union.

As such we welcome such a defensive agreement between our nations.

Cool. Want to write up something?
Oh this is the NES.

France reporting in. Anything important happened?

I'll go read rules now to make sure I will enjoy them and not suffer through.
The CSA is here
The Montreal Pact

The United States of America and the Independent Republic of Quebec, here together in friendship and cooperation, hereby agree to a defensive agreement to be upheld by both nations in the event of foreign aggression against our nations.

Signed, President Alexander Palmer, on behalf of the United States of America
I shall take Saudi Arabia. Allahu akbar!
Oh this is the NES.

France reporting in. Anything important happened?

I'll go read rules now to make sure I will enjoy them and not suffer through.

You are France then? From what I understood, you had dropped them.

EDIT: I'll respond to diplomacy later.
I just waited to see how complicated the rules will be. And they aren't! So that's good.
OOC: Has Agent (Germany) checked in? I have diplomacy for him.
The Montreal Pact

The United States of America and the Independent Republic of Quebec, here together in friendship and cooperation, hereby agree to a defensive agreement to be upheld by both nations in the event of foreign aggression against our nations.

Signed, President Alexander Palmer, on behalf of the United States of America

Président Pierre Thomas Brown, La Republique Indépendant du Québec
Italy hereby cancels the Austrian-Italian alliance due to Auatria's inability to allow the Italian minorities their right to self determination, and we will make it out number one goal to ensure these minorities have their right to hold referendums to join the Italian nation.
From: The Habsburg Monarchy
To: Ukranian, Serbian, and Croatian Rebels

If you will back down, I wish to negotiate. Pen and paper is very much so cheaper than blood, would you not say so?

What do you mean back down? We demand our freedom.


Agent hasn't checked in, so far as I know, but I have been in talks with him over PM. I'm sure he'll stop in sometime.

Welcome m.t.cicero!

I recommend everyone check the front page at some point, and check to see what treaties you have signed, and what they entail.
Germany's been here all along. Feel free to shoot me a PM.
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