Introduction: The purpose of this mod is to allow a player to recreate the dynamics of the `SMANs World at War Scenario: The War in Europe`, but on any map available. This provides an almost unlimited amount of replayability of the scenario, as each new map provides a great variety to the gaming experience, while still keeping the heart of the scenario (diplomatic relationships, unit strengths, national capabilities, etc.) in place.
The scenario uses a customized "management engine" of tailored code that will alter the behavior of the AI civs in the game. It is focused on giving those civs even more advantages than in the normal game, to provide an even more challenging contest.
The mod comes with 19 playable Civilizations, all tailored to provide a deeply immersive gaming experience along historical lines. However, you may also use any other Civilization available in the game to play alongside these 19 Civs. Any non-World at War Civ will automatically become a Major Combatant (q.v.).
The game starts with all major (i.e. playable, non-City State) Civilizations are a forced, permanent peace. No declarations of war are possible. Additionally, Civs start with a significant bonus of Gold, Culture, and Tech to help a player structure their Civ as if they were playing them in the many, many turns leading up to the war. As in most cases in the mod, if there are bonuses given, AI Civs receive a much larger bonus than human players.
On or about game turn 18, the “Main War Starts” even will occur, which will force declarations of war between many of the major Civs in the game. Supportive wars may also occur. These wars will mostly be permanent wars, and the ability to declare war will now be possible. After a few years in game time, these permanent wars will be modified so that peace treaties would then be allowed.
There are two paths to victory in the scenario. First, you can win through Domination Victory, although this is not easy with so many Civs in the game and the limited number of turns available. The most common path to victory is to have the highest game score when the maximum number of turns for the scenario is reached. Currently, there are 96 turns in the scenario, representing 8 years of historical time (January 1938 to December 1946). Whichever Civ has the best game score on game turn 96 automatically wins the game.
Major Combatants: There are seven major Civilizations in the game. They receive extra support to help ensure they dominate play.
- Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy
- Allies: United Kingdom, France
- Neutral: United States, Soviet Union
Minor Combatants: These twelve Civilizations receive less support from the game engine, and tend to be less enthusiastic in their support.
- Axis Leaning: Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Spain
- Allies Leaning: China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Norway, Poland
- Neutral: Turkey, Yugoslavia
City States: There are thirteen City States in the game: Albania, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Events: During the scenario, there are several unusual things that can occur to provide new challenges and opportunities to a player. These events can provide a fresh variety to game play, as they force players to interact with other Civs in a way they might not normally do.
These events vary in size and impact, ranging from the major declaration of war, usually occurring some time near game turn 18 (mid-1939), to smaller events, such as the U.S.A. or Spain entering the war. Other events include bond drives, industrial espionage, the ability to sue for peace, local rebellions, units spontaneously joining the war effort, the elimination of permanent war making, as well as others.
Another event to watch out for is the `Winter Warfare` event. During the winter months of December, January, and February, land units on snow, tundra, and plains tiles can experience damage if their Civ is at war or the owner of the tile they on is at war. The amount of damage varies widely based on these criteria, ranging from 4 to 16 points of damage each winter game turn.
Diplomacy: The game`s diplomacy system has been adjusted to reflect 1939-1945 political realities along historical lines. Civs generally align in the mod as they did historically, and will denounce other civs, announce friendship and defensive pacts, and even declare wars in similar ways. Modifications have been made so that often Civs will join wars if their friends are involved in that war, or if they have a particular dislike against the other Civ.
On or about game turn 6, you will `technically` meet all other Civs on the map. This is performed so that you will be able to interact with other Civs across the map. Although a bit coarse, it serves the purpose to stipulate that all of these Civs have shared the planet over the past thousand years or so, and would have had extensive contacts conducted in the past.
At the beginning of the game, Spain, Turkey, and the United States are very, very neutral. They will not join the world war, except under unique circumstances. Sometime after the main war starts, they will drop their official neutrality, and it will then be possible to declare war on them. They may also suddenly join the war without any warning whatsoever. The mod will display popup windows and notifications when these changes occur.
Reinforcements: Throughout the game, the mod awards additional units for Civs. This includes an initial tranche of land units at game start. On game turn 8, an additional `surge` of units appear, both air and sea units. This delay is necessitated by the need of cities for air units to spawn, and if a Civ is completely land-locked, there is no need to spawn a great number of ships.
In addition to the initial and surge reinforcements, periodically though the game (every 3 turns or so), additional units of all types can be spawned, if those Civs are at war with another major Civ.
In almost every case, non-human Civs received a much larger number of these `free` units. In fact, human players receive almost no units after the `surge` reinforcement event.
National Promotions: These unique promotions for each Civ demonstrate the relative efficiency of each nation's military infrastructure, covering everything from training to supply to power projection. Some countries are simply better at getting there `the fastest with the mostest.` These promotions also allow for other national proclivities to better represent how their forces match up against those of other nations.
Religions: There are no religions, per se, in the mod. However, the concept of `doctrines` has taken their place. These doctrines represent the large groupings of mainstream political thought in the mid-twentieth century. These doctrines, and their beliefs, are:
- Democracy: Faith Healers, Tithe, Feed the World, Itinerate Preachers, Glory to God
- Fascism: Craftsmen, Church Property, Guruship, Defender of the Faith, Charitable Missions
- Communism: God King, Papal Primacy, Religious Community, Religious Unity, Jesuit Education
Countries will send out Propagandists (Great Prophets), Apologists (Missionaries), and Agitators (Inquisitors). These agents will seek to spread the influence of their doctrines into neighboring countries` cities and limit the influence of other doctrines in their own lands.
All of the doctrines/religions will be created on or about game turn 2, as a religion needs a holy city to be established within the game. Additionally, all the cities in a given country will be converted to the national doctrine on both game turns 10 and 15. This helps ensure that each country will start the main war with a populace fully-behind the national war effort. These agents will be active both before and during the main war, as they seek to expand influence. A large Faith bonus will be awarded on game turn 10.
AI management: Some adjustments have been made to AI performance to help it better compete against human players in the severely restrictive environment of a short-term-focused scenario. The game`s regular AI simply isn’t designed to evolve in a total-war situation.
The normal `World at War` mod already helps in this effort by periodically upgrading AI units, if there is an upgrade available and sufficient funds are on hand. This mod also helps the AI Civs to manage the massive amount of gold bonuses received, forcing them to spend it on purchasing military buildings and units if they are hoarding too much of the resource. It also adjusts City Production queues, adding military buildings and units much more often during the game.
Required Mods: The only required mod for this scenario is the main, `SMANs World at War` mod. It must be enabled before this mod can be started.
Heavily Recommended Mods: The main optional but heavily-recommended mod that should be enabled is the `Unique Units` companion mod. This mod greatly expands the immersive qualities of the game by adding a huge number of Civ-specific units that improved the overall `toy soldier` gaming experience.
Another mod to strongly consider enabling is the `End in the World War II Era` companion mod. This will allow an extended gaming experience wholly-contained within the WW2 time frame. Playing these mods at an Epic or Marathon game speed will provide a deeply rich, historically sound game.
Other Recommended Mods: Other mods to consider adding would be the `Modern Terrain Improvements` which adds many WW2-Era improvements which means the map actually looks much more like one would expect for a WW2 scenario. `Quick Turns` is also another good mod to play on this busy map.
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The scenario uses a customized "management engine" of tailored code that will alter the behavior of the AI civs in the game. It is focused on giving those civs even more advantages than in the normal game, to provide an even more challenging contest.
The mod comes with 19 playable Civilizations, all tailored to provide a deeply immersive gaming experience along historical lines. However, you may also use any other Civilization available in the game to play alongside these 19 Civs. Any non-World at War Civ will automatically become a Major Combatant (q.v.).
The game starts with all major (i.e. playable, non-City State) Civilizations are a forced, permanent peace. No declarations of war are possible. Additionally, Civs start with a significant bonus of Gold, Culture, and Tech to help a player structure their Civ as if they were playing them in the many, many turns leading up to the war. As in most cases in the mod, if there are bonuses given, AI Civs receive a much larger bonus than human players.
On or about game turn 18, the “Main War Starts” even will occur, which will force declarations of war between many of the major Civs in the game. Supportive wars may also occur. These wars will mostly be permanent wars, and the ability to declare war will now be possible. After a few years in game time, these permanent wars will be modified so that peace treaties would then be allowed.
There are two paths to victory in the scenario. First, you can win through Domination Victory, although this is not easy with so many Civs in the game and the limited number of turns available. The most common path to victory is to have the highest game score when the maximum number of turns for the scenario is reached. Currently, there are 96 turns in the scenario, representing 8 years of historical time (January 1938 to December 1946). Whichever Civ has the best game score on game turn 96 automatically wins the game.
Major Combatants: There are seven major Civilizations in the game. They receive extra support to help ensure they dominate play.
- Axis: Germany, Japan, Italy
- Allies: United Kingdom, France
- Neutral: United States, Soviet Union
Minor Combatants: These twelve Civilizations receive less support from the game engine, and tend to be less enthusiastic in their support.
- Axis Leaning: Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Spain
- Allies Leaning: China, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Norway, Poland
- Neutral: Turkey, Yugoslavia
City States: There are thirteen City States in the game: Albania, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Events: During the scenario, there are several unusual things that can occur to provide new challenges and opportunities to a player. These events can provide a fresh variety to game play, as they force players to interact with other Civs in a way they might not normally do.
These events vary in size and impact, ranging from the major declaration of war, usually occurring some time near game turn 18 (mid-1939), to smaller events, such as the U.S.A. or Spain entering the war. Other events include bond drives, industrial espionage, the ability to sue for peace, local rebellions, units spontaneously joining the war effort, the elimination of permanent war making, as well as others.
Another event to watch out for is the `Winter Warfare` event. During the winter months of December, January, and February, land units on snow, tundra, and plains tiles can experience damage if their Civ is at war or the owner of the tile they on is at war. The amount of damage varies widely based on these criteria, ranging from 4 to 16 points of damage each winter game turn.
Diplomacy: The game`s diplomacy system has been adjusted to reflect 1939-1945 political realities along historical lines. Civs generally align in the mod as they did historically, and will denounce other civs, announce friendship and defensive pacts, and even declare wars in similar ways. Modifications have been made so that often Civs will join wars if their friends are involved in that war, or if they have a particular dislike against the other Civ.
On or about game turn 6, you will `technically` meet all other Civs on the map. This is performed so that you will be able to interact with other Civs across the map. Although a bit coarse, it serves the purpose to stipulate that all of these Civs have shared the planet over the past thousand years or so, and would have had extensive contacts conducted in the past.
At the beginning of the game, Spain, Turkey, and the United States are very, very neutral. They will not join the world war, except under unique circumstances. Sometime after the main war starts, they will drop their official neutrality, and it will then be possible to declare war on them. They may also suddenly join the war without any warning whatsoever. The mod will display popup windows and notifications when these changes occur.
Reinforcements: Throughout the game, the mod awards additional units for Civs. This includes an initial tranche of land units at game start. On game turn 8, an additional `surge` of units appear, both air and sea units. This delay is necessitated by the need of cities for air units to spawn, and if a Civ is completely land-locked, there is no need to spawn a great number of ships.
In addition to the initial and surge reinforcements, periodically though the game (every 3 turns or so), additional units of all types can be spawned, if those Civs are at war with another major Civ.
In almost every case, non-human Civs received a much larger number of these `free` units. In fact, human players receive almost no units after the `surge` reinforcement event.
National Promotions: These unique promotions for each Civ demonstrate the relative efficiency of each nation's military infrastructure, covering everything from training to supply to power projection. Some countries are simply better at getting there `the fastest with the mostest.` These promotions also allow for other national proclivities to better represent how their forces match up against those of other nations.
Religions: There are no religions, per se, in the mod. However, the concept of `doctrines` has taken their place. These doctrines represent the large groupings of mainstream political thought in the mid-twentieth century. These doctrines, and their beliefs, are:
- Democracy: Faith Healers, Tithe, Feed the World, Itinerate Preachers, Glory to God
- Fascism: Craftsmen, Church Property, Guruship, Defender of the Faith, Charitable Missions
- Communism: God King, Papal Primacy, Religious Community, Religious Unity, Jesuit Education
Countries will send out Propagandists (Great Prophets), Apologists (Missionaries), and Agitators (Inquisitors). These agents will seek to spread the influence of their doctrines into neighboring countries` cities and limit the influence of other doctrines in their own lands.
All of the doctrines/religions will be created on or about game turn 2, as a religion needs a holy city to be established within the game. Additionally, all the cities in a given country will be converted to the national doctrine on both game turns 10 and 15. This helps ensure that each country will start the main war with a populace fully-behind the national war effort. These agents will be active both before and during the main war, as they seek to expand influence. A large Faith bonus will be awarded on game turn 10.
AI management: Some adjustments have been made to AI performance to help it better compete against human players in the severely restrictive environment of a short-term-focused scenario. The game`s regular AI simply isn’t designed to evolve in a total-war situation.
The normal `World at War` mod already helps in this effort by periodically upgrading AI units, if there is an upgrade available and sufficient funds are on hand. This mod also helps the AI Civs to manage the massive amount of gold bonuses received, forcing them to spend it on purchasing military buildings and units if they are hoarding too much of the resource. It also adjusts City Production queues, adding military buildings and units much more often during the game.
Required Mods: The only required mod for this scenario is the main, `SMANs World at War` mod. It must be enabled before this mod can be started.
Heavily Recommended Mods: The main optional but heavily-recommended mod that should be enabled is the `Unique Units` companion mod. This mod greatly expands the immersive qualities of the game by adding a huge number of Civ-specific units that improved the overall `toy soldier` gaming experience.
Another mod to strongly consider enabling is the `End in the World War II Era` companion mod. This will allow an extended gaming experience wholly-contained within the WW2 time frame. Playing these mods at an Epic or Marathon game speed will provide a deeply rich, historically sound game.
Other Recommended Mods: Other mods to consider adding would be the `Modern Terrain Improvements` which adds many WW2-Era improvements which means the map actually looks much more like one would expect for a WW2 scenario. `Quick Turns` is also another good mod to play on this busy map.
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