Sniff Sniff... what's that smell? you sit on it, or does it go in your pants? I wouldn't want to wear a diaper...;)

*sets watch* *waits for foxnews comments*
Originally posted by cgannon64
*sets watch* *waits for foxnews comments*

Yeah, me too. I am sure they will come after all the Foxnews stuff I have been talking about. But every news company does stories like this every once in awhile :)
Actually, that was a pretty interesting product... especially with the noise-killers. Can't count the number of times those would have come in handy during class after a late lunch. Won't be too long now and we'll all be wearing mufflers :D
Haven't they heard of Bean-o? From what I understand, it works pretty well.

"Beans, beans, the musical fruit; the more you eat, the more you toot!"
They're currently testing an idea for gas-filtering underpants.

As I started reading the article, that was my first thought, they need to put it in underwear. Then people can be free to walk around and fart all they want. Don't forget gas-filtering swimsuits. No more bubbles in the pool ...
Originally posted by Dralix

Don't forget gas-filtering swimsuits. No more bubbles in the pool ...


yeah, some were like the atomical test the french did.
Ok Now thats handy...
Espaccialy for me^_^
Ok what is the spelling of that word again?
and dont forget Farting Bob!

but i think he should buy one for each day, those GasBgone wont last long.

I have been using lower tech fart sponges for years. Any old ratty looking cushion will do. When it is saturated, i just give it to the wife's dpg, who has a blast tearing it to pieces.
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