I always think about one problem in Civilization. You can send your units so far away from your cities without any extra enforce. If your nation is in the south of Africa, you can send your scout to all Asia and Europe even in the ancient times. Important historical expeditions like Marco Polos and the Great Navigations dont have any importance.
My Suggestion for one MOD
The units couldnt go too far away from your cultural borders.
Techs about food conservation and communication would increase that range. Some resources like salt too.
Scouts and Naval units would have a greater range.
The range would be changed in different map sizes.
I have no idea about how make that
So, what do you think about it?
My Suggestion for one MOD
The units couldnt go too far away from your cultural borders.
Techs about food conservation and communication would increase that range. Some resources like salt too.
Scouts and Naval units would have a greater range.
The range would be changed in different map sizes.
I have no idea about how make that

So, what do you think about it?