So far, so close...


Aug 7, 2008
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I always think about one problem in Civilization. You can send your units so far away from your cities without any extra enforce. If your nation is in the south of Africa, you can send your scout to all Asia and Europe even in the ancient times. Important historical expeditions like Marco Polo’s and the Great Navigations don’t have any importance.

My Suggestion for one MOD

The units couldn’t go too far away from your cultural borders.
Techs about food conservation and communication would increase that range. Some resources like salt too.
Scouts and Naval units would have a greater range.
The range would be changed in different map sizes.

I have no idea about how make that… :mad:

So, what do you think about it?
Sounds like a neat idea. You could also add the option that a great person or some other type of special unit increases the range of a ship when it's loaded on to it, so that it could explore a larger area. Maybe the special person or unit could be triggered by some type of event like the birth of Christopher Columbus.
That would be perfect for RFC. I can't wait 'til someone makes it.
Would need overriding the UnitCannotMoveOnto in the CvGameUtils.
You would have to check, what radius you could use, and then cycle with a for-loop through all the plots, checking, if you're the owner.
-> Can be done, but will slow down the game, i guess, very extreme in the lategame.
-> Can be done, but will slow down the game, i guess, very extreme in the lategame.

Could it be limited to only the first era? If so, that would eliminate the lategame slowdown. I mean, nowadays "units" can go all over the world without any problems.
People have been discussing this for quite some time now, along with the concept of supply lines. I don't think it will be possible unless Civ 5 adds this in. At the very least it will require a reworking of the game's DLL through the SDK. You'd also have to rewire the AI so that was aware of that limitation.
Probably better to mod the .dll at that point, then.

Yes, would be better, but i just wanted to say, that it can be done :).

Could it be limited to only the first era? If so, that would eliminate the lategame slowdown. I mean, nowadays "units" can go all over the world without any problems.

Sure, could be done, wouldn't be to hard.

mmhh...maybe it's actually easy...mmhh, i have no time this weekend to code.
If nobody takes it until next week, bump this thread, maybe i could try to mod it.

People have been discussing this for quite some time now, along with the concept of supply lines. I don't think it will be possible unless Civ 5 adds this in. At the very least it will require a reworking of the game's DLL through the SDK. You'd also have to rewire the AI so that was aware of that limitation.

The AI would not really be a problem. If a unit can't move on a plot, the AI woun't move it there.
But humans could exploit that, maybe if you self have a higher radius for movement, and the AI has less, a strategic city placement could make warfare very easy.
Just a short test.
The movement is restricted in the first 2 eras, but only after building your first city (so you can move your starting settler around).
The range is 5 plots from the border of every player, so you can walk along the borders of the AI.

But i wouldn't really suggest using it, because it decreases the performance, already in the first rounds.


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I was playing in Standard / Terra Map. The effect was minimal.

I think it would be better if only your cities (and your vassal’s cities) count for that. Maybe the cultural border could be considered, not only the city square.
My phrasing is bad :blush:.

With "every city" i meant, every plot with an owner (all owned plots are related to cities).

Only your own borders: To hard in my opinion.
Only the borders of civ with open borders agreement would be good, maybe i'll change it, when i find a bit time.
This is a really great idea: keep it up! Are you going to use a supply train unit which increases a non-settler stack's range?
No, didn't think of that, is also maybe to complicated.

If i can do it, i'll give the scout the double range, and also create a promotion which gives a bigger range.

Very sad, that these effect has such an big impact on the performance :(.

The units couldn’t go too far away from your cultural borders.
Techs about food conservation and communication would increase that range. Some resources like salt too.
Scouts and Naval units would have a greater range.
The range would be changed in different map sizes.

I have no idea about how make that… :mad:

So, what do you think about it?

A good idea. I think it's been suggested before. Probably only not implemented because of complexity to the game system.

Basically a kind of logistical support would be needed for units to leave their cultural sphere. Could be abstract (a unit simply can't go more than x tiles beyond it's cultural sphere, with x being dependent on techs and buildings), or could be unit based (e.g. have a logistical unit with an effect similiar to Medic I, but a completely different promotion line, maybe 'Supplies') in which units without support degrade in strength rapidly until they die.

Or you might see about making negative quest events happen to units that are outside of their cultural sphere---e.g. unit runs out of supplies-starves; unit causes barbarians to spawn next to it; naval unit gets attacked by a hurricane, etc..... A quest system might have the advantage of being the easiest way to program the idea.

Very sad, that these effect has such an big impact on the performance :(.

So you tried something and it slows down game performance to check all the tiles for units outside of their cultural sphere? (how about tagging units with a removable promotion as soon as they cross out of their cultural sphere?)
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