So Ghandhi gets fast workers, do I get drunk ones?


Feb 15, 2008
I have to assume that part of the game programming is to make all of the players workers drunk, thus they are special like Ghandhi’s. It’s the only reason I can explain why today 3 automated workers in a row walked onto the same mine right next to Shaka’s city, only to be destroyed immediately. Only being drunk would lead to such courage and dedication to railroad that hill. I mean the AI obviously does not get these *special* units as theirs would never do something so outrageously *courageous*.

So my question is since Ghandhi gets fast workers, do I get drunken ones? I cannot explain it any other way…
Oh, and in before the “don’t automate your workers”. I mean should we really have to control 15-30 workers after all tiles have been fully improved just so they can fully road/railroad (when available) our empires because they like to make them drunk. The AI can do it just fine, maybe I need to change the beer I serve at worker parties…
Yeah I notice this behavior too. As soon as you are at war with somebody,your workers all line up to be "captured" (read bloody traitors)
... I mean should we really have to control 15-30 workers ...
:) If you don't want to lose them in a war unfortunately yes :crazyeye: I tend to automate some workers to build a decent road network but they always seem to begin with the most inappropriate tiles (e.g. a piece of tundra nobody will ever set foot on).
I automate workers for building a Trade Network too, but if it is an important stretch of tiles that must be roaded/railroaded before others, I just asign them to road in a straight line, so they don't end up near a border.
You could just not automate until you capture the continent you are on (assuming a multiple continents game), or at least not at war with someone with.
Automated near Ghandi, isn't a problem. Automating near Shaka, Montezuma, Genghis, now there's a problem.
I never automate my workers, although I admit around the renaissance age (if not sooner) this turns Civilization 4 into Worker Manager 4.
Group your workers.

If it takes 3 turns to build a railroad, group all the workers doing railroad building together in groups of 3. Then you don't have 15 workers to control, you have 5 groups of workers.

You also would not have lost 3 individual workers, you would have just lost a group of 3 workers all at once. Saves time that way. :lol:
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