monetary gifts per turn does not count towards an send Aid competition?

I was wondering about that. I never did test whether it gave points later on or just not at all. Seems like an oversight or something.
I was wondering about that. I never did test whether it gave points later on or just not at all. Seems like an oversight or something.
Well it's odd. It seemed to have worked for me in a previous game. I got credit for it but this game I didn't.(And I hate saving my cash for an end donation on the last turn cause that always ensures second place..not first.)
I must admit I only send flat gold, and the leaderboard only refresh the next turn. I guess for gold per turn, you start to send gold the next turn but the leaderboard only refresh the following next turn. Did you wait 2 turns to see?

Side note: Sometimes, when I am the only one competiting, I feel generous and give 1 Gold, securing the victory. Such diplomatic move! But when I have a competitor, I have the choice between: being more generous or... you know: annihilate the competing civilization and be the sole contender. This victory is all about diplomacy.
Too bad there is no such thing as "Soft Power" mechanic in this game yet.
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