Sorry if I made any spelling or grammatical mistake, english isn't my mother language.
These are some ideas I was wondering if would be good (or even possible) to add for this mod. I'm not really good with programming, so I don't know what is and isn't feasible in Civilization IV. They're basically all about adding new mechanics to the game, and maybe they won't be that interesting in terms of gameplay, as they would add what might be seen as unnecessary challenges to the game (one of them could easily lead to some unfair situations), so this should be taken into account.
1 - Map Exploration Mechanics
This might be nitpicking from me, but I always thought it was weird that a civilization in the Prehistoric Era was able to 'map' it's entire continent before discovering the technologies necessary to do this. I think that, in the ealier Eras, you shouldn't be able to map the lands you discover (for a long time, Europe didn't have a clear idea of how Asia and Africa really were, for example). There are 3 kinds of tiles in terms of exploration: the unexplored ones, the dark spaces you haven't set foot yet; the visible spaces, those tiles inside your units and cities' fields of view, very bright, where you can spot other units; and the explored spaces, those you have seen in the past, but aren't currently being seen by any unit. In my opinion, there should be a mechanic where one given civilization, before discovering some specific techology (maybe "Exploration" in Ancient Era) shouldn't be able to get these explored spaces. Any tile that would become an explored tile should convert back to an unexplored one. You could still send your units to explore the lands if you wish, but given that all tiles will go back to the unexplored state once the units leave it, there's really not much of a point in doing so until your civilization reachs a certain level of development.
2 - Less Fragmented Empires
Another problem I have with the gameplay is that sometimes empires become really fragmented in it's geographical distributions. I have seen a lot of civilizations that spread cities so far apart that their borders didn't connect until much later in the game. I think that cities under this condition should be harder to maintain in order to encourage players to build cities somewhat next to each other, thus creating a cohesive national region. I know there are some mechanics in the game that deals with this (city maitenance getting bigger the farther it is from the capital, and cities in other continents getting even harder to keep) but I still think it's far too easy to have a really fragmented empire, something I don't think it would be true in real life. There is a "Trade Group" mechanic in the game that tells which city is connected to each other; we could use this mechanic as a way to tell the game to add even bigger penalties in production and maintenance to all cities not connected to your capital (this way, even cities in the same continent would have penalties for being unconnected). A player could deal with this problem by sending units from connected cities to those unconnected ones, like soldiers to help defend these cities or early merchants to rush the slower productions in there: but this would mean making sure these units get into these distant cities, and other players could easily prevent this from happening, therefore simulating the complexities in dealing with such geographical fragmantations.
3 - Resource-Dependent Technologies
I said there was an idea that could easily lead to unfair situations, and this is it. The concept here is simple (though I don't know if it is possible): link certain technologies to access to certain resources; if a civilization doesn't have access to said resource, than it won't be able to research the technology (or will have a harder time doing so). For example, "Animal Riding" in prehistoric age. If a player doesn't have access to horses (be it troughd irect access to horses or trough commerce), it shouldn't be able to research this technology (or it should take longer for him to do so). This way, we could simulate how certain geographic conditions impact the development of civilizations: the Aztecs and Mayans didn't have any cavalry because there were no horses in Pre-Columbian America, for example. This could create dynamics that are as interesting as they are unfair: a civilization that begins in a small isolated island whitout horses in it would have an even harder time to fully develop, if it would be possible at all.
As I stated earlier, I'm not sure how feasible any of these ideas could be, nor if they would be interesting in terms of gameplay. My approach here is more of a simulation one, and this could lead to unfair situations that aren't really fun in multiplayer matches, for example. The approach here is mainly to add new mechanics to the game that could lead to interesting situations that would require different strategies in each game, where the fun would arise more from the story being told than from becoming the winner; basically, Dwarf Fortress' "Losing is Fun" motto applied to Civ IV.
These are some ideas I was wondering if would be good (or even possible) to add for this mod. I'm not really good with programming, so I don't know what is and isn't feasible in Civilization IV. They're basically all about adding new mechanics to the game, and maybe they won't be that interesting in terms of gameplay, as they would add what might be seen as unnecessary challenges to the game (one of them could easily lead to some unfair situations), so this should be taken into account.
1 - Map Exploration Mechanics
This might be nitpicking from me, but I always thought it was weird that a civilization in the Prehistoric Era was able to 'map' it's entire continent before discovering the technologies necessary to do this. I think that, in the ealier Eras, you shouldn't be able to map the lands you discover (for a long time, Europe didn't have a clear idea of how Asia and Africa really were, for example). There are 3 kinds of tiles in terms of exploration: the unexplored ones, the dark spaces you haven't set foot yet; the visible spaces, those tiles inside your units and cities' fields of view, very bright, where you can spot other units; and the explored spaces, those you have seen in the past, but aren't currently being seen by any unit. In my opinion, there should be a mechanic where one given civilization, before discovering some specific techology (maybe "Exploration" in Ancient Era) shouldn't be able to get these explored spaces. Any tile that would become an explored tile should convert back to an unexplored one. You could still send your units to explore the lands if you wish, but given that all tiles will go back to the unexplored state once the units leave it, there's really not much of a point in doing so until your civilization reachs a certain level of development.
2 - Less Fragmented Empires
Another problem I have with the gameplay is that sometimes empires become really fragmented in it's geographical distributions. I have seen a lot of civilizations that spread cities so far apart that their borders didn't connect until much later in the game. I think that cities under this condition should be harder to maintain in order to encourage players to build cities somewhat next to each other, thus creating a cohesive national region. I know there are some mechanics in the game that deals with this (city maitenance getting bigger the farther it is from the capital, and cities in other continents getting even harder to keep) but I still think it's far too easy to have a really fragmented empire, something I don't think it would be true in real life. There is a "Trade Group" mechanic in the game that tells which city is connected to each other; we could use this mechanic as a way to tell the game to add even bigger penalties in production and maintenance to all cities not connected to your capital (this way, even cities in the same continent would have penalties for being unconnected). A player could deal with this problem by sending units from connected cities to those unconnected ones, like soldiers to help defend these cities or early merchants to rush the slower productions in there: but this would mean making sure these units get into these distant cities, and other players could easily prevent this from happening, therefore simulating the complexities in dealing with such geographical fragmantations.
3 - Resource-Dependent Technologies
I said there was an idea that could easily lead to unfair situations, and this is it. The concept here is simple (though I don't know if it is possible): link certain technologies to access to certain resources; if a civilization doesn't have access to said resource, than it won't be able to research the technology (or will have a harder time doing so). For example, "Animal Riding" in prehistoric age. If a player doesn't have access to horses (be it troughd irect access to horses or trough commerce), it shouldn't be able to research this technology (or it should take longer for him to do so). This way, we could simulate how certain geographic conditions impact the development of civilizations: the Aztecs and Mayans didn't have any cavalry because there were no horses in Pre-Columbian America, for example. This could create dynamics that are as interesting as they are unfair: a civilization that begins in a small isolated island whitout horses in it would have an even harder time to fully develop, if it would be possible at all.
As I stated earlier, I'm not sure how feasible any of these ideas could be, nor if they would be interesting in terms of gameplay. My approach here is more of a simulation one, and this could lead to unfair situations that aren't really fun in multiplayer matches, for example. The approach here is mainly to add new mechanics to the game that could lead to interesting situations that would require different strategies in each game, where the fun would arise more from the story being told than from becoming the winner; basically, Dwarf Fortress' "Losing is Fun" motto applied to Civ IV.