Somebody should write an article on diplomatic victory

Dark Myrmidon

Dec 25, 2005
I've always personally liked the concept, But I'm rather clueless when it comes to actual diplomatic victory. We have guides when it comes to Cultural, Domination/Conquest victories and the space race, but nobody has written about the diplomatic win! Give peacemongers a chance!
I'm drunk.

There are a lot of people having stupid ass problems here. I've gotten these up to Emperor, so take this for what it is. OK! There are two ways. Here's what you do:

ONE!: ****in', choose a non-agressive civ, because it won't do you anything good, k? Then, focus on expansion in the early game, at the cost of technology. Specialize cities, yadda yadda. Designate one city as your TROOP PUMPAH, and almost always be making new, advanced units in there. Having a huge standing army will mean you won't have to worry about any one declaring war on you. What you have to do is make friends early (through relegion primarily, and then mutual enemies) with powerful, but not more powerful than you, civs. There will be one civ who is "the enemy," like Louis or something who founded the wrong relegion, and he will be your enemy through the whole game. He will be the one who you will face in the final vote, that ****er. He will have allies, so you need to get yourself some mutha ****ing allies too. If you're not a ******ed monkey, it's pretty straight forward from there. Avoid any war through a large standing army and strong trade and other good relations. Make sure you build the UN, of course. Now, you may not succeeeeeeeeed on your first vote. So you pass a few of those LIBERAL civic dealies. If they pass, you'll have +4 with everyone (on Emperor it is tough to get them all to pass though). Then you put forward the big vote, everyone votes for you except for Louis and Montezutma****er, ****'em anyway. You win.

TWO: Conquer most of the world, hold the vote, vote yourself in. I've never done this because I consider it being a *****. It is effective though!

As a foot note, to any n00bs who come here, with a forgettable name, and a basic Avatar, you gotta change all that. I'm not saying choose an obscure avatar and act like a ****ing asshold, I'm just saying, SHOW SOME IDENTIDY. OH SHEEEEEET, a hoplite! That guy really stands out. "Dark Myrmidon" COMPLETELY FORGETABLE. Thanks for the post though!

Cudos to whoever censores this post. And also, **** you. I feel like being banned again, so to all other than TF, who is GODALMIGHTY LORD (PrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaasIIISEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - IM!), **** you.
If you wnat a guide that wasn't written by a crackhead, check the strategy forum.
Dark Myrmidon said:
I came here for information not to be remembered. :p

Hey, that's a good attitude!

And balthamael is right, the Strategy Forum is a good place to start. Looks like strat articles on this particular topic are few and far between, but a quick search revealed this thread, along with this thread.

I haven't read them myself, but you might find some useful information there.
You're right, not many complete guides on this. One tip, some other guy mentioned somewhere else, is to watch your civics. Sometimes a quite civic change can get you that extra victory vote.
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