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Something you should know about pizza delivery


Know the Dark Side
Aug 14, 2007
In 2004, when I worked for a certain pizza company delivering pizzas,

The price of gasoline was a lot lower than it is now. It currently costs me about $50 to fill my tank, which empties in 2 shifts (250 miles of driving is roughly 2.1-2.4 shifts)

I earned minimum wage even while on the road. In fact, I earned slightly above it, due to raises and my employer "staying competitive" with the competition.

I got 50 cents to a dollar per delivery, depending on the cost of gasoline at the time. That meant that more deliveries meant more money, regardless of whether or not we got a tip.

The delivery charge largely went to the driver's actual, driving expenses.

I was also guaranteed a standard, livable minimum wage whether you tipped or not. And your tip had some kind of meaning- it meant there were times I earned decent money, because I served you so well. There were times I didn't earn decent money, because we were running behind and the pizzas were late. Sometimes you tipped anyway, and I appreciated that, especially because it was the driver's fault roughly 1 percent of the time, such as going to the wrong address or forgetting to bring the soda. Every other time, we were just busy.

I took home my tips and it enabled me to save, and work towards a college education. I then went and attempted to obtain that very thing.

The job was exactly what you believe it should be- a livable wage, and a path toward improving oneself. It was also a pretty rockin' job.

Let that sink in for a moment. The companies, all of them, were quite profitable, and the workers were properly compensated.



Imagine I told you the corporate powers that be invented a way to

pay the employee absolutely nothing, and also, steal that person's tips directly out of his pocket.

You'd call that absurd, right?

Watch me prove how they did it, with actual math.


After 2004, they cut the driver's wage to $4 an hour.

Then, they raised the delivery fee higher and higher. Going from $1, to $1.25, to $1.50, to $2, and eventually.... $3.

Per delivery.


Per delivery.

That means, if I take 4 or 5 deliveries an hour (I do) I am generating for the company between $12 and $15 per hour in delivery fees.

Which, of course, I still only earned $1.25 maximum in driver's compensation, per delivery.

Which means they only ended up paying out about $5-6 in compensation per hour, for the $400 a month I spend on gasoline, the 220 per month I spend on car insurance (not lying about your profession means you're covered in an accident, lying about your profession means lower premiums but no actual coverage) and of course, constant tire replacements and oil changes.

Which means I was still getting decent compensation for what I was doing, however, they had cut my guaranteed wage in half, meaning it hurt me when you tipped, and it hurt me when you didn't tip. It hurt all the time.

Then, they removed that compensation.

Now, they pay by the mile. Which means, if I take 3 deliveries all in the same general area, which still takes me way more time than 1 delivery, I only get compensated for, essentially, 1 delivery, while doing three of them.

Which means my driver compensation dropped from over 20 dollars per day to roughly 10.

Which means my wages and my driver compensation both were cut in half.

At the same time, the delivery CHARGE remained the same.

They would earn 3 dollars per delivery, 9 dollars total, for a triple-dispatch, and only end up paying me a dollar in compensation.

Now, customers are furious at the 3 dollar delivery fee, and mistakenly believe I get that money. They do not tip much, if at all.

Which means, the money they were going to tip me, is now going to the delivery charge. Which I no longer get a very big piece of. Instead of half, I basically get 1/9th of it, instead of half or a third.

I'll bring the company between 9 and 15 dollars per hour just in delivery fees alone, and I will get 4 dollars an hour in wages, and 1 dollar (not enough compensation for gas, insurance, maintenance, and depreciation) in driver's compensation, and between 10-15 dollars a night in tips.

I used to earn 50-80 dollars a night in tips.

That money was stolen from me, because of the delivery fee, and my employer kept it.

Then, they had enough money from the delivery fees alone to more than cover a 7 dollar an hour (nearly 8) dollar an hour wage, without it directly costing them ANYTHING (because of the delivery fee profit).

So, they had an employee which they provide almost no benefits for, and then the labor cost didn't just drop to zero, it became less than zero.

Because I'm bringing them more in delivery fees than they spend on me being there Way, way more.

So, my take-home wage was cut in half, my driver compensation was cut into a third, and my tips have essentially vanished because my customers do not understand how badly I am being screwed, and how much they are being screwed, by this delivery charge.

If drivers bring up the subject of tips at the door, they can be fired immediately. We cannot even explain to you what's happened to us.

We cannot unionize, or we will get fired on the spot.

What, can't legally terminate us for no reason? They can still do the next best thing: Reduce our hours to 4 per week. I've personally seen this happen. One half-shift a week. Can you pay your bills on that?

Find a better job, obvious solution. Fraid the millions of people employed by these companies cannot all find jobs elsewhere. There are millions more unemployed people trying and failing as we speak.

Let me ask you a question.

Have you ever had to take a 50% pay cut?

Have you ever had a job where the job-related expenses were once compensated for, and now, are not?

Have you ever had a job where your employer literally stole your tip money from you?

Well, I still end up getting about $7 per hour, if you factor in the tips.

Literally none of it actually comes from my employer anymore.

It all comes from the tips I earned, and the delivery charge my employer adds on to the regular price of the meal. My cost to the company is less than zero.

My pay, however, is half of what it used to be. And my cost to the company is now nothing.

Because, my employer figured out how to steal my tips, from you.


You will keep in mind, I've been promoted, cross-trained to do everything, I am often literally in charge of the million dollars a year that my store generates in gross sales. I am entrusted with that money.

I am not a bad, disloyal, inexperienced, or ineffective worker. I am a highly valued, loyal, skilled, and trusted member of the team, and I'm often placed in charge of the team.

Yet, my wages were stolen from me, and the tips that you give me, were stolen from me.

Money is fungible. Even though my employer is not directly taking my tips out of my hands, my employer has managed, through reduction in pay, and raising of delivery fees, and restructuring of my cost compensation, to reduce their actual costs of having me on the team down to zero, and literally all of the money that I earn comes from your tips, and a portion of the delivery fee, which covers my slashed into thirds compensation, and my slashed in half wages.

And my tips are suffering, because this scheme of theirs has rendered it so that if you want to actually tip me, you've got to tip on top of a 3 dollar charge that you believe helps me in some way.

Which means, you're essentially spending 5 dollars, personally, every time I deliver to you, if you gave me a two dollar tip.

And yet, because many customers no longer tip at all, I still end up earning about 5-6 dollars an hour.

Nothing you do will change this.

I am not asking you to tip more.

I am just letting you know how extremely greedy, selfish, and unethical businesses are, and why employees need to be able to unionize without retaliation, and why employees need better legal protection against these kinds of unethical practices.

This is also why there has to be a legal minimum wage that is STRICTLY adhered to.

Those of you who argue that the minimum wage should be abolished: There are not words to describe how much I despise you.
Eventually KmDubya will post here talking about how you and your lot just don't work hard enough so you deserve the worst that you get, so...

Anyway. Predicting this thread goes nowhere quickly.
Eventually KmDubya will post here talking about how you and your lot just don't work hard enough so you deserve the worst that you get, so...


They will argue until they are blue in the face how the economy will be in ruins if the employer is forced to pay in wages and taxes what they were paying under the booming economy of President Clinton.

Returning to that era will kill jobs. The wages and taxes of that era, which allowed the economy to flourish, and the budget to balance, and unemployment to drop, that structure was horrible for business. Even though businesses did just fine, so did the economy, and so did the working class.

Now, unemployment is high, in spite of the same lowered taxes we keep extending year after year. Amazing!

The economy is still struggling, in spite of continued tax breaks to the rich and middle classes, and in spite of giveaways to corporations to encourage hiring, and continued low taxes for businesses.

Even though the stock market is rising to record highs, even though the wealthy classes are richer than they've ever been, even though corporations are quite profitable, the economy sucks and unemployment is high and the middle class is shrinking and the lower class is being stomped all over, and cannot make ends meet, and consequently...... they spend less.

Because they HAVE less.

And the rich have more, and they do not spend more when they earn more. They keep it.

Trickle-down economics is precisely the following:

Give tax breaks to the rich, cut the pay of the worker, subsidize businesses, and watch them pee all over everyone else.

This has proved, conclusively, that supply-side extremism completely ruins the economy, is bad for jobs, is bad for workers, is bad for the middle class, and yet, the ability for businesses to thrive remains unchanged.

They thrived in the 90s, 00s, and 10s. Under higher and lower taxes, and with higher or lower wages for workers.

There is no greater proof that structuring society so that the bottom rung cannot eat, the lower rungs cannot earn or improve themselves, and all the benefits go to the top, ensures that the rich will get massively richer, and economic recoveries will not happen quickly.

I understand why rich blowhards approve of this, but not why middle- and lower-class supply siders do. Their economic strategy is a huge, dismal failure. Oh, and by the way, the budget is not balanced, the wars aren't paid for, and the economy is in the toilet.

None of these things were an issue under a more moderate tax and wage structure. None of these things were an issue when we had a Republican and Democratic party capable of compromising and working together to fix things.

There was a time, it was called the 1990s, when things worked.

There are those who argue, returning to that era, would be the END OF AMERICA.

Those people are idiots.
I learned something today. Thanks for posting.
The only time I don't tip a food delivery person is if the service has been atrocious. As in this one guy kept insisting he was standing outside my house that was a actually 2 blocks away and I'd made it clear to the person taking my order at the restaurant that I lived in an apartment building.

I realize there may have been miscommunication between the restaurant and the driver, but dammit, when somebody tells you where they live, you should believe them!
How do you tip if you have no money (having presumably spent it all on the pizza+assorted delivery charges plus tax)?
This really is utterly obscene.
There is no greater proof that structuring society so that the bottom rung cannot eat, the lower rungs cannot earn or improve themselves, and all the benefits go to the top, ensures that the rich job creators will get massively richer, and economic recoveries will not happen quickly.

I understand why rich job creators blowhards approve of this, but not why middle- and lower-class supply siders do. Their economic strategy is a huge, dismal failure. Oh, and by the way, the budget is not balanced, the wars aren't paid for, and the economy is in the toilet.

I think you fail to grasp the situation here. John Schnatter needs your money so he can create more jobs and expand his great american business. Now that's the american dream! It's a real tribute to America, to entrepreneurship guys.
Even with the minimum-wage laws it still seems they flagrantly skirt the rules.
How do you tip if you have no money (having presumably spent it all on the pizza+assorted delivery charges plus tax)?

You probably shouldn't be eating out or ordering food if you have no money is probably the best solution to this.
I think you are getting shafted. Time to look into getting a different job.

I still do not think that a higher minimum wage is good for the economy. As you posted, it was a good learning experience and helped you move on to something better. A pizza delivery job is for teenagers doing part time work, it should not be your career. Anyway Amazon is showing the future of delivery by using drones. Prepare to be replaced with robots.

Crony capitalism is a problem. Giving tax breaks to your political contributors should be stopped for both parties.

Do you think minimum wage workers will be helped when their hours all get cut to 29 or less to avoid triggering expensive health insurance?
A few thoughts:

* Are there any unions right now in the US that represent primarily a part time work force?

* Do you have any idea of the % of food delivery drivers that work full time? My gut is that the vast majority of this workforce is PT, compared to others who work in kitchens. When I delivered pizza (which was, admittedly enough, like 8 years ago), I know we wouldn't hire anybody full time.

*Paying by miles rather than a flat fee sounds like a royal outrage, and given the damage that will do to your car, you'd probably be better off straight up going on unemployment rather than working there, or taking *literally* any other job.

*Why the heck are you still delivering pizza after a decade?
From the first post:
What, can't legally terminate us for no reason?

Actually, in a lot of states (including labor-friendly Illinois), they can legally terminate you for no reason at all.
This really is utterly obscene.

Thank goodness we are more civilised over here.

What is the catch to Australia's awesomely high minimum wage?

A few thoughts:

* Are there any unions right now in the US that represent primarily a part time work force?

SEIU does right? I know at the very least their most vocal and visible organizing is among professions that are dominated by part-time work. Don't know what the membership rolls look like.
Why do people still believe the budget was legitimately balanced? It was done so by taking money from off-budget items. Tell me if that sounds like balancing to you. Then tell me if you'd be surprised if Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton would be dishonest to enhance their own reputations.

I also think the question here is why are people tipping less?

This is also why there has to be a legal minimum wage that is STRICTLY adhered to.

Those of you who argue that the minimum wage should be abolished: There are not words to describe how much I despise you.

I feel bad for you and your situation; I've been in bad financial straits before(my family filed bankruptcy at one point). But what, precisely, makes you think government can make businesses "strictly" adhere to a minimum wage law? Why haven't they been doing that from the beginning? Is the legislation going to try and cover every possible end-around?

Wage laws are part of why we have our current health insurance system. Back during WWII when the government imposed maximum wage laws, companies started offering health insurance as part of the "benefits" package. Fast-forward and the solution is to make more laws to fix the situation that was created by laws. Or consider how SUVs gained popularity in large part to get around CAFE standards. People are smart. They'll find ways around regulations. If you really want to start somewhere, don't start at the taxes, start at the $1 trillion being pumped to Wall Street every year. Make companies have to invest to make money rather than make easy money off dumb interest rates.

The one place I'll sympathize is the people who just bluntly tell people "GET A BETTER JOB", although really it seems like that's more s on Facebook than actual "commentators". I should also point out something Milton Friedman said once to point out how incredibly poor he was in his life: "How many of you have worked a 12 hour day and gotten paid 78 cents? But all that's irrelavent; is there one of you who is going to say that you don’t want a doctor to treat you for cancer unless he himself has had cancer?"
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