When I first played FfH2 the first thing I did was to look if the sounddata of the Taunt spell cross-references to Monty Python and the Holy Grail as the FfH team seems to be fanatics of Monty Python because of the sound of the Inquisition spell ("Our weapon is surprise" a cross-reference to the famous Spanish Inquisition Monty Python sketches) and of the cow-catapult ("Fetchez la vache") and of course because of the cave of Caerbannog event . That's why I was quite disappointed that the taunt spell did not use one of the silly taunts of the french guard. I could imagine something like "Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries" or "I blow my nose at you, so-called Arthur King, you and all your silly k-nnnniggets!".