South Pole Cradle

Update 11 (Years 1000-1100 Post-K7)

The Shaln Trasque people meet the first post-K7 millennium with a successful expansion of their hunting and gathering operations into the region they call Masque-Una-Eshal. Unfortunately for them, this period coincides with overhunting of mountain goats in the Trasque Shaln mountains, which triggers an ecological domino effect and puts many Shaln Trasque communities in danger of starvation should they not migrate to new hunting and gathering grounds. (Shaln Trasque: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 26; player must choose type of new Power Point; Region 25: -1 Max Capacity; Population Centers that are over Max Capacity will be destroyed next turn)

The news of the hardship faced by the Trasque En Ettin Shaln slowly trickle over the Trasque ridge and reach the cave cities of the Shadb Trasque people. Spiritual differences and pure opportunism suggest to the leaders of some of these urban leaders that it’s a good time to bring many Shaln defectors back into the fold of the “true” Trasque culture, leading to a century of sporadic attacks across the mountains. Some Trasque Shaln communes indeed find themselves forced to pay tribute to their kin from the “first ridge,” and this spurs further growth of the victorious cave cities. (1 Population Center of Shaln Trasque in Region 26 is occupied by Shadb Trasque for 1 turn; Region 34: +1 Urbanization)

The Nadelis Turape civilization finally manages to spread across the “big water” to the steamy Bolevel island. There they find new hunting and fishing grounds, expanding the culture’s outreach. (Nadelis Turape: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 3; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The expansion of the Nadelis tribesmen across the sea coincides with a long-overdue activity of the Sagulan Turape culture. Besides finding new ways of cultivating primitive rice paddy fields among the elephant grass floodlands, they also start making primitive sewing tools and kitchenware based on obsidian shards and sharpened dried reed needles or bundles. (Sagulan Turape: +1 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 8; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Nekenee civilization continues blossoming without losing its integrity, mostly thanks to its highly cohesive urban core in the Pulete highlands. Nekenee craftsmen finally start experimenting with materials other than stone and produce first more or less mature ceramic works, which quickly develop stylistically and proliferate through the region. Interestingly enough, the mercantile and administrative elite of the Pulete city-states starts to integrate itself with the already strong priesthood, and a single city at the heart of the hill country becomes the seat of the high priest, whose authority also is based on his role as the chief commander and distributor of public labor. Among other things, it helps the Nekenee to expand their agricultural land even further in Pulete, against all odds. (Nekenee: +1 Material Culture, +1 Prominence, +10% Centralization; Region 12: +1 Soil Fertility)

Meanwhile, in the periphery of the Nekenee world, settlers of Fee Shenete lowlands attempt to migrate westward under the demographic pressure from the Syrisil agriculturalists. There, they find the land they call Zahnenee, but fail to gain a foothold in it. It’s a long strip of dense rainforests stuck between the unruly ocean and a massive mountain ridge displaying strong signs of active volcanism. One of such volcanos particularly stands out, both for its size and its explosive temper. Hot and humid air masses brought by the ocean winds slam into the mountain peaks with all their power, descending on this side of the rocks as snow in the high altitude and as cold rainfalls in the mid and lower slopes (not mentioning the occasional avalanches and mudslides). The peaks still feature permanent glaciers, but further below they turn into a myriad of fresh water springs and rivers that turbulently descend into the seashore strip. Here and there, the peculiarity of the mountain valleys allow for a formation of small high-altitude lakes of various salinity and temperature (thanks to the high levels of volcanism), often surrounded by active geysers. The extreme humidity allows dense forests to grow almost vertically, and the underbrush changes depending on the altitude (and thus temperature) to feature various ferns, flower, fussy moss, and (in the low country) an extreme abundance of fungus species. Giant eagles rules the skies, and the tricky mountain forests are roamed by herbivorous wooly gorillas and tree sloths. The insect realm is also very rich and features many species of bees that make giant hives in the cooler, rockier mid slopes. Any good soil gets instantly washed away into the ocean, and only a few patches of good meadows exist along the sea shore. The ocean is turbulent, with few good harbors existing, but the sea occasionally awards various scavengers with giant whales washed ashore. Minerals, metal ores, precious gems and metals, along with volcanic rock and obsidian, are easy to find in the high mountains, and some trees ooze peculiarly rubbery sap.

The Wiet-yrisi Syrisil people start diving operations in search of precious pearls, incorporating that gift of the Alignak river into their jewelery-making techniques (the pearls themselves are known as the “Tears of Alignak” to the Syrisil divers and jewelers). First festivals celebrating the arrival of the long winter night start to manifest (called "Alignaki sel-ys Esvi" or “Night of Near”), but so far this custom has little impact on the culture as a whole. However, for what its worth, the Wiet-yrisi fishers expand their operations through the mangrove forests and further up the Alignak river stream, leading to yet another population boom. (Wiet-yrisi Syrisil: +1 Material Culture, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 5; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Sheneti Syrisil culture spreads further through the hills surrounded by floodplains, clearly showing its better accustomization to the Fee Shenete valley’s conditions than the neighboring Nekenee settlers. As the Nekenee unsuccessfully try to migrate westward, the Sheneti Syrisil settlements start to truly thrive in the freed up lands. (Sheneti Syrisil: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 9; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Hazo forest people are showing more and more attempts to migrate deeper into the continental outback, under the demographic pressure from the Tantari migrants. These treks keep facing challenges, however, being performed across a densely forested, wild highlands. Meanwhile, among the tribesmen that stay in Tantara, the ritualistic warfare loses its violent edge and develops into a more peaceful tradition of competitive javelin-throwing and wrestling - with no major cultural consequences yet. Finally, and most importantly, the access to different types of timber and the cultural exchange with the Tantari hunters-gatherers brings about a sudden explosion of woodcarving techniques among the Hazo. Several highly innovative and artistically rich styles of woodcarving appear, producing both utilitarian tools and decorations of surprising degree of sophistication. (Hazo: +3 Prominence)

The Enaman proto-herders populating the pampas and savannas of Mona’s Rest continue going through turbulence of their primordial soup. It starts with the escalation of tribal subjugation wars launched by various Hill Enaman clans against their lakeshore cousins. They easily make the peaceful moa stalkers of the lowlands their tributaries and learn from them about the mud-rich and spacious lands deeper inland, already found by the Chorok kin. This prompts some hillmen to seek better pastures in the hillocks surrounding the Chorokpan plain. (Hill Enaman: 2 Population Centers migrate from Region 29 to Region 27; 2 Population Centers of Lakeshore Enaman are occupied by Hill Enaman for 1 turn)

The Lakeshore Enaman civilization reacts to this continuous onslaught in its own, typically peaceful manner. Some of the lakeshore inhabitants simply seek to escape the menacing hillmen and find refuge in the inhospitable salt flats of Syo-Ke Ao. Meanwhile, some of their kinfolk remain in the Mona yi Hu lake valley and cluster together in earth-house cities (that are, essentially, simply sprawling villages merged together), seeking to find safety in numbers. Those of the Lakeshore people who failed to escape the conquests of the hill people, meanwhile, keep their own culture and refuse to fully obey their vanquishers even in their defeat. Through storytelling and religious rituals, the lakeshore shamans slowly convert many hillfolk into a more peaceful and unifying version of their ancestral Mona-worship, and these uniquely distinct clans of Monite Enamans slowly start separating from the warlike ways of their neighbors. (Lakeshore Enaman: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 29 to Region 28; Hill Enaman civilization splinters into Hill Enaman and Monite Enaman (friendly to Lakeshore Enaman); Region 29: +1 Urbanization)

Meanwhile, in the Chorokpan pampas, the local nomads continue to thrive in their own militant ways. They find new pastures on the other bank of the Chorok river, where their quickly growing culture comes into violent contact with the peaceful Ankarne pastoralists. They find their patahonica llamas and dwarf-horses quite worthy of proto-husbandry and start their own subjugation campaigns that go hand-in-hand with aggressive intermarriage, converting many Ankarne into the Chorok Enaman ways. (Chorok Enaman: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 27; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center of Akarne is occupied by Chorok Enaman and oppressed)

The Tantanari communes start displaying a more complex culture of mutual coexistence, as it becomes traditional among the different families and clans to ritually and practically cooperate during planning their seasonal migrations. (Tantanari: +10% Conformity)

The grimmer Bashtunari, meanwhile, channel their energy into a series of clashes with the warlike Agomai tribesmen that populate the Agoru river valley and the surrounding hillocks. In them, they find their true match, and the generations of sporadic conflicts lead to no change, except for teaching the Bashtunari better ways of fighting and primitive weapon-making. (Bashtunari: +1 Conventional Warfare)

The Right-bank Happatara sub-civilization keeps on developing peacefully. The most notable outcome of this century for them is the migration of some settlers from the upper flow of the Nantara river to the timber-rich Hattara woods. (Right-bank Happatara: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 23 to Region 33)

On the left bank, meanwhile, the more defensive branch of the same civilization keeps expanding across the valley. Simultaneously, the Left-bank Happatara people start experimenting with better methods of loam production, incorporating primitive calcination techniques into their house building technologies. (Left-bank Happatara: +1 Industry, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 23; player must choose type of new Power Point)
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Trasque En Ettin Shadb
- Growth (Demographic/Survival, Masque-Una-Eshal): Radicals amongst the Trasque En Ettin Shadb see the steady destruction of the Trasque Shaln as a sign that they were obviously under the influence of the gods, but that the lodestones they followed were ultimately correct about the location of the promised land. Those glowing rocks are pretty damn persuasive.
- Shaln Migration (Demographic/Migration, Masque-Una-Eshal, uses Shaln Migration): Some tribepeople use Shaln guides who've made the journey south before to guide their own migration into the region.
- Emulating (Cultural/Material Culture): While the Trasque En Ettin Shaln might be stooges of the gods, their toolmakers were nonetheless quite impressive and their techniques are emulated by the Shadb.
- Mercantilism (Economic/Mercantilism on Trasque Shaln): No idea what this looks like.
- Innovation (Max Pop Centers in Trasque): Yeah, not really sure what this looks like either. Might be more thorough exploration of food options in the region?

Preferable area for a split if one does happen (probably due to the military succeeding at oppression while the growth also succeeds) would be a regional one between Trasque Shadb and Masque-Una-Eshal, not within a region. Plan here is to get a stack of cultural points next turn from expansion and mercantilism which can be used on Material Culture before I smack into the prominence limit.
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Nadelis Turape Orders
Undifferentiated point to Economic
-Migration to region 8
-Intellectualism to improve Mercantilism
-Intellectualism to improve Intellectualism
-Mercantilism to influence the Sagulan Turape
Wiet-yrisi Syrisil orders:

undifferentiated to culture

Point Allocation:
1) demographic point: lost due to lack of conformity
2) cultural point: lost due to lack of conformity
3) cultural point: material culture to prominence
4) cultural point: material culture to prominence
5) cultural point: material culture to prominence
6) cultural point: material culture to prominence

1) Wiet-yrisi Syrisil exploring with reeds invent the first 'reed flute' and its music soon spreads across the region.
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Hazo (Turn 12)
- 2 Demographic Points into Survival in Region 24
- 2 Cultural Points into Material Culture
- 1 Cultural Point into Comity to improve Conformity
- Military Point on defending

Narrative Orders: With the end of the violent sports and inter-tribal warfare, less young people die prematurely, causing a population boom among the Hazo. Much of this new population migrates to Astinanana where they do not have to compete with the many other Hazo and Tantanari. The location of the Voalohany Games also begins moving south to accommodate the new Astinananan tribes, this ensures that the Hazo maintain a shared cultural and religious heritage even as Mpik-Ady rulers become more politically independent from each other. Hazo woodcarving techniques continue to grow in sophistication as they encounter new types of trees in the Astinananan Highlands.
Nekenee Orders:
Use Agriculture to settle in region 12
Use Intellectualism to improve Material Culture
Use Intellectualism to improve Industry
Use Material Culture to Increase Prominence
Use Industry on region 12
Use Mercantilism to influence Shenti Syrisil Cultural point
3 Extent
2 points: Continue to religiously influence Hilltop Enamans to the True Path of Monite Religion.
1 Point: Use grazing to populate Chorokpan.
Two GM's updates:
- For brevity's sake, I renamed "Conventional Warfare" into "Conquest" and "Asymmetric Warfare" into "Depredation." Just fewer letters to type.
- I made a small tweak in how Mercantilism, Conquest, and Depredation actions work. Now, I'm checking not just the targeted region's Urbanization rating, but also the highest available Urbanization rating of the attacker. Their comparison will tell me if the defender or the attacker gets an advantage. This represents how a horde of steppe nomads with no cities whatsoever will struggle with besieging cities and how they'll also have a challenge influencing said cities with their trade.
Tantanari orders:

3 cultural points: increase conformity

Another development taking place among the Tantanari was the emergence of shamans. As rudimentary medicinal knowledge developed, it became the job of the storytellers of the tribe who hitherto had simply been regular members of the tribe to maintain this knowledge usually through creating chants and other such devices to remember which plants had the correct properties and which did not as well as how to prepare it. With the increasing belief in the ability of man to not only thrive against nature but to control it, the Tatanari began developing a belief in magic and man’s basic ability to control the natural world through chants and rituals and shamans increasingly were seen as the men who could take these roles. Shamans also served a less esoteric purpose and acted as mediators between tribes due to the great respect they often commanded. Through a network of personal relationships between shamans and mentor relationships between shamans of different tribes, myths and stories and rituals and chants and knowledge spread among the Tatanari providing a common cultural framework of understanding
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Update 12 (Years 1100-1200 Post-K7)

The Shadb Trasque culture benefits greatly from the forced exchange of material culture with the Shaln tribes subjugated by some of the cave cities - so much so that the subjugation campaigns continue being performed by some of such cities over the span of generations. The Shaln tributaries are of little use otherwise, as the attempts to use them as guides for the Shadb Trakkan exploration of Masque-Una-Eshal fail to bring any results. (Shadb Trasque: +1 Prominence, 1 Population Center of Shaln Trasque in Region 26 is occupied by Shadb Trasque for 1 turn)

Meanwhile, the embattled Shaln Trasque tribes manage to stabilize their homeland in Ettin Shaln. Some tribes escape from the mountain massif into the richer valleys of Masque-Una-Eshal, while those that remain work on searching for alternative hunting trails and incorporate previously inedible gifts of the forest into their cuisine. This somewhat impacts the natural diversity of the region, but narrowly evades the looming famine. (Shaln Trasque: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 25 to Region 26; Region 25: +1 Max Capacity, -1 Wilderness)

The Nadelis Turape foresters keep spreading through their home island, as some of them cross the central mountain ridge back into the rumored cradle of their people, the floodplains of Sagulan. Unfortunately, their intellectual and mercantile ventures fail to achieve anything. (Nadelis Turape: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 6 to Region 8)

Meanwhile, their Sagulan Turape kinfolk finally show greater adaptivity to the elephant grass-covered lowlands of their home, and their primitive agricultural enterprises spread through the land. (Sagulan Turape: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 8; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Wiet-yrisi Syrisil display a remarkable drive in production of production musical instruments (a reed flute being the main of them), but the output of this effort, quality-wise, is humble compared to the energy they channel into it. This era of musical innovation, however, coincides with another expansion of their fishing and fruit-gathering operations, keeping their culture ever-expanding through the Alignak river basin. (Wiet-yrisi Syrisil: +1 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 5; player must choose type of new Power Point)

Their cousins from the Sheneti Syrisil culture come into first active contact with the advanced highlanders from the south. Against all odds, the Sheneti proto-merchant class of dye traders manages to stave off the Nekeni mercantile expansion, but it’s doubtful they’ll be able to resist the wave of Puletian urban crafts for too long. This contact of civilizations, however, enriches the Sheneti Syrisil agriculturalists with knowledge of the world beyond their idyllic corner, and first agricultural communes of Syrisil proto-farmers start appearing in the low country of Pulete, quickly adopting their urban lifestyle. (Sheneti Syrisil: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 12; player must choose type of new Power Point)

Outside the unlikely failure of their merchants to dominate the markets of primitive paddy field farmers, the Nekenee urban civilization continues developing at a rapid pace. Their methods of clay firing improve their ceramic production quality, and their open pit mining techniques are improved with the introduction of specialized flint and copper tools. These two technological advancements both lead to a greater proliferation of the Nekenee material culture and and a further flocking of Pulete population toward the prospering cities that remain fairly well integrated into the larger cultural identity. (Nekenee: +1 Material Culture, +1 Industry, +1 Prominence, Region 12: +1 Urbanization)

The Hazo forest people, led by their Mpik-Ady rulers and mediated by the Valoahany shamans, keep on spreading through the rich woods of the Astinanana highlands, even while the flourishing of their woodcarving material culture comes to a temporary halt. (Hazo: -10% Centralization, -10% Conformity, +2 Population Centers in Region 24; player must choose type of new Power Point)

In the cradle of the Enaman civilization, turbulent forces of interclan rivalry continue stirring the melting pot of subcultures. The Hill Enaman tribes continue extracting tribute from the Lakeshore Enamans through the sheer military force. They also use their dominance over some of the proto-urban communities of the lakeshore lowlands to exert greater influence over the bartering market of the Mona yi Hu valley. The knowledge exchange between the two closely related cultures lead some hillfolk to follow the lakeshore dwellers to the east, into the salt-rich Syo-Ke Ao marshes, where they settle in the few elevated spots that exist. (Hill Enaman: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 29 to Region 28; 1 Population Center of Lakeshore Enaman is influenced by Hill Enaman for 1 turn (influencing player has the first choice of Military or Cultural Power Point to use); 1 Population Center of Lakeshore Enaman is occupied by Hill Enaman for 1 turn (influencing player has the first choice of Demographic or Economic Power Point to use))

On the other hand, the exchange of spiritual ideas continues chipping away on the relatively primitive cultural ties of the hillmen, and the numbers of pacifistic and insular Mona-worshippers increases among them. The Monite Enaman cult keeps its rapid pace of expansion not just through the rite of initiation, but also through the greater exploitation of decent grazing grounds along the shore, where their population booms. (Monite Enaman: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 29; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center of Hill Enaman civilization converts into Monite Enaman civilization)

Away from the turbulence of the Mona yi Hu valley, the Chorok Enaman tribes make their own path through the Land of the Shining Sky. In search of better craft material (or, perhaps, lured away by some herd of moa birds), they find their way to the fringes of the cold, seasonal wood. There, they meet some small groups of moody hunters and gatherers who call themselves Trasque En Ettin Shaln (the Shaln Trasque, or, as the Chorok Enamans call them, “Tras-kati Nashal”). In a typical Choroki fashion, a few clashes follow, but with few casualties, as the Chorok Enaman nomads and the Shaln Trasque highlanders both retreat into their preferred element and don’t risk venturing too far out. (Chorok Enaman: 1 Population Center migrates from Region 27 to Region 26)

The Tantanari culture gets enriched with the ascendence of medicine-men and shamans, who act as intertribal mediators. This comes in handy, as their clans and family groups keep on spreading through the Tantara forest, populating it now pretty densely. (Tantanari: -5% Centralization, +5% Conformity, +1 Population Centers in Region 22; player must choose type of new Power Point)

In the frigid cradle of their ancestral civilization, the Bashtunari highlanders keep going their back-and-forth struggle with the Agomai natives of the Agoru valley, with little to show for it on the both sides.

The Left-bank Happatara culture starts spreading toward the sea shore, as first port cities start growing near the few good harbors. Alabaster and calcite minerals start being used for primitive pottery, which brings no change to the techniques, but improves the variety of local craft. Some risk-takers attempt to take the surplus of these goods to the Aghak islanders that are known to inhabit the Aghigbro island chain. While this early attempts at seafaring and navigation succeed, the islanders show little interest in bartering, and the merchant operations fail at their main purpose, despite making the two civilizations much more aware of each other. (Left-bank Happatara: +1 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 23; player must choose type of new Power Point)
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Trasque En Ettin Shadb, stealing Shaln Economic Point
- Growth (Demographic/Survival, Masque-Una-Eshal): Radicals amongst the Trasque En Ettin Shadb see the steady destruction of the Trasque Shaln as a sign that they were obviously under the influence of the gods, but that the lodestones they followed were ultimately correct about the location of the promised land. Those glowing rocks are pretty damn persuasive.
- Storytelling (Cultural/Intellectualism on Intellectualism): Trakkan storytelling traditions have stagnated for the better part of a thousand years. This must change.
- Mercantilism x2 (Economic/Mercantilism on Trasque Shaln centers in Masque-Una-Eshal): No idea what this looks like, but I want their Culture dangit
- Innovation (Max Pop Centers in Trasque): Yeah, not really sure what this looks like either. Might be more thorough exploration of food options in the region?
- Military Point unused due to low Centralization
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Nadelis Turape Orders
-Survivalism to populate region 3
-Material Culture to improve Prominence
-Material Culture to improve Prominence
-Industry to urbanize region 6
Wiet-yrisi Syrisil orders:

undifferentiated to culture

Point Allocation:
1) demographic point: do nothing (on purpose, not lack of conformity)
2) cultural point: lost due to lack of conformity
3) cultural point: lost due to lack of conformity
4) cultural point: material culture to prominence
5) cultural point: material culture to prominence
6) cultural point: comity to conformity
7) cultural point: comity to conformity

1) Wiet-yrisi Syrisil discover hallucinogenic mushrooms and these soon become a prized trade good.
2) Proto-shamans developed increasingly complex cosmology based on 'spiritual communion', a practice dependent on potions developed from hallucinogenic mushrooms.
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Hazo (Turn 13)
- 2 new POPs into Demographic
- 1 Demographic Points into Survival in Region 24
- 3 Demographic Points into Migration from Region 22 to Region 20
- 2 Cultural Points into Comity to improve Centralisation
- 1 Cultural Point lost/randomly used
- Military Point on defending

Narrative Orders: The close interaction between the Hazo tribes led to the Mpik-Ady of different tribes intermarrying. This led to the emergence of the dominant
Kintana Dynasty that dominated the leadership positions of the Mpik-Ady and the Valoahany. The Kintana Dynasty led the Hazo in a unified fashion unseen for centuries. They organised a large migration of multiple tribes into the Hyagothia steppes to minimise the impact that the Hazo were having on the increasingly crowded Tantara and Astinanana hunting grounds. Despite covering a larger area than most cultures of this period, the Hazo were able to maintain cultural cohesion due to the communication network of the Mpik-Hazak.
Nekenee Orders:
Use Agriculture to settle in region 12
Use Intellectualism to improve Intellectualism
Use Intellectualism to improve Mercantilism
Use Material Culture to Increase Prominence
Use Industry on region 12
Use Mercantilism to influence Shenti Syrisil Cultural point
It is now time to bring the Light of Mona to the Choroks.

1. Intellectualism to improve Material Culture.
2. Spiritualism to influence Hill Tribes in Syo Ke Aeo Marshes.
3. Improve Urbanization in Chorok Plains using resources of the salt marshes.
Undifferentiated point to demographic

2 demographic points to migrate to region 23

Following a harrowing outbreak of disease, the afflicted tribes migrate out of Tantara believing they have been cursed by the land

3 cultural points to improve material culture:
The increasing sophistication of Tantanari society also lead to an increasing sophistication of its material culture including the use of bone as building material and increasingly impressive stone and wood working
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Update 13 (Years 1200-1300 Post-K7)

The Shadb Trasque civilization continues climbing up the backs of its lost and misbelieving kinfolk of Trasque En Ettin Shaln. The cave city-state of Roque-Esh rises particularly high, using its military domination over its Shaln Trasque tributaries to establish its colonies in the “promised land” of Masque-Una-Eshal, oppressing and intermarrying their clients until they are fully absorbed into the Shadb Trakkan fold. Meanwhile, some of the less militan city-states use their powerful craftsmanship industries to dominate the primitive bartering economy of the Trasque Shaln settlers. This leads to a trickle-down of knowledge and oral tradition to the prosperous Trasque ridge, leading to some innovative improvements of the way the Shadb Trasque people establish their hunting camps, as well as a flourishing of their mythological oral tradition. (Shadb Trasque: +1 Intellectualism, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 26; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center of Shaln Trasque is influenced by Shadb Trasque for 1 turn (influencing player has the first choice of Military or Cultural Power Point to use); 1 Population Center of Shaln Trasque is oppressed; Region 34: +1 Max Capacity)

So complete is the Shadb Trakkan domination of the Shaln Trasque tribes that many of them grow to perceive the valleys they call Earth Over Corruption (or Masque-Una-Eshal) as the desired exodus destination. Many of them settle there and soon find it rich with big game and various types of edible roots and nuts. Their craft also continues diversifying and spreading pretty widely through the region. (Shaln Trasque: +1 Prominence, -10% Centralization, -10% Conformity, +2 Population Centers in Region 26; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Nadelis Turape culture makes its first baby steps toward urbanization, but so far they have no solution for the power of seasonal monsoons to threaten primitive urban settlements. Despite these failures, their material culture proliferates through the island, as a variety of pelt, bone, and feather materials from Bolevel joins their craft base in Nadelis and Sagulan. (Nadelis Turape: +1 Prominence)

The Sagulan Turape craftsmanship can’t enjoy the access to the same diversity of materials as their Nadelis kinsmen, but they make do with what they have to increase the prominence of their culture. (Sagulan Turape: +1 Prominence)

The Wiet-yrisi Syrisil culture continues undergoing cultural changes of spiritual nature. Various hallucenogenic mushrooms start being used in shamanic rituals, and the power of the said shamans increases their grip on the Syrisilian society. Meanwhile, some cloth-dying methods are being borrowed from their westward cousins, improving the efficiency of textile production. (Wiet-yrisi Syrisil: +20% Conformity, +1 Material Culture, +1 Spiritualism)

The Sheneti Syrisil civilization, meanwhile, rips the benefits of learning the ways of city dwellers of Pulete. They develop and spread their own ceramic artifacts using the materials and knowledge gained from Pulete, while simultaneously working on their own tradition of producing functional weaved baskets. At home, their culture proliferates through the fertile valley of Fee Sheneti. (Sheneti Syrisil: +2 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 9; player must choose type of new Power Point)

The Nekenee highlands continue shining as the beacon of civilization in the Land of the Shining Sky. As the population density in the Pulete highland valleys keeps growing, so does the urbanization under the surprisingly strong authority of early priest-kings, who respect one of them, of the city-state of Kineka, as the first among equals. As this golden century drags on, a boom of urban craftsmanship propels the further development of an early merchant class that takes the attractive and highly functional Nekeni goods to the much less sophisticated Sheneti Syrisil floodplain farmers, who they strongly influence. (Nekenee: +1 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 12; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center of Sheneti Syrisil is influenced by Nekenee for 1 turn (influencing player has the first choice of Military or Cultural Power Point to use); Region 12: +1 Urbanization)

The Hazo foresters keep leaving the Tantara woods under the intense demographic pressure from the Tantanari migrants. More established Tantara communes travel across the mountains toward the Astinanana valley. There, they join their kin that has already taken roots in that cold, but rich landland and are now experiencing a baby boom. (Hazo: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 24; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center migrates from Region 22 to Region 20)

The Hill Enaman clansmen have dwindled in the Mona yi Hu valley after many of them converted to more peaceful Monite ways under the influence of their lakeshore-dwelling tributaries. However, this century sees the return of some hillside pastoralists from the Chorokpan plain to their homeland, where they spread forth and multiply once more, having finally forced their lakeshore vassals into compliance with their semi-nomadic ways. They also liberally borrow from the lakeshore culture its clay firing techniques and start producing more clay ceramics that underlines its cultural distinction from their kinsmen. (Hill Enaman: +1 Prominence, -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 29; player must choose type of new Power Point; 1 Population Center of Lakeshore Enaman is oppressed)

Meanwhile, the spiritseers of Mona keep extending their authority over the disparate communities of Monite Enaman nomads. (Monite Enaman: +10% Conformity)

In the Chorok river valley, the hillmen themselves become targets of subjugation raids by the Chorok Enaman nomads, whose tribes gather around a particularly charismatic (and semi-legendary) chieftain Numansh and his clan. (Chorok Enaman: +10% Conformity, +10% Centralization, 1 Population Center of Hill Enamans is occupied by Chorok Enamans for 1 turn (occupying player has the first choice of Demographic or Economic Power Point to use))

While the Bashtunari hunters-gatherers continue their petty squabbles with the Agomai savages, the Tantanari people of the north keep freely borrowing from the Hazo woodcarving techniques and develop their own style of houseware and hunting tools, which spread through the Tantara woods. Meanwhile, a truly game-changing cultural exchange takes place when some Tantanari communes living at the edge of the forest spill into the Nantara alluvial plain and occupy the urban sites abandoned by the Happatara during their conflicts with the Hazo several centuries earlier. While little remains of the original infrastructure, the inquisitive Tantanari quickly retro-engineer what they can’t borrow from the Left-bank Happatara urbanites and establish first city communities in the history of their civilization. (Tantanari: +2 Prominence, 1 Population Center migrates from Region 22 to Region 23)

The Left-bank Happatara city-states are not particularly excited about the migration of another black-skinned forest tribe speaking an unknown language. Yet, the lack of unity prevents the left-bank cities from stopping this migration either through the force of arms or through the temptation of trade. As it becomes clear that the Tantanari are there to stay, the Left-bank Happatara culture keeps spreading toward the delta, discovering more and more arable alluvial fields. (Left-bank Happatara: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 23; player must choose type of new Power Point)

Their kinsmen from the Right-bank Happatara civilization have much less interaction with foreign cultures, which could explain the relative stagnation of their urban lifestyle and intellectual pursuits. Yet, in the rich lands of Nantara it’s almost impossible for an agricultural people not to flourish. (Right-bank Happatara: -5% Centralization, -5% Conformity, +1 Population Center in Region 23; player must choose type of new Power Point)

GM's notes:
  • @Bair_the_Normal is dropped from the game. (Feel free to rejoin at a later date when you find yourself more ready to play.)
  • I may slow down the updating cadence now that there's much more sub-civilizations to process. Yet, I also don't like reminding people to submit four-sentence-long orders. So, if you miss the update, you miss the update. No big deal.
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