Spanish Rise to Power - My First Emperor Game

IBT- Iroquois move 4 destroyers and a battleship about, that’s about it

I now have 79 artillery, excluding the artillery I stole from the Russians. I’m one turn off another infantry army, pretty soon I may even be able to defend my borders with Infantry armies instead of a single infantry, backed with say…. 5 artillery each, barracks and walls, I’m pretty sure they’d be able to hold out for a bit if the Celts come to town……… ahh but we can dream can we not? The Celts have 275 Mech Inf and 74 tanks, I have 86 Infantry, but in a time of war that number would skyrocket because I’d conscript everyone that could carry a weapon and move them to the front lines. What would the front lines be though?? Would I be willing to sacrifice cities in order to have a more easily defendable border. The Russian war showed that having a city protruding into your empire is very annoying, but in order to generate such a straight border with the Celts I would need to disband quite a few cities, the majority of my Russian prizes at least. And even if I did make a such a defensive line, would it hold?? Just to remind you readers, the army of the Celtic Empire consists of-

63 workers
10 Marines
4 Longbow men
16 riflemen
4 Cavalry
86 Infantry (oh, same as me, that’s quite scary)
74 Tanks
275 Mech Inf
a Cannon (chuckle)
47 Artillery
35 Ironclads (and about 15 of them are just sitting in my territory)
5 GOLD RINGS………. Sorry I meant Carriers
4 Submarines
21 Destroyers (about 5 of them sitting with the Ironclads)
20 Battleships
3 Fighters
41 Bombers
2 Jet fighters
1 Army
7 Med Inf
4 Guerrillas
And a partridge in a pear tree

IBT- Celts cancel their ROP with me. The citizens of the core cities of the Spanish Empire can relax slightly in the knowledge that they won’t see suddently about 200 Mech Infantry at the door…………….. oh……… Celts declare war on the Japanese. I have a MPP with the Celts……. I would now like to draw your attention to the Japanese city of and the 30 odd marines sitting just outside it. Hmmmmm, I might loose some of my newly captured Mongolian cities here. Another funny thing happened. You remember that scarily large stack of Celtic units just sitting in my territory…… well they’ve just moved back home once the ROP finished. It was like, they loved the country so much they stayed but once they weren’t welcome they left. I’ve never seen an AI do that before and I was in no position to ask them to move. Even their fleet of ironclads have moved away. Phew!! Now if I could just get the 10 Korean Marines to go away then I’d be pretty happy

I’m not at war with the Japanese yet, but its only a matter of time, and when I get drawn in, so will the Koreans. Just for you people who love stats, the league table is as follows

Me woo :hammer:
China :hmm:

Korea might be low down but their army is in my opinion rivalled only by the Celts.
The REALLY funny thing is, I’m still in a MPP with the Iroquois so as long as the Japanese attack me within the next six turns, then they’ll have the 1st, 3rd, 5th AND 6th most powerful civ’s to fight against and for a nation that seems to be relying solely on marines, the future looks bleak. I’m just worried a Japanese battleship (they have 16) will show up and take out my Egyptian invasion fleet before it can get there, but in all honesty I think they’ll have their hands full with the larger Celtic fleet.
can't find them!! :lol: and anyway, its only a OCC and they are really far behind in tech, if the worst came to the worst I'd just pile them with tech and make them gracious towards me, which will be very useful if a UN vote comes
Crete the first Madrid Infantry Army.I now have four, I’m just trying to think where to put them. In the even of a war with the Celts I will need to keep Moscow at all costs because of the Wonders there, so I think I’ll put an infantry army there.

IBT- “Give” the Indians Electricity for 26 gold, 1 gpt and their WM. Everyone else has it and it might just make them like me if a UN vote comes round.

Lets try and instigate a war with the Japanese. If I do then both the Koreans and the Iroquois will go into a war with them and along with the Celts, they should all become Polite or even Gracious towards me. Steal tech please……….oh, we get one, treat. OH OH Flight or Mass Production….. Battleships or bombers……….. hmm, I have no navy, but I do have a shockingly large amount of artillery. Flight it is nicked :hammer: and any cities in my empire producing artillery immediately switches to an airport, and I switch a few making infantry to airports too for good measure. +628gpt, means I can try a steal again in about 4 turns.

IBT- The Celts ask me to leave their territory. I say yes, didn’t realise I was in their territory to begin with.

1830AD All my transports are now within range of the landing point, just west of the city of Elephantine, I’ll land next turn but there are 2 or 3 Japanese battleships right beside my fleet so I’m worried the Japanese will pick now to attack.

IBT- That’s good timing on my part. At this turn the Egyptian Coal agreement finally ends. I can declare war with nothing to tarnish my rep. Confirm my saltpetre deal with the Chinese, I don’t see any reason not too. Also sell some of my wine and spice to them for 37gpt each. The Chinese seem to be the only civ willing to trade with me :(.

Dear Egypt, please give us Scientific Method so we may grow even stronger.
Dear Spain, much like your head, your threats are empty. Go away now.

My heads empty?? Time to die now

Wait a minute, Elephantine is only defended by regular infantry…… that means no barracks……don’t you need barracks to build conscripts…… oh this is getting better and better.

IBT- Egypt and Japan sign a peace treaty………. Or not Egypt then declare war on Japan. Maybe they’ve got a MPP with someone. Japan help me out by bombing Elephantine……. Ok now its just getting silly. Our righteous crusade against the Egyptians has caused the Indians to declare war on us. They had a Mutual protection Pact. Ok I’m gonna kill the Indians now before they can draw someone in against me.

Right now I was willing to let the Indians live so that I could use them in a UN vote if one came, but now I’m just too annoyed with them. A quick investigation of their city shows that its directly off the coast of where San Diego resides. That means the west coast of the second main continent. Its defended by 2 Spearmen and both are redlined (probably as a result of Japanese bombing) Rifleman due in 18 turns. Complete Battlefield Medicine in Zaragoza. Now, back to the war.

Kill 4 Infantry in Elephantine and capture it with no losses. If they only have regular units then I’m just gonna chew them up with my 2 Cavalry armies. Hopefully I can get a few leaders out this as well.

IBT- and there it is. Japan has finally attack the Celts. War has begun. Japan move a HUGE amount of Marines about in the Mongolian Peninsula but my troops are all out of reach, then it happens. A Japanese tank, one of only a few they have, charges forward and captures the city of Kazan……. Which then initiates the MPP with the Iroquois (who also have A LOT of units on the Mongolian Peninsula) and the Koreans (who own the land bridge TO the Peninsula. Another World War has begun. Update my coal deal with the Chinese for 32gpt (a 3gpt increase) Iroquois capture back Kazan (I’m not that bothered it’s a size one city with 7 squares of pollution outside it) and begin to wipe up the Japanese units still about.

Ok, this is not a good start. Loose a cavalry army against a vet infantry defender!!! DAMN!!!! I can’t even reinforce those units now because the Japanese navy will be looking for me!! I’ll need to rush an airport whenever the city comes out of resistance.

IBT- Ok the Egyptians DO have horses from somewhere and a lone cavalry has just attacked the city of Elephantine. Remember my MPP’s? well the Egyptians do now. Japan takes back Kazan and capture two of my workers. On the same turn the Iroquois cancel our MPP, a wee bit too late but oh well!

1838AD Loose two Cavalry in the capturing of Alexandria. Trade Gems and 750gold for Furs off the Chinese, I’m gonna need them soon when WW kicks in. Celts and Koreans declare war on the Indians

IBT – Japanese bombard Elephantine.

1840AD Rush libraries and temples in border towns, I’ve got about 4000 gold so I might as well use it.
IBT- Oh my goodness. Japan try to take Alexandria with 2 Marines, they die against the power of my Rifle army but they instead land 3 tanks and a Mech Inf. To make matters worst the people of Breast decide to join the Celtic Empire :( Capture Kazan back though, no losses but kill 5 Marines and capture 6 workers.

1842AD Rush an airport in Alexandria, I’ll start transport in troops next turn. Sending over 2 transports of artillery to help out along with another Rifle army.

IBT- Japanese sink my transport of 3 infantry that was heading over to kill the Indians :( on the plus side the 3 tanks and Mech Inf that I bombarded to yellow before they attack have moved out of my territory in order to heal. There’s no way I’m gonna let them heal.

Airlift 9 Infantry into Alexandria, and even more will come in next turn because I’m building airfields in all the places where no city works. Use m Cavalry army to kill a redlined Mech Inf and a tank. It hurt the cavalry army but it needed to be done, it’ll heal in Elephantine where there’s a barracks. Funniest moment of the turn was watching a Charriot take on a Mech Inf. It lost

IBT- Korea take the city of Ulaanbaatar, ending Japanese influense in the Mongolian Pensinsula. That’s good that means that the Japanese can only attack my Egyptian interests now. And I’m piling the troops in there.
Wow Steve. A great read. I look forward to the conclusion to this story.

Note that the AI is fielding these massive navies now. It's likely the C3C upgraded naval code at work. If at all possible, build some subs and float them around. You might catch a few interesting naval battles :)
my game at the moment seems to be a strange hibreed of C3C and PTW. For example, the armies have the blitz upgrade (4 movement Cavalry armies rock!!, its almost making me curious about a Conquistador army, an army that can move and pillage 12 tiles A TURN has to do a s*** load of damage!!) but the cities can't build policemen or anything like that.

The Ai does seem to love navies and it gets quite worrying sometimes. Oddly enough I'm playing/writing at the moment and the Koreans have a lone nuke sub but two tactical nukes, I'm curious to see if the AI actually uses nuke subs to carry nukes about or are the nukes just sitting in the capital till someone close by annoys them?? Can anyone confirm or deny the fact that an AI will carry a nuke about in a sub to get at someone??
another thing I've noticed that has come over from C3C is the plane rebasing range thing. I was quite annoyed when I experienced that new rule first hand. It was only by a stroke of luck where I had a base in range of the Egyptian home land to get units across otherwise I would have had to rely on artillery to do all my work. Unfortunately the range isn't short enough to allow fighters, so I can't protect my cities (especially Elephantine) against the Japanese bombers and the like.

And I'm not even close to being powerful enough to have Carriers yet, having a load of carriers and not the units to defend it is just a waste and I can't spare the shields away from bombers and infantry to build them. thats one problem I've noticed in the past few turns, the amount of severely large production port cities in my hands is quite small. Barcelona is probably my main one
C3C is a blast. the improved AI handling of air power and naval power makes it a lot more interesting. Phoney wars over large bodies of water can become very real.

IN anycase, when can we expect the next installment of your story stevie?
:hmm: my word document where I'm saving all my work has gone missing

its not a huge problem, its just I've lost a few turns of work. If any of you find a file lying about called Spanish Rise to Power2.doc let me know ok?

I was in 1860, need to go back 14 years to 1846. I'm pretty sure nothing major happened, the Celts took two Egyptian city while I took Memphis and Giza but I suppose I'll just need to do it again.
Move troops to the airport in Alexandria. I’ll make a push on Memphis next turn.

IBT- Egyptians offer me a peace treaty, I laugh at them.

Construct the Spanish Expedition Force, an army of 4 cavalry which will take the place of the lost army and will hopefully bring the Egyptian lands into Spanish hands. I’m uneasy about attacking an Egyptian city again without artillery support. I learned the hard way about that one so it will take two turns before I can take Memphis. My main attacking force on Egyptian soil is 2 Cavalry armies (2nd Cavalry Army and the SEF), 3 Cavalry (1 elite and 2 vet’s), 11 artillery and 4 Bombers (yes the Spanish now has an airforce :hammer:)

A quick look at the various armies of the other Civ’s shows something worrying. The Koreans have 2 Tactical nukes :nuke: and a nuke submarine. No one else has them though but I’m absolutely certain the Celts and the Japanese are on the same tech parity as the Koreans…. So why don’t they build them??

IBT- Iroquois and Korea sign an alliance against India. Hopefully they can nuke them :nuke: would be funny, spearman and tank, ok fair enough the RNG could be having an off day and the spearman might win….. but a Spearman / nuke situation…….. :hammer:
1850AD At 88spt Zaragoza can build a fighter a turn. I’m gonna keep building them until I have about 50 or so. Lessons learnt during the Russian war showed me that the Bomber is a beast when it comes to chewing up improvements and the Spanish people are wary of a repeat of such a thing. My artillery is now in range of Memphis. Also I’ve noticed when bombing that the bombers pick out the naval units in Mamphis first, another C3C moment there for a PTW saved game.

IBT – China and the Celts sign an alliance against the Egyptians. This is a typical kick em when they’re down moment. I sense a dog pile not far off.

1852AD Kill 3 Infantry and a Cavalry to take Memphis. No losses. “should” take Giza next turn.

IBT- In the largest amount of fighting since the war began, 3 Cavalry and 3 Infantry attack the cities of Elephantine and Memphis, all loose but it was touch and go in Elephantine for a minute there. Got an elite infantry out of it though. Japan and Korea sign a peace treaty. But for some reason the Iroquois declare war on the Koreans. My money’s on Korea. I want to see a nuke fest soon :nuke: preferably not on me, but you know what I mean.

1854AD Kill the 2 cavalry and the 2 infantry that got within range of Memphis but not close enough to attack it last turn. They now only have 3 cavalry left and 19 infantry and I’m sure they’re gonna have their hands full because (just like the game I had before I lose the commentary for it) the Celts have now arrived at the exact same spot they did last turn. Bombard to red then kill 3 Infantry and a cavalry in order to capture Giza. My Rifle Army and 19 artillery have finally arrived, boosting the amount of artillery I have in Egypt to 30. my artillery now outnumbers the entire Egyptian army 2 to 1, excluding the bombers I have based in Alexandria. I’m tempted to move the bombers back home to ensure that the Celts don’t try anything funny. Ok ok if it came to a battle between the Spanish and Celtic Air Forces I’d get creamed but it might slow them down a wee bit.

IBT- Brown trouser time. My stack of 11 artillery was almost stolen by the Egyptians. I was defending it with two cavalry and they killed one and redlined another. Lets never do that again ok? It looks like the Iroquois are planning on landing troops on the Egyptian island. A Galleon’s worth by the looks of it. But it gets worse……. The “evil” Iroquois have attacked our “brothers” in Korea, Out mutual protection pact forces us to declare war on the Iroquois.

good place to end it for the moment I think......
1856AD Hmm, ok my war with the Iroquois is the first true test of my army. Before now I’ve been picking on the underdogs in order to make myself stronger (Mongolia and Egypt) but now the Iroquois have tanks, which I don’t.

I notice a small Japanese fleet just south east of Giza. There’s a transport in it. Time to bombard it. Redline the whole fleet. I’m kidna annoyed I sent my bomber force back to Spain, if I remember correctly they have lethal ship bombardment :(

IBT- The Egyptians move an infantry towards Memphis. The Koreans cancel my MPP and the Japanese fleet goes home (wooo) Celts and India sign a peace treaty. Can someone just kill them please??? Celts move more transports towards Egypt.

1858AD Capture Heliopolis with the loss of an elite cavalry. With the rapid advances of the Celts (they “should” take Thebes next turn) I’m not sure I’ll get all the cities I want, I’ll get Pi-Ramesses and El-Amarna (two biggest cities in the East of Egypt) no problem, but the rest (Byblos, Abydos and Asyut) are doubtful. Asyut has a source of oil which I would like to have. I realise I’m at war with the Iroquois and they have a city on the Mongolian Peninsula, the city of Almarikh. It has both oil and coal. And if I took it then it would just be Koreans and myself on the Mongolian Peninsula. However the Koreans are also are war with the Iroquois and have the same idea.

I’m at war with with Iroquois, Egyptians, Japanese and the Indians. The Iroquois is in a worse off situation-


IBT- My 45gpt MPP deal with the Celts has now rocketed to 118gpt, 700 gold and my WM. Koreans land 2 Mech Inf and a tank on Egyptian soil.
Incase you go to war with celts, this is somethings to consider:
Get subs asap to protect ur channel. Make sure you space them out in stacks of 3. Since subs can attack selected units, you can specifically target transports, killing them easily, and get away scot free because of your sub's invisibility. build a magonet line on ur huge border with the celts. Remember to consider about terrain when building the line, remember to make killing fields on plains. and heavy fortification on mountains. Have baits such as unprotect workers and artillery pieces in large mountain ranges. This will draw those tanks to them forcing the tank only to move 1 tile per turn due to the terrain penalty.

If the celtic cities are protruding into your land, pillage those cities with ur conquistas, since your cities surrounds them on 3 sides. Use ur cities to annoy them the same way by using ur conquistas to pillage everything within a safe range. Eventually u will pillage all of their rails leading to you forcing tanks to take several turns to get to you. With that time you can bombard them senseless. If i remember correctly, the AI will withdraw forces if they are hurt, therefore a stack of 30 tanks, or even 70 doesn't look so tough when they spend 2 turns crossing your arty's and bomber's bombardment. Majority will retreat.

Use your core cities to crank out fighters and use them to protect your borders. Use the fighters to reveal more of your borders. This allow your bombers to bomb more incoming tanks. Have your harbor cities build subs, and the remaining border units build defensive units. Have the bare minimal defense in your core cities and send the rest to your borders. Remember the power of rails.

I suggest a switch to facism if you want. Facism allow ur workers to work 1/3 faster than ur workers in democracy. Corruption is only alittle worse than democracy but very little. And NO WW! This defensive strategy allow u to minimize their army. you can go sever directions from here. Naval landing, massive air power, and a strategic and tactical ground war. Remember to fight on your terms, manipulate the computer.
i don't like using baits to trick the AI. In fact, I suggest against it as human players already enjoy way too many advantages in terms of strategy and exploiting this AI weakness is just cheap. fortifying in defendable positions is more than enough.
During the Russian war I did bait the AI towards the undefended cities in the rear, I never really considered it an exploit, I just thought of it as stupidity on the part of the russian generals :p

I am cranking out the fighters, I can get about 1 a turn and although I can't get to my computer at the moment, to the best of my knowledge I've got about 12 or 13 fighters and about 20 bombers, all of which are based in Odessa just for practicality sake. if something looks like its gonna happen then I'll distribute them accordingly.

Unfortuantely I'm still saving my money up to get (steal) Scientific Method, which means Fascism is still quite a bit off for me, but I did consider switching to see what the government was like. WW is a wee bit of a problem at the moment, luxuries are at about 30%.

If I can get tanks then I "should" be ok, all of my cities are far enough away from Celtic lands to assure no first turn strike, and all my cities are linked with multiple railroads which means I can move about 80 (excluding the artillery in Egypt at the moment or Russian ones sitting about) artillery into poition and bomb the stack. The only problem is just sheer numbers, the Celts have about 200+ Mech Inf, I have about 90 Infantry (5 armies though) if this deal goes down then I will need to be on my toes, so much more than when I was facing the Russians.

I once played a similar game to this in PTW a while ago (my first regent game oddly enough) I was the Carthagians and had a land border with the Egyptians that was about 12 or so squares long, there were three cities more or less on the line and I fortified them with everything I could and they threw everything at me, tanks, Mech Inf, everything. I eventually held out because no matter what they had, they couldn't match the units I had sent to defend the cities (they once tried to bypass the city but I bombed it to nonexistance) I won that battle because in the end although I only had infantry, I had superiour numbers. Now I don't :hmm:

As on the naval issue, I have always liked subs (a love for Tom Clancy books does that to you) and I (usually) build loads, especially when it comes to the nuke stage where I can have alot of subs roaming about with missiles on board. it would take me some time to get a huge fleet of them though, I just don't have the huge productive coastal cities like I usually have (I'm a costal person, I prefer to build my cities on coasts if I can) Barcelona can probably churn out one in 5 - 7 turns maybe but thats about it. I'll probably switch that when I get home, as of lately my priority has been bombers and fighters. Egypt should fall within 5 turns or so (the Koreans even have units there now) Egypt has about 8 infantry left and 4 cities, I have 2 Cavalry Armies and about 20 artillery. After that I'm considering a possible strike on the Iroquois :hmm: but they seem smaller than me and have more infantry, HOWEVER alot of their cities seem to be in what used to be America, so if the Iroquois just happened to be at war with say... the Koreans or Japanese at the point of attack, alot of their units might be tied down. However what I've just said is dismissive of the fact they have tanks and I don't :cry: bt soon I should....... should.........

I think the main thing here is if I can get tanks I can survive a Celtic attack, they have more bombers than me yes, but they don't have the artillery. they can't get to any of my cities first turn (need tocheck on that one :hmm:) If they can't I'll bomb them to death, rush their injured units with my tanks, get leaders, make more infantry armies, defend like crazy.

This is all in theory though............. I'll probably get whipped.

Cool Stevie. One thing I think that needs to be worked on AI wise is how they attack. For example, they show their hands way too quickly. Meaning if you're RR'ed its hard to crack the nut so the speak.

They should pick targets that can attack on the same turn, and really blow our socks off by attacking the same turn they declare war. This means the mobile 3 move units go in first. Rather than moving 2 move units and giving away their hand too soon. You might have an AI attack for example, where 18 tanks move next to your city to end their turn, and 3 cavs (with 3 movement) attack. Naturally, your next move would be to blow the tanks away with everything you have, even though under human control, those 18 tanks would be quite devastating.

I had secretly hoped this would be fixed in C3C. It seemed so simple. Move the 3 move untis first! but nope. not yet fixed.

Anyways, on with your story :)
good luck

and u read Tom Clancey too... NICE!
1860AD Capture Pi-Ramesses for the loss of a lone Cavalry (I hate loosing just one cavalry!! I need leaders goddamn it!!) In other news, away from the Egyptian Front, I manage to capture Almarikh from the Iroquois, capturing 19 gold, and the deposits of oil and coal. That should pi** the Iroquois and Koreans (they wanted it too and had a Mech Inf just outside the city) something chronic

IBT- Celts and Iroquois sign a trade embargo against me :hmm: that doesn’t make any sense I have a MPP with them!! Oh dear god let them keep the treaty. Japan and Celts sign a peace treaty

1862AD Finally Capture El-Amarna, no losses this time. I’ve got all the places I wanted. Anything else is just gravy. I’ll try to get Byblos. My 2 Cavalry armies move towards Byblos, without artillery support unfortunately.

IBT- Japan and Egypt sign a peace Treaty. Celts declare war on the Iroquois (why??, they just signed an embargo against me) Oh wait, I do know, an Iroquois sub just sank one of my transports that were just sitting out in the open. :hmm: for the past few turns I’ve seen a lot of naval (is it naval or navel??) units go round the tip of what was once the French Peninsula. Mainly Chinese and Koreans, now I know why.


I now bring your attention to my Mutual Protection Pact with the afore mentioned Celts. So……….. that means I’m at war with……
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN one – The Iroquois. An annoying power with a short temper
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN two – The Egyptians. A Has been with no units and a foot in the grave.
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN three – The Indians. A Civ that needs no introduction
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNN four – The Japanese. A power who doesn’t seem to know they’re second rate
And BULLY’S SPECIAL PRIZE!! – The Chinese. Watch out, this civ has claws and isn’t afraid to use them.

(sorry, just had a Bullseye moment, if you’re British, you’ll understand, if not, don’t worry)

1864AD Capture Byblos without any form of artillery support. I’m quite proud of that. Almost killed an army, but that means I’ve got another city to join the great Spanish Empire. I expect a war with China any day now.

IBT- Iroquois and Egypt sign a peace treaty. Iroquois and India sign a peace treaty. Oh please god will someone just kill them!! The Iroquois move some naval units towards the city I just took of them, Almarikh. I move my artillery in there to start bombing it.

1866AD Bomb the stack to redline, it “should” retreat now.

IBT- The Iroquois sign a peace treaty with the Japanese. Looks like they want to focus on me and the Celts. Koreans capture Thebes. The Japanese move a fleet towards Memphis, bombing time :hammer: The Iroquois fleet also runs for home. :anger: the city of Alexandria has flipped back to the Egyptians :anger: I’ll need to get it back PRONTO. Aww son of a B$*%£, Pi-Ramesses flips too

1868AD Capture back Pi-Ramesses thanks to the large Rifle Army / Artillery stack placed outside it. Alexandria is slightly harder. I loose 2 Infantry. My redlined Cavalry Army is just within range, but I can only attack once…….. thank god, it works, one down, half strengthed Cavalry…….. WOO, got both cities back.
Another annoyance is the city of Asyut. Its connected by a single square of land and the Celts have landed a transport full right on the bridge. Meaning I can’t get to it. Oh well, I’ll just head to the other Egyptian city of Abydos.

I now have 26 bombers and 14 fighters.

IBT- The Egyptians recapture Byblos. Loose 1 infantry and an artillery unit. In other news the Japanese bombard a square somewhere in my territory, this results in the Celts declaring war. Yet again. How the smeg can they have any form of reputation after this. The Celts bomb Byblos to rubble, honestly, I actually stopped counting the bombers at about 20 or so, consideringt he fact that there was a lone Guerilla in the city kinda highlights the overkill. The Japanese also land a lone tank north of Elephantine.

1870AD Capture back Byblos and my artillery piece. The Celts now have 406 Mech Infantry :S Korea have a Leader, which I’m assuming is just sitting about. Egypt is down to its last city. And I’m about to start a revolution and switch to Communism. At 60% luxuries I can’t really afford not to. And I suppose it’ll be interesting to see what the change is like. Before this game I’d never switched to Democracy either….. only 2 turns of Anarchy?? Treat. Take out the lone Japanese tank and progress to the next turn

IBT- Another slug fest. The Chinese are moving two fleets of 3 battleships and a transport each down my cultural border towards the Celts. I should be at war with them pretty soon then. Also, the Iroquois and the Chinese declare war on each other. These guys are neighbours and also people I consider to be my rivals in terms of military, fi they can take each other down a few bits then that’s just groovy. Hmm I don’t think the Chinese/Iroquois war is intentional. One of the fleets I mentioned previously just started to attack open water, I’m guessing a Chinese battleship met an Iroquois sub and neither refused to move. Not that I’m complaining, a war’s a war.
Originally posted by steviejay
my game at the moment seems to be a strange hibreed of C3C and PTW. For example, the armies have the blitz upgrade (4 movement Cavalry armies rock!!, its almost making me curious about a Conquistador army, an army that can move and pillage 12 tiles A TURN has to do a s*** load of damage!!) but the cities can't build policemen or anything like that.

The Ai does seem to love navies and it gets quite worrying sometimes. Oddly enough I'm playing/writing at the moment and the Koreans have a lone nuke sub but two tactical nukes, I'm curious to see if the AI actually uses nuke subs to carry nukes about or are the nukes just sitting in the capital till someone close by annoys them?? Can anyone confirm or deny the fact that an AI will carry a nuke about in a sub to get at someone??

i've had enemy subs nuke my coastal boundaries more than once. In fact before i begin a nuclear or modern war i take inventory of all armed nuclear subs
This story is kind of confusing, no offense, it's just hard o keep track of who's at war with who because it seems that everyone's at war with everyone near the end there. Maybe a diplomacy screen with all of the faces shift-clicked and a screenshot of the minimap will clear this up.
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