Special religious promotions


Nov 22, 2005
I just found out that all religions are not equal :lol:.

Some religious buildings have special bonuses not available with other religions:

- Taoism monastery gives Martial Arts promotion.
- Hellenism monastery gives the lightning bolt promotion (whatever it's called).
- A religious shrine (hellenism ?) gives the Morale promotion. This rocks since my melee can have two moves. If I have these buildings with the HE city then I'm all set to dominate the world.

Is there a doc for ROM somewhere ? I looked in the Civlopedia but there's not enough info. Or maybe there is but it's not easy to find.

BTW, the game is much easier to play with Revolution off. Maybe after I become more familiar with the game it can be turned on but for now, the happiness issue is just too overwhelming to deal with anything else.
Never mind. I found the info in the Civlopedia under the Religion topic. I was searching under the Building topic.

The Holy City which gives the Morale promotion for an extra movement is the Kong Mao. I was not able to find that out since I was at work yesterday.

It seems picking the right religion can provide significant benefit. I will need a spreadsheet and list all the religious buildings and their benefit out before I can compare :lol:, but, at first look, Hellenism seems very good. It's available fairly early and on an important science path so researching it is not a distraction. The Prankration promotion applies to all units up to Gunpowder so it covers a good part of the game. Temple of Zeus is a nice addition to the Super Science city although the +100% war weariness to enemy is not that useful to me (as I don't plan to build a lot of units and get them killed :lol:).

ROM is rather overwhelming for noob like me but it seems to have a trove of goodies to be found. It's hard to get a hang of it but, after that, there are more to experiment with :lol:.
If you add in the extra religions is gets more confusing since they are designed to be all unique. Some improve food production, others make your war units stronger, some are commerce based, some science based and others a combination. This means that sticking to one religion is not the best strategy,
I always go with Christianity for one reason: Crusaders. They can use enemy roads, get a bonus while pillaging, have 2 moves, start with Lead by Warlord (for the promotions that need it), and are unbeatable until guns.:jesus:
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