SprylliNES: The City of Oracles

To the Temple

We have heard of these unfortunate events that have taken the lives of your members, we may be able to provide ways to prevent this in the future and possibly help cushion what ever the plague does.
TO: The Senate of Dis
FROM: The Demoite Clan
CC: The Plague

We believe to respond to this crisis of the Plauge we need a speedy a multi-faceted response:
1) We need to block of the ill into certain areas of the city, away from the general populace,
2) Once the city is safe we need to get aid to the infected, and
3) We need improved santitation infrastructure so that new diseases will not take root.

Fabius Santus Demoite
Patriarch of the Demoites
Claudia Marcus Demoite
Matriarch of the Demoites​

The Clan has spoken, Thanks be to God!
Cough you never posted a proposal cough
To enforce section 1 of our response, the house of demoite will deploy 10 men-at-arms to contain the infected citizens.
For section 2 we will hire 20 laborers/doctors to transport food, water and anything else to the infected in the blocked off zone, we will also tranfer 2 of our fire department's beasts of burden to assist in this project.
Part 3 TBA. (it is still being planned).
The Clan An'Topi has agreed to commit 50 schillings to a plan to relieve the cities woes. The lessons learned from the levy project should help us prepare for another large project.

The diseases are clearly a sign from the heavens. The stench and death in the city must be stopped at all cost.

No we must act, and with our pockets extended a little farther than I would like to see. A cheap source of labor could prove advantageous in our current position. Perhaps we can ask clan Verisimilitude to donate the use of its manpower to save our city.

I would be willing to purchase beasts of burden and donate them to the cause also.
We, The Scara’moosche Clan would like to offer our services. We can hire out our own men to you, cheaper than you can hire elsewhere. It would cost our meagre wallets, but we wish to support this fair city which bears us so kindly. As many men as you need, only 6 shillings a man. Does this interest you? A free man works considerably harder than those enslaved.
From: Clan Verisimilitude
To: The Senate and the Temple

Last year we were robbed by Scara'moosche thugs. As rightful citizens of this city protected by the laws and customs of Dis, we ask that the Senate and Temple force the Scara'moosche thugs return our shillings, along with 50% in payback as retribution.

We also recommend sentencing the Scaramooschers to many long hours of hard forced labor - "community service," if you will, to help make some of the shortfall in labor we have been experiencing for public works projects.

In addition, we are willing to provide pro bono half of our slaves for work in city projects this year if the institution of slavery is enshrined as a vital part of Dis, protected by law. We also recommend that the law clearly define slavery in the following ways:

Slavery being subject only to non-citizens and foreign barbarians, or citizens stripped of their rights due to punishment for crimes.

Slaves having some rights, including the right to testify against masters in court for heinous abuses such as murder, but are otherwise subject to reasonable amounts of hard labor. Slaves also have no right to franchise, being noncitizens.
The House of Assir Addresses the People and Senate

In order to avert certain aspects of the prophecy we propose the following.

Construction of a Sewer: Located in the Ulerian Hills, it would consist of a main underground sewer line, running underground and emptying into the river. The redirection of current street drainage systems so that they all flow into the main underground sewer will also need to take place.

The total cost of this would be:
550 Shillings for stone, imported from Bok
90 For untooled stone workers (2 years)
120 For tooled stone workers (2 years)
527 For shovel men (2 years)

Total: 1287 Shillings

We propose that all of the Senate's budget be allocated to pay for this project.

The House of Assir also shall donate 400 Shillings of its own money to aid in this great endevour.

We ask that the Dean, keeper of the Temple, aid the city and its people in this project, and also donate money so that the great peace which the prophecy has said it will bring, shall be made to pass.

The Petition of the Verisimilitude clan

We have heard many complaints from people about these Scara'moosche criminals. It is time the senate took action against those who have perpetrated these crimes.

We demand that the Scara'moosche return the money stolen from the Verisimilitude clan. They shall pay an addition 50% of this money as a punishment and they shall pay 50% to the Dis Senate, for the crime of stealing.

The Scara’Moosche clan have not only broken the laws of Dis, but have committed crimes in the nation of Kyly. You shall return the citizens whom you unlawfully detained from Kyly and you shall also return the citizens of Dis who you have unlawfully detained and sent to Kyly.

The individuals responsible for these crimes will submit themselves to the Senate for punishment, or the Senate shall arrest them. Resistance will only make punishment more severe.

As for slavery we propose the following laws regarding it.

An individual may be subject to slavery only if he/she is a non-citizen, foreign Barbarian, or citizen convicted of a heinous crime(Murder, Rape, Selling a citizen into slavery).

An individual who is a slave shall have the right to testify against masters who have perpetrated heinous abuses against them, or others.

An individual who is a slave shall not have the right to vote.

The offspring of slaves shall be born into slavery as well. The offspring of individuals who have been stripped of their rights as citizens of Dis due to the commission of a heinous crime, shall not be subject to slavery and shall be born free.
The An'Topi sign Construction of a Sewer proposal brought forth by the Assir as well as pledge 400S to the senate to support the cost.

We also sign the Verisimilitude Pension.

Blessed be the will of the senate and all decisions it declares.
The house of demoite agrees to all of the proposals. We will donate 50 shillings to the cause, but we may send more if the funds are available.
OOC: I don't know why it was revealed it was my clan doing all these endevours.. how on earth is one meant to play the game as a less-than-good clan?

Spry, do you understand what I mean?
Because the port authorities in Kyly noticed the scam, and you said in your orders to try to intimidate the Verisimilitude. How can you intimidate someome unless they know who you are?
Clan Name: The Antulans
Clan Type: Mercantile
Specialty: Metalworking
Description/History: The Antulans are a local mealworking merchant clan recently founded by an entrepreneurial blacksmith, Quillan Becuson. The clan has grown rapidly due to the high demand for metalworking of all sorts.
Erm, very easily? Thugs are just thugs. They generally don't tell someone who they are working are.. that would be STUPID.. They intimidate, leave it to the intimidated to worry who they have upset. It would have made the police's work very easy otherwise, in the prohibition era!

Notice what? That we arrived with slaves, and sold them? Why would it even be noticed by the port, let alone by the authorities enough to warrant sending important diplomatic messengers.

I didn't realise I had to write the seemingly obvious "do this on the down low"

Thus consider my clan NPC'd.. I might start again with some others in an update or two.
Three men arrives by horse to the house of Becoison. The middle was finely dressed and carrying a parchment. The other two wore matching uniforms and were well armed.

Hello my good man, I have been told that in your employ is our cities greatest smiths. Would you be interested in working for the cities greatest citizens?

Long story short: Order for full armor and weaponry for two horsemen of the finest quality possible.

Please get back to me when you know the cost to complete this order would be. If we find your work satisfactory and our relations remain pleasant we will be back with the same order with many times higher the quantity.
Erm, very easily? Thugs are just thugs. They generally don't tell someone who they are working are.. that would be STUPID.. They intimidate, leave it to the intimidated to worry who they have upset. It would have made the police's work very easy otherwise, in the prohibition era!

Well, you should have said that in your orders. How am I meant to know that you want to intimidate someone without even telling them who they're meant to be intimidated by? It's too convoluted for me to assume.

Notice what? That we arrived with slaves, and sold them? Why would it even be noticed by the port, let alone by the authorities enough to warrant sending important diplomatic messengers.

You brought along a load of Dis people and sold them, and they were clearly puzzled that they were slaves. Anyone who saw the auction would see this was fishy. Then you boarded ship with a load of Kyly people. Of course Kyly, which has efficient harbour authorities, is going to be somewhat concerned.

I didn't realise I had to write the seemingly obvious "do this on the down low"

Your deeds, as explained, could not have been underhand really. You can't intimidate someone unless they realise who you are!

Thus consider my clan NPC'd.. I might start again with some others in an update or two.

Alright then.

They've only fined you, you know, for 60 shillings. It's not really disastrous.
From: The Antulans
To: An'Topi

We can sell you high quality cavalrymen equipment for six shillings each, and king-class cavalrymen equipment for twelve shillings each.
An'Topi horsemen are the finest in the world and deserve no less than the best! Two kings class sets. You have my word as the leading member of the An'Topi that you will be paid in full when the products are picked up by my men. Good day to you and it is a pleasure doing business with you.
Three notices:

1. Bill and Julius: make sure you both put the transaction in your orders.

2. Everyone should note what I should have put, but didn't, in the update: the Temple Healers, as a religious charm, wear bird costumes representing the divine Angels of Healing.

3. Send orders and a budget for Friday, at the same time as before, but I'm not sure I'll actually manage an update this weekend, on account of exams and other things. Send orders anyway though.
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