Spy Missions: How do they work?


May 14, 2007
I know that this thread is most likely a repeat of so many threads already out there. The problem is that while those threads attempt to address legitimate questions regarding the real workings of the BtS Espionage Screen, but they are packed full of what I call "debutant speak", i.e. shallow explanations, often based on little or not experience with the game. The most aggravating answers I have run across are those that are based on what the BtS "Manual" says... not on the experience of the player posting the reply. According to the Manual one would feel that the system is fairly intuitive, which would be great if one could actually manage to decipher, divine, or stumble upon, the information necessary to actually carry out a missions.

I have tried to express my questions and answers in the concise and clearest language possible. Feel free comment on the material contained within this post. But please refrain from commenting based on hopes, desires, or dreams based on the game you haven't purchased yet or the game you wish BtS could be. My hope is to base this thread on substantive questions with substantive answers.

NOTE: If you don't understand my use of English, please, by all means, ask and I will clarify.


The crux of my question regards the actual workings of the Passive Spy Missions. The "manual" says that once you have the proper number of EP's you will be able to see the promised results of the mission. I've spent the EP's and I still don't know WHERE these results are manifested. Here are the specifics:


1. Can See Demographics -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: "Demographics" refers to the old Historigraph information. You can see the results of your investment by pressing F9. If you have spent the required number of EP's you'll be able to track the target civ on the Historigraph.

2. City Visibility -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: This allows you to see the cities of the target civilization, just like state religions worked when you controlled the Holy City. In other words, you can see other civ's cities on the map, even when you don't have units in their territory. This view includes the ability to see their city garrisons(i.e. Units).

3. Investigate City -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: Once you have the requisite number of EP's invested in the target civilization, you will able to double click on a City Bar in the main screen to pull the information screen for the appropriate cities. You will know that this is in effect when the City Bars of other civs begin to display current projects and other information.

4. Can See Research -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: This allows you to see the target civ's current research and the number of turns before completion. This information is found in the Scoreboard next to the target AI's name. The Scoreboard is the Icon above the third icon from the right above the Minimap Display.
3. Investigate City -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: According to the "Manual" you should be able to double click on a city in the main screen to pull up a city screen for the appropriate cities. THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR ME.

It does work if you've accumulated the requisite EPs. Double-check your Espionage screen to make sure. Click on the specific city you're interested in investigating in the Espionage screen, and it should display the EP value needed.

4. Can See Research -
Question: What does this mean and where is the information found?
Answer: NONE. I can't figure out where one would go to find this particular information.

If you have the requisite EPs to see an AI player's research, the name of the technology the AI player is researching and the number of turns said player requires to complete it will appear next to the player's name on the scoreboard, on the the bottom right of the screen.
1. Right

2. Right

3. When you Investigate a City click on their city to pull up the city screen like you would do with your own cities. Works for me.

4. what they are Researching is found next to their name that you would click on to talk to them.

Of course you need enough EPs to do any of these you can see if you do or not by going to the espionage screen. You do not need to spend the EPs via missions just accumulating them.
I'll test these. It may be that I have conflicting patches, or they're not installed right, or that I've overlooked some things. I know for sure Investigate City doesn't work for me.

Thank you all.


After reinstalling the patches these features finally worked for me. Thank you, for explaining the "See Research" I would have never found that. The Scoreboard is too distracting to me and I never play the game with it up. I contact AI's through the Foreign Advisor Screen (F4).
I'll test these. It may be that I have conflicting patches, or they're not installed right, or that I've overlooked some things. I know for sure Investigate City doesn't work for me.

Thank you all.


After reinstalling the patches these features finally worked for me. Thank you, for explaining the "See Research" I would have never found that. The Scoreboard is too distracting to me and I never play the game with it up. I contact AI's through the Foreign Advisor Screen (F4).

Glad we could help! :D
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