SQ2: Schizophrenic Shaka

Sima Qian

Jan 5, 2006
Well, due to my incompetence some unforseen problems my first modding exercise, the succession game over at SQ1: Google Earth, I've decided to take the most rational action: namely, start another SG that is even crazier than the last. I'll be introducing a new variant, which I've dubbed the "schizophrenic" variant, in this game as well.

The inspiration for this game came from a bug feature I came across a while ago, that tupaclives has also discussed a bit over here. Basically, what happens is that the game setup screen looks like this:


Yes, Shaka the Schizophrenic is back to haunt us again. Be very very afraid!

Nope, nothing modded in that picture. Nor have any sneaky changes been made to this foreign advisor screen:


FadeAwayNot said:
Shaka's such a jerk he can't even resist declaring war on himself!

How is this possible, you might ask. As a matter of fact, it's as simple as editing these lines in the Civilization3.ini file in Vanilla:


Anyway, enough about the setup. I want to discuss variant rules, and yes, these will probably be very different from what you've seen before. I hereby present:

The Schizophrenic Variant

The Schizophrenic variant is where you play a civ against multiple identities of itself. I've chosen Zulu in this game, purely because of the alliteration of "Schizophrenic" and "Shaka." Even though it might seem nothing extraordinary, it actually lends itself to several variant rules, most of which are self-enforcing.

1. No military alliances or trade embargoes. How are you going to ally against an enemy when they all have the same name? On the other hand, Rights of Passage agreements and Mutual Protection Pacts are still possible.
2. No slave workers. How are you possibly going to make them slaves when captured workers are of the same nationality as you?
3. Culture flips like mad. Every city will have Zulu people who admire one particular Zulu culture, but whose?
4. Impi on Impi action. When was the last time you triggered two golden ages on the same turn?
5. Ahh, and here's the kicker. We want to cure our schizophrenia somehow. Desired victory condition: Diplomatic. Guess what? You can't vote for yourself, because you don't know which Shaka is you!

Still not convinced? Why not download this sample game to see for yourself what it is like:


Anyway, signups are now open, looking for 5-6 players who can keep an open mind. You'll probably want to leave almost everything you know about Civ III strategy at the door, because lots has changed here.

Current Roster:
Sima Qian


60% ocean
5 billion years
Raging barbarians

EDIT: This is now an OPEN SG, first person to grab it and post a reply gets the next turn set. Make sure to read the turn log and discussion so you don't get confused!!
Checking in! (always wanted to say that ;))

This is going to be another crazy, wacky game :crazyeye: from the master of madness, Sima.
I might join if you tell us what the game settings are (dif. level is what I want to know the most, hint, hint.)
I see... people are demanding game settings. Well then.

My suggestions:

60% ocean
5 billion years
Raging barbarians

As for difficulty, I've been playing this myself with some level of success on emperor, so I'd like to play at least as high as that. Be ready to pop-rush culture and stay in despotism for longer than expected...

Regarding map size, I usually tend to avoid any larger than standard because my computer could easily choke and die (read: I'm too impatient to wait for the turns), but if the diplomatic victory condition would work better with more civs, I'm open to other suggestions. Please don't suggest HUGE though.
lurker's comment: OMFG wow, you did it again, I'm crying in laughter ;)

Diplomatic :rotfl:

I can't play vanilla for very shady reasons about my civ installation, but would otherwise have loved to tag along.
Well, I did play that sample game of mine to the modern age and build the UN. Here's a couple of screenshots:



That turned out to be "Election inconclusive, no majority" :cry:

Still waiting for more players... am I *that* bad at advertising? Or did I scare people away?
I think people are slightly scared by the variant, that and the forums are gradually dieing, give it time we'll get the people.

Guys if you are worried about the difficulty, dont be. Sima is an outstanding player and I reguarly win games at deity.
If you don't think you are up to the task, dont worry, still sign up. If you want to pause during turnsets to ask for advice we'll both be more than happy to oblige, and playing at a difficulty higher than your regular one will help you develop into a better player.
If it's on Emperor or Deity, I'm taking the position of Lurker #6 (I'm not at Emperor level yet).
Sima I would be interested in playing because you are mad, simply mad.
I'm not sure I can fit it in with all that's on my plate though...could you add lurker turns?
lurker's comment: Agree with Whomp's assesment. I couldn't fit in another regular slot, as fascinating as this one is, but a lurker turn would be fine. Of course, if the lurkers turn out to outnumber the regulars, you may have quite a random selection of players passing through here. And I do mean random. :crazyeye:
Okay, I don't think deity difficulty is going to work very well here. I just got royally creamed in a game on that level, my *second* city managed to flip to another civ in the industrial age along with the Theory of Evolution wonder. Talk about absurdity...

So for this game, I'd say emperor would probably be the difficulty level of choice. I *might* drop it down a notch to monarch, but I think at that level it will be too easy to out-culture the AI and it will actually end up very skewed in our favor.

After reading all the lurker comments, I think I will just make this an open SG, where anyone who claims the next turn set can play it. Just be on time with submitting the results (48 hours response time preferred), and allow at least two other people to play before playing another set. It will be very important that you read through the turn log to make sure you understand what is going on.

With that said, I think I should begin compiling a list of interested lurkers, as well as those who have signed up (in no particular order... sort of):

Sima Qian

@choxorn, cody - Difficulty shouldn't be much to worry about, even the experienced players will be thrown a lot of curve balls here, so don't be surprised to... uh... be surprised :D
@Beorn - That's quite unfortunate, would've been great for you to join. Have you ever tried a fresh reinstall, or begging for tech support?

Anyway, discussion is now open for game settings, map size, difficulty, and anything else that might be relevant.
I'm on Cheiftian :( However, I might play a turnset if I want to amuse myself. :crazyeye: Besides, I searched the whole SG section of CFC and found 0 Cheiftain level games (zero on warlord as well) :(
I am comfortable at deity so I'd go with what you recommend Sima. Feel free to put me behind a lurker that may need the help too.

I have played exclusively on c3c for a year and a half so I may need a refresher on some of the differences again. Wonders can be rushed right? Research path is a distant memory.

@choxorn...it may be worthwhile posting in the general discussion threads when people ask advice. Maybe you could gather some of those people for a regent training SG. You can easily play above your normal when it's a SG and there will be plenty of trainers around.
I like the idea of open spots first grab :D

Currently dont want to commit to another SG full on but definitely will take a keen interest in this variant and would like to play some turns.

My feeling is lurkers who play turns and participate in discussion (even infrequently) can make this work, main risk is if lurker plays without getting up to speed on what is happening

At emporer level game this should cover a wide range of abilities
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