-sr's Mappacks - Different Parts of the Earth


Jul 12, 2008
NOTE: Due to personal reasons, I've removed all my files from the system. Please don't ask me to put them back online. I also announce that if any of my files is put back in this forum, this happens against my will and without my consent.

:banana: All together more than 10,000 Downloads!!!!

Because I like playing on exotic parts of our kind old Earth, I created some maps of certain parts (see below). I sometimes also like some motives of ficional maps, so I work on fictional maps too. Feel free to discuss them on this thread and to give critics, suggestions to improve my maps and so on. Please write down which map you refer to. (Unfortunately I do not have much time to work on my maps, I am student and I can only play BTS at home once in a month. So I probably can't fulfill your requests anytime.) I'd also be very happy if you give me links to maps containing info about resources of certain countries, I'm no expert concerning internet research...


All my maps are for Vanilla (= Civ4 without WL or BTS), but you can play them with WL or BTS. Download the WinRAR-archive, extract it and put the extracted map(s) into the folder:

* for Vanilla: Civ4/PublicMaps
* for Warlords: Civ4/Warlords/PublicMaps
* for Beyond the Sword: Civ4/Beyond the Sword/PublicMaps.

Or, if you want a WL- oder BTS-map, you can change the file extension:

* for Vanilla: Civ4WorldBuilderSave
* for Warlords: CivWarlordsWBSave
* for Beyond the Sword: CivBeyondSwordWBSave


132x104, Version 1.01
What a pity that you can't play in Antarctica on Earth maps, because of its ice surface, I thought one day... What would the world's coldest continent look like, if all ice would melt away? Inspired by a map on Wikipedia, where Antarctica is shown as only rock surface, I created a half-fantasy Antarctica. There's still a little snow, but you can play the map.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

Australia and New Zealand - Thank you for more than 1.000 Downloads! :worship:
114x80, Version 1.02
Map containing Australia, parts of Indonesia (to Borneo in the West and North), Papua New Guinea, Fiji and New Zealand in the South East.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

80x55, Version 1.01
Map of People's Republic of China with parts of surrounding countries (Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kirgistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangla Desh, Vietnam, Burma, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Republic of China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan).
Civfanatics thread, Preview

Iberian Peninsula
64x54, Version 1.01
Map of the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), with also containing a little part of France and Northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco).
Civfanatics thread, Preview

India and surrounding countries
64x54, Version 1.01
Map of India, with also containing parts of its surrounding countries.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

Japan and Korea - Thank you for more than 1.000 Downloads! :worship:
108x114, Version 1.04
Map focused on Japan (last island in the very south: Okinawa), but also containing Korea, parts of Eastern China and Russia.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

Middle East
100x58, Version 1.01
Map of Middle East, containing Greece to Western India, the states in the Caucasus to Northern Somalia.
Civfanatics thread, Preview



140x80, Version 1.14
Complete fantasy map.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

Diablo II: Sanctuary
Huge: 104x80, Version 1.01; Standard: 78x60, Version 1.01
Map of Sanctuary from the computer game Diablo II. 2 map versions in different sizes, both maps look apart from some resources nearly similar.
Civfanatics thread, Preview Huge, Preview Standard, Info about Diablo

106x100, Version 1.01
Map based on the internet map, requested by jusray91.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

132x84, Version 1.01
Complete fantasy map, outlines made by Trueblade.
Civfanatics thread, Preview

The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel
VERY Huge: 138x96, Version 1.01; Large: 112x80, Version 1.01
Map of Tamriel with also containing Yokuda and Pyandonea in the game series The Elder Scrolls. 2 map versions in different sizes, both maps are apart from some resources nearly similar.
Civfanatics thread, Preview Very Huge, Preview Large, Info about Tamriel



The following maps do not have a thread on Civfanatics. However, I hope you'll though like them.

Perry Rhodan: Arkon
120x60, Version 1.01
Map of Arkon in the German sci-fi series Perry Rhodan.
Download, Preview, Model

Huge: 126x70, Version 1.01; Standard: 95x53, Version 1.01
Map of only Austria, surrounded by ocean. 2 map versions in different sizes, both maps look apart from some resources nearly similar.
Download, Preview Huge, Preview Standard

Earthsea Map
158x76, Version 1.01
This map is made on a request of Pariah. It's from the Earthsea novels by Ursula K. Le Guin. The map you see in the next link is the "old world", I added a "new world" in the East of the map.
Download, Preview, See the Earthsea map

Falkland Islands
Map of the Falkland Islands. It's only like a draft because there are no forests and rivers. I made it on a request by Flying Pig.

100x64, Version 1.01
Map of only Switzerland, surrounded by ocean.
Download, Preview
Great maps! I've converted few of them to my mod's Rise of Mankind settings (added new resources) and included them with the modpack :)

I hope you can finish up that Tamriel map - I've always loved Elder Scrolls games (from Daggerfall to Oblivion) - and I would really like to play Civ on that map :D
Great maps! I've converted few of them to my mod's Rise of Mankind settings (added new resources) and included them with the modpack :)

Whow, thanks. :)

I hope you can finish up that Tamriel map - I've always loved Elder Scrolls games (from Daggerfall to Oblivion) - and I would really like to play Civ on that map :D

Unfortunately I have a problem creating a Tamriel map: I downloaded some maps from http://imperial-library.info/maps/, but I really found no map model to create a Civ4 map. I also didn't play the game, so I don't know anything about the world of Tamriel. I had no problem creating coastlines, however, I have no idea how to place mountain ridges, terrain (grass/prairie/desert), features (wood/jungle), etc. Do you have an idea?
Unfortunately I have a problem creating a Tamriel map: I downloaded some maps from http://imperial-library.info/maps/, but I really found no map model to create a Civ4 map. I also didn't play the game, so I don't know anything about the world of Tamriel. I had no problem creating coastlines, however, I have no idea how to place mountain ridges, terrain (grass/prairie/desert), features (wood/jungle), etc. Do you have an idea?
Yes, I might be able to help with that ;)

Here's few links:
http://www.silgrad.com/oblivion/images/maps/Map_arch_off_Vvardenfell.jpg (just Morrowind game's map, not full Tamriel but this could work as an island map as well)
http://www.silgrad.com/oblivion/images/maps/minibigmaproadslore31gv.jpg Full map of Nirn (where Tamriel is just one continent)
http://www.imgplace.net/files/121/Cyrodiil_hires_notext_nomarkers.jpg (Cyrodiil, center province map, high detail, the area is mostly leaf and pine forests)

And one full map picture:

First of all, thank you for the links.
I already visited other homepages with informations about Tamriel. Now the only problem is: I have some well-detailed maps of Cyrodiil, Morrowind and Hammerfell, but really no detailed map of Argonia, Valenwood or Elsweyr. So I will create each province of Tamriel and put them together when they are finished. But I think I will create a map of full Tamriel and the islands on the West, also with Pyandonea.
See first post. I added it there.
Now the only problem is: I have some well-detailed maps of Cyrodiil, Morrowind and Hammerfell, but really no detailed map of Argonia, Valenwood or Elsweyr. So I will create each province of Tamriel and put them together when they are finished. But I think I will create a map of full Tamriel and the islands on the West, also with Pyandonea.
Do you know what kind scale was used for Tamriel's map originally? ;) For example, in Daggerfall game where the events happened in High Rock and Hammerfell the size of map was bigger than Great Britain (someone calculated it by running from west border to east border, was about 2 weeks real time). The newer games Morrowind and Oblivion used much smaller scale and I think Vvardenfall (big volcano island in Morrowind province where the game event happen) was about 16 square miles. I don't now remember from memory what was the size of Cyrodiil province in Oblivion but I think it was scaled bigger than Morrowind game because they used random terrain generators in Oblivion. Anyway, I'd use Daggerfall game's scale when building that continent as civ scenario. :)
Do you know what kind scale was used for Tamriel's map originally? ;) For example, in Daggerfall game where the events happened in High Rock and Hammerfell the size of map was bigger than Great Britain (someone calculated it by running from west border to east border, was about 2 weeks real time). The newer games Morrowind and Oblivion used much smaller scale and I think Vvardenfall (big volcano island in Morrowind province where the game event happen) was about 16 square miles. I don't now remember from memory what was the size of Cyrodiil province in Oblivion but I think it was scaled bigger than Morrowind game because they used random terrain generators in Oblivion. Anyway, I'd use Daggerfall game's scale when building that continent as civ scenario. :)

...too late. The map is nearly finished. (I use the BMP to WBS Converter.)
But I realized that the scales of the maps I have are different :). So I used a general map (see attachment) to separate land from water and then I splitted the continents into different parts. I designed the parts using informations from partial maps (e.g. Cyrodiil, Morrowind) and kind of a German "Tamriel Wiki". I believe that's not the scale used in Daggerfall.
My worst problem was: Sometimes I had to use my fantasy to decide which terrain for which part of Tamriel, and I had two maps of Skyrim that were concerning mountain ridges completely different. And concerning the big map in your post I couldn't interprete the colors: Should the brown areas be hill, or plains, or anything else? I never played any game of the Elder Scrolls. I only decided to create a Tamriel map because I liked the motive. (It was really the hardest work I ever made, and I'm not sure I made everything alright.)
I'd appreciate if you can have a look at the work that is already done. I put up a first draft of the map in the attachment. You can tell me what's your impression, inform me about mistakes or if the map or certain parts are completely wrong. Apart from the resources the map is complete.
Two new maps available!!

The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel (VERY Huge: 138x96, Version 1.01; Large: 112x80, BTS 3.17, Version 1.01)
Map of Tamriel with also containing Yokuda and Pyandonea in the game series Elder Scrolls. 2 map versions in different sizes, both maps look apart from some resources nearly similar.

Perry Rhodan: Arkon (120x60, Version 1.01)
Map of Arkon in the German sci-fi series Perry Rhodan.

For Download links, please see first post.

Also here's a first draft of my next work, the Earthsea map. It's for Pariah who requested it. With Zoom=800% you can see it better. Imagine that any pixel corresponds to a plot in Civ4, green = valley, red and dark red are hills/peaks and blue = sea.

EDIT: File removed, not necessary anymore.
Next new map available!!

Antarctica (132x104, Version 1.01)
What a pity that you can't play in Antarctica on Earth maps, because of its ice surface, I thought... What would Antarctica, the world's coldest continent, look like, if all ice was molten? Inspired by a map on Wikipedia, where Antarctica is shown as only rock surface (not calculated that the molten ice and the missing weight of ice would lead to a rising of the sea level and a raising of the landmass), I created a half-fantasy Antarctica. There's still a little snow, but you can play the map.
Antarctica looks like very interesting map! I wish there would be map script generating such a land mass
Thanks. :)

1 new map available!!

Earthsea Map (158x76)
This map is made on a request of Pariah. It's from the Earthsea novels by Ursula K. Le Guin. The map you see in the next link is the "old world", I added a "new world" in the East of the map.
you did some really nice work on these maps! haven't played any yet, but as a small time map maker, i know how much time it takes to create a decent/good map. i still have to work on balancing my resources though....i always seem to put a bit much and presto!, super cities everywhere.
...too late. The map is nearly finished. (I use the BMP to WBS Converter.)

Can you tell me where I can find the BMP to WBS Converter? Also any instructions or guides on use would be very helpful too.

you did some really nice work on these maps! haven't played any yet, but as a small time map maker, i know how much time it takes to create a decent/good map. i still have to work on balancing my resources though....i always seem to put a bit much and presto!, super cities everywhere.

Thank you :) Indeed, it's really hard to place resources. I sometimes also suffer from the problem with supercities everywhere, especially on my Japan Map. The problem is: terrain is almost grass, so I can't place desert or plains. This gives an extra boost to food yields. If anyone has suggestions (or can give me the link to a map where resources are shown), I'd be really happy.

Can you tell me where I can find the BMP to WBS Converter? Also any instructions or guides on use would be very helpful too.


The zip-file also contains a pdf document with helpful instructions and the link for 2 python utilities you need in order to run the converter.
All these maps look great! unfortunately, originals truly do scratch. So I couldn't download BTS on my new computer but it's good to know people like you will be making these awesome maps for any Civ IV version.:worship:

-Also, I was addicted to Morrowind and Oblivion so if you are going to make province specific maps you can count on me for info.
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