Stable Multiplayer? A Legend?


Feb 16, 2020
Hello, I'm looking for a stable version of the CBP in which multiplayer doesn't crash all the time. When playing with even just one other person on a large map size the game frequently crashes to desktop when the AI is starting their turn. Can anyone leave the version number of Vox Populi that is stable for multiplayer?
I have zero experience with vox multiplayer but have also heard that events can mess things up.
there is multiple factors I experience only ONE multiplayer session without any CTD or desync, unfortunately i don't have the modpack anymore and i don't remember the version...
it depends on the number of AI(major civ), city-states(they cause a lot of calculation), barbarian(cause a lot of desync), map size, and the connection of the player you play with and the host(choose the one who has the better connection).
for CTD mid-late game we found that yields on tile and hex grid are the guilty ones, especially late game where social tree and ideology add a tones of yields on tiles. Disable them.
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