Star Wars Mod

Who should be leader of the Jedi civ?

  • Yoda

    Votes: 89 83.2%
  • Obi-Wan

    Votes: 18 16.8%

  • Total voters


Dark Lord Of The Sith
Nov 14, 2001
The Death Star
Hello, Im starting work on a Star Wars mod, it will take alot of time but i hope it will work. Unit creation i will need some help with, im hoping to have animated leaderheads but i have no idea how to make them though if anyone is willing to help here are the civs and their leaders:

The Empire- Darth Vader (what, you were expecting the emporer?)

The Rebels- Mon Mothma

The Old Republic- Supreme Chancellor Valorum

The Naboo- Queen Amidala

The Gungans- Boss Noss

The Wookies- Chewbacca (woo hoo)

The Hutt Criminal Empire- Jabba the Hutt

Sullustians- Nien Nunb

The Mon Calamari- Admiral Ackbar (had to add em)

The Jedi- Yoda

The Sith- Darth Sidious

The Trade Federation- Nute Gunray

The Ewoks- Chief Chirpa

The Bounty Hunters- Boba Fett

The Jawa- Chief Datcha

Bespin- Lando Calrissan

Aliens = Barbarians

Some of these civs are subject to change considering there not really civs. If you have an idea for a new civ respond to this, or if you would like to help in the construction of this mod respond accordingly. Any and all help is welcome considering this mod will be a complete overhaul of the current civ game. If you have any questions please ask.
I love the idea of a Star Wars mod! It will take a long time to make, but it will be great once it's finished, especially when (soon, I hope) real scenarios become possible. Here are some of my ideas/suggestions for unique units. Probably the easiest thing to find for these civs and units would be the civilopedia text, because all of this stuff can be found on's databank section. Of course, graphics are another story...

*The Empire: Stormtrooper, Snowtrooper, TIE fighter, TIE bomber, AT-AT, AT-ST, Star Destroyer.
*The Rebel Alliance: X-Wing, Y-Wing, Escort Frigate, Snowspeeder, Landspeeder.
*The Old Republic: Republic Cruiser.
*The Naboo: Naboo N-1 Starfighter, Flash Speeder, Gian Speeder.
*The Gungans: Gungan Warrior, Gungan Battle Wagon, Gungan Energy Catapult.
*The Wookies: ?
*The Hutt Criminal Empire: ?
*Alderaan: ?
*The Mon Calamari: Mon Calamari Star Cruiser.
*The Jedi: (Of course) Jedi Knight, Jedi Starfighter.
*The Sith: Sith Infiltrator, Sith Probe Droid, Sith Speeder.
*The Trade Federation: Battle Droid, Droid Starfighter, Droideka (Destroyer Droid), STAP(Single Trooper Aerial Platform)-Mounted Battle Droid, ATT(Armored Transport Tank), Trade Federation Landing Ship, MMT(Multi Troop Transport).
*The Ewoks: Glider-Mounted Ewok, Ewok Catapult.
*The Bounty Hunters: ?
*The Jawa: Sandcrawler.
*The Modal Nodes: ?

Another possible civ could be the Sand People. I don't know who their leader should be, but their special unit would be the Tusken Raider.

Of course, since this is Star Wars, just about every "civ" has its own unique unit(s), with nobody building the same stuff. As you can see, some of the civs, especially the more militaristic ones like the Empire, have many unique units, whereas the peaceful civs like Alderaan don't really have a military. A possible solution is to give every civ some generic "warrior," "infantry," and "artillery" units to fill in the gaps. Also, non-militaristic civs like Alderaan could also be able to build another civ's units, as if the units were being "donated" to the peaceful civ by a more powerful civ.

Anyway, I hope these ideas help, and I'm looking forward to seeing this mod when it's finished!
thanks for the help with some unique unit ideas, i had trouble coming up with some too. And i think i may replace the Modal Nodes with Sand people
In another thread, dunno which one it was claimed that it was possible to import AOK models. If this is possible (I can't rememebr if anyone actually managed it or not) then importing SWGB models would save a hell of a lot of modelling and give you a massive number of units to start with. Not sure if its even possible or if its legal for that matter but if you are serious about a Satr Wars mod you should look into it.

Its not yet possible at this time, but i was planning to use swgb units such as stormtrooper, rebel trooper, r2 droid etc. The aok mps, only works with aok. I think i may be able to do some rearranging of files within aok, replacing them with swgb files to use the editor, but id have to get aok first. Also the makers of the Age of Empires games dont mind if people use them for personal use, as long as they dont sell them as part of another game.
I can't believe this! I've been waiting for this! Oh could you please try to research to get the most out of units for each civ. A lot of SW fans who play this game will want it to be accurate so RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! There are about 30 Rebel units, 43 Imperial, 20 Trade Federation, and most others have a few, but remember I'm generalizing.

I hope everything goes well and I totally support you in this mod.

Remember Accuracy gets HIGH ratings and great reviews.

Love, Unnamable but great fan of everything
tpasmall, here are some more unit and improvement ideas:

*The Empire: Speeder Bike, Super Star Destroyer, Imperial Gunners, Lambda-Class Shuttle, Imperial Landing Craft, Imperial Navy Troopers, Advanced x1 Starfighter, TIE Interceptor.
(How could the Death Star be implemented? It would be far more powerful than any other unit, which would unbalance the game, but it's too important to just leave it out.)
*Hutts: Skiff, Sail Barge.
*Rebels: A-Wing, B-Wing, Millenium Falcon, Rebel Medium Transport.
*Trade Federation: Droid Control Ship.
*Gungans: Gungan Bongo

Command Center (Barracks)
Massassi Temple (Temple)
Moisture Farm (Granary, Aquaduct)
Podracing Course (Colosseum)
Watto's Shop (Marketplace)
Deflector Shield Generator (Walls)
Carbon-Freezing Chamber (Factory)
Land-Based Ion Cannon (SAM Missile Battery)
Hangar Bay (Airport)

Some of the improvements that are already in the game could be left alone (with proper graphical changes) or deleted, depending on whether or not they are consistent with the Star Wars theme.
I hope these ideas help, and anyone with different or better ideas, please post them, because it would be great to hear other people's ideas and contributions to this mod.

P.S. What civ are you thinking of using for barbarians? I'm curious because you didn't mention a barbarian-like civ in your list of civs.
Wow, thanks for all your guys support. Im not exactly the quickest mod maker, so it will be a while before this mod comes out. (mainly because of all the animation changes). Also I changed some civs:

Alderaan- Bespin: Leader- Lando Calrissian
Modal Nodes- Sand People: Leader- URoRRuR'R'R (this is the actual name)

Jawas: Leader-Dathcha (the one who shot r2)

I have not yet decided who to make for the Barbarians, any suggestians?

I also need city names. Original names that fit with civs such as the Jawas, Sand People and Ewoks will be gladly accepted.

I want to put the finishing touches on this part of the mod as soon as possible. I dont have to much time to work on it, though i have been thinking things up at work (roofing gives you alot of time to think ;). Well once again thanks for your help.
I have decided on what the barbarians will be, Creatures of the Galaxy. The cities will be named after the places that the creatures thrive. When i get to animation the units will be: Wampa, Mynock, Rancor, Krayt Dragon, Dianoga and others as i think of them. The water transport will be a floating iceberg.

Now to show what i have done so far:

Nation(type1,type2)title leader
great leader1,2 etc.
City1,City2, etc.

-Galactic Empire(Militaristic, Expansionist)Lord Vader
-Grand Moff Tarkin, Captain Needa, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Moff Jerjerrod, General Veers, Admiral Piett, Admiral Ozzel
-Imperial City, Death Star, 2nd Death Star

-Sand People(Militaristic, Industrious)Chief URoRRuR'R'R
-Bantha Poodoo

-Jawa(Commercial, Scientific)Chief Dathcha
-Het Nkik, Daroe, Aved Luun, Kalit, R'kik Dnec
-Big Sandcrawler

-Sith(Militaristic, Religious)Darth Sidious
-Palapatine, Darth Maul, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd, Joruus C'baoth
-Yavin Temple

-Old Republic(Industrious, Commercial)Chancellor Verloran

-Rebel Alliance(Industrious, Scientific)Senator Mon Mothma
-General Dodonna, Wedge Antilles, Biggs Darklighter, General Rieekan, Major Derlin
-Yavin IV, Hoth, Echo Base, Dantooine, Alderaan

-Jedi(Expansionist, Religious)Master Yoda
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Luke Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jin, Plo Koon, Adi Gallia
-Jedi Council, Dagobah, Obi-Wans Hut

-Guild of Bounty Hunters(Militaristic, Commercial)Marksman Boba Fett
-Zuckuss, Bossk, IG-88, Jodo Kast, 4-LOM, Tantor, Dengar

-Trade Federation(Commercial, Expansionist)Viceroy Nute Gunray
- Lieutenant Rune Haako
-Trade Federation HQ

Bronze Working = Basic Blasters

Temple = Massassi Temple
Walls = Deflector Shield
Aqueduct = Moisture Farm
Colloseum = Podracing Course
Hydro Plant = Spice Mine
Airport = Docking Bay
Sun Tzu's Art Of War = National Military Movement
Hoover Dam = Kessel Spice Mines
Military Academy = Clone Vat Machinery
Intelligence Agency = Bothan Spy Net

As you can tell ive still got a TON to work on, especially civ-city names. Well thats all for now.
Originally posted by TedG
(How could the Death Star be implemented? It would be far more powerful than any other unit, which would unbalance the game, but it's too important to just leave it out.)

Change Manhattan Project to Death Star, and nukes will be changed to ds beams??????? I havent gotten to the modern era in a regular game so i dont know how nukes work.....:( But that might do it.
I think that the Sand People would work wonderfully because of their secludity. They prefer to hunt in packs and ratherly are seen during full day time unless hunting is high
The Death Star beams would defienately take over the Nukes they're more powerful than any weapon ever made that's been used more than twice. Totally recommend it but TedG was right be careful how you make the animations look
Yeah, Its going to be difficult to animate the laser correctly. I think a big gun as its idle animation, and for attacking it would be the actual laser coming straight into the unit its attacking.
Originally posted by The Thinker
I noticed you took my advice and researched.

Researched? Most of this stuff i knew beforehand (im a star wars freak, i play the rpg by west end games and have about 15 books that break down alot of the stuff in this mod, such as the bounty hunter book, imperial sourcebook, rebel sourcebook, etc.)

Actually all the Jawa names i got off of from their sw ccg, thats also where i got the raiders name ;)
Great ideas!

I agree with The Thinker that the Sand People are more like Barbarians than an actual civilization.

I also agree that the replacement for ICBMs should be Death Star lasers. Even that doesn't fully portray the DS laser's power, as it destroyed entire planets, but it will work well with the game to make DS lasers act like ICBMs.
Why is Darth Vader the leader? It should be the Emperor.
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