Star Wars - Revenge of the Mod


Pthyian Prince
May 15, 2004
Brought to you from the work of several generations of the Star Wars Mod Team, Star Wars; Revenge of the Mod brings you the best scenario for playing Star Wars within Civilization III.
'Revenge of the Mod' is named in accordance with previous Star Wars mod threads.

This mod incldues the following::

Star Wars - Revenge of the Mod: Ultimately to be a culmination of all factions from all scenarios, allowing a full civilization III experience.​
Star Wars - The Galactic Civil War: An official re-release of sum_aar_jam's original scenario, with plenty of editing and improvement from the original masterpiece. The scenario is set in the Timeframe of the original Star Wars trilogy.​
Star Wars - The Clone Wars: A modification of Galactic Civil War, changing practically everything but the map, to portray a different era of Star Wars, from the end of Attack of the Clones to the end of Revenge of the Sith.​

Possible Future Additions:

Depending on whether any interest is shown in this project, I plan to expand this mod:​
New factions for Revenge of the Mod: Chiss Ascendancy, Hutt Cartel, Black Sun, [possibly Ssi Ruuk]​
New Scenarios: Clone Wars Huge Version (using Sum_Aar_Jam's original enormous Clone Wars map, but editing it in line with released scenario)​

Chiss Ascendancy / Empire of the Hand. Chiss unit icons can be found in the Art/Civilopedia/Icons/Units folder. Although the units have not been made for Civ III yet, these unit renders (done by myself) are next in line for unit creation.​
Hutt Cartel & Black Sun. Two pirate factions, with a very similarly planned unit tree, several units for these two factions are already available.​
Ssi Ruuk & Hapes Consortium. These two factions have very little presence in the EU, however as the Thrawn's Revenge modteam produce new models, new possibilities for creating full factions become available.​
I acknowledge that this scenario is not 100%, and here is a list of things I know need to be completed before it becomes v1.0:​
- City graphics. The imperial ones i tried to create look ghastly.​
- Erasplash.​
- 'Death Star Project'. for some reason the spaceship graphics do not work 100%. If anyone works out why, I'd be delighted to know. But for now, just don't click on the spaceship screen (press escape to get out of it).​
- Units_32. I know its missing. I'm not sure how to do it. I might just change it to faction-specific icons - is it really that important?​
- luxury icons. I know that in the city screen view, the luxury icons show up wrong. They still show up tho, so its not too much of a biggy.​
- Interface/Terrain. This needs to be somewhat recoloured. The interface itself is sometimes hard to read off of, and the landmark terrain needs a bit of contrast levelling.​
- Diplomacy.txt / Script.txt / labels.txt / cityview.txt all need to be tweaked to be more star-wars-y.​

Moderator Action: Broken download updated - Blake00
As ever, just copy it into your Civilization III/Conquests/Scenarios/ directory.​
Requires Conquests v.1.22​
0.9 - 0.92 Changes:
* Fixed starting crash (music files incorrectly named)​
* GCW: Changed leader to Tagge (working flic file)​
* GCW: Fixed missing unit links​
* CW: Made deep space impassable, improved hyperlanes.​
* CW: More pirates/Hutt starting ships.​
* CW: Hutts can now build Interceptor Frigates at start​
* CW: Changed Republic starting units to better represent starting military strength​
* G/CW: Increased terrain values, increasing commerce​
* CW: changed the way unit wonders work - since wonder chains do not work, now there are two of each wonders, with higher unit creation rate.​
* CW: reduced Nal Hutta starting population to 1​
* CW: Fixed governments/tech tree. Intelligence agency moved to era 1, affiliation wonders given unique techs at end of tree. Other minor tech tree changes.​
* CW: Corruption halved in difficulty screen. Now it is possible to keep populace happy despite war.​
* CW: Player starting values updated. Factions start in government, with increased money.​
Last edited by a moderator:
Revenge of the Mod is an attempt to maintain the original essence of Civilization III, but in the Star Wars universe. It has also been made 100% open for new factions to be easily added, easily bulking up the size from the current four factions, to as many as can be found in George Lucas' epic universe.


As of release 0.9, there are four factions: The Galactic Empire, the Galactic Republic, the Rebel Alliance and the Confederacy of Independant Systems.

Each faction has an affiliation and faction-specific tech. For instance, the 'Affiliation: Jedi' is shared between the Republic and the Rebel Alliance, however the Republic alone have the 'Faction: Republic' tech.

Faction techs allow construction of a faction-specific small wonder, which produces the faction's most powerful unit and supplies faction-wide bonuses, and two 'unit factory' small wonders, which produce less powerful units. Faction starting governments are also enabled by the faction-specific tech, meaning no two factions start under the same government.

Affiliation techs allow the construction of a city improvement, and a great wonder. For example, the Sith Affiliation allows construction of the 'Sith Temple' (which improves production), and the 'Death Star Project' wonder. Some Affiliations also have a unique resource (or two) - sith affiliation allows slaves and hypermatter to be found on planets. Finally, Affiliations allow the 'final government', the more superior government type that the faction aches to be. This is nothing but an upgrade on the faction-specific starting government, however is normally only available at the end of the tech tree.

As of 0.9, the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire have animated leaderheads. All the rest are static.

Tech Tree:

In Revenge of the mod, the tech tree is a 3-page era-less progression. The first era is geared towards improving land-based forces, the second era is geared towards improving naval-based forces, and the third is towards city improvement. All factions have the same tech tree, except for the final technology which is determined by affiliation. In the case of Jedi affiliation, this final tech is called 'Senate', allowing the Republic government and the 'Galactic Senate' wonder.


There are 4 types of unit: infantry, mechs, starfighter and starship. Infantry units are used in offense, mech units are used in defense, starfighters conduct air missions and starships are naval units.

Each unit type is divided into classes. The full class list, including base unit statistics, can be found in 'Text/Revenge of the Mod.xlsx'.

Each faction has a seperate set of units to each other (although in some instances units can be shared between similar factions, e.g. Hutt Cartel and Black Sun). Each unit of the same unit class is researched by the same technology, however to prevent all the units being the same, each factions' unit set are applied an individual stats boost that represent that factions strengths/weaknesses.
The Galactic Empire have +2 att and -1 def to each unit
The Galactic Republic have +1 HP
The Rebel Alliance have +2 defense, but cost 50% more shields
The CIS are 50% cheaper, but lose -1 defense​
Note that this does not apply to shared units such as the colonizer or the worker droid.

Buildings & Wonders:

A new set of buildings and wonders is included in the mod. Each basic city improvement has a city screen icon, and most wonders, based on companies, feature digitally enhanced emblems for that company. The building list is not just a remake of the default civ III buildings, although one thing should be pointed out now:
Each city is now only able to fulfil ONE role: that is, you cannot have a city with both an infantry barracks (veteran ground units) AND a starfighter hangar (veteran air units). This is designed more for the scenarios, where each planet has a different strength. Note that this can be gotten around through the construction of the wonders 'Sienar Fleet Systems' (naval academy in every city) and Incom Corporation (starfighter hangar in every city), after 12 of each are constructed.

Victory Conditions:

I feel it should be pointed out that two victory conditions, 'Spaceship' and 'Diplomatic' are fully available in this mod, but to separate affiliations. Only Sith affiliations can construct the Death Star, a 10-piece project that requires one of every known strategic resource to build. Note that since the death star project is a wonder, only one faction at a time can construct it - if it is destroyed, the victory condition is lost forever.

Diplomatic victory is gained through the construction of the senate. Note that it is still possible for any other faction to win using a diplomatic vote, and it is not fixed to affiliation.
Star Wars - The Galactic Civil War

Sum_aar_Jam's excellent Star Wars map is here re-released, with plenty of modification.
Featuring an amended unit set, a brand new tech tree, new city improvements and wonders, and a re-tweaked map, you can now get fully involved in the Galactic Civil Strife for/against Palpatine's Empire, or watch the two major factions clash from the sidelines and prepare to invade the ruins of the struggle.
Scenario structured modified to be included in Revenge of the Mod scenario files, and to have the same basic elements (such as unit types/class, government styles, etc) as it.

Galactic Empire
Rebel Alliance
Black Sun
Hutt Cartel
Corporate Sector Authority
Chiss Ascendancy
Ssi Ruuvi Imperium

Map Description
The Star Wars universe has been recreated in amazing detail by Sum_aar_Jam, based on the Star Wars Essential Atlas. Although for loading purposes, many planets have been omitted, each planet present in the mod has been produced as a set of ~10 tiles, amidst a large sea. Each planet mirros its Star Wars equivalent, making full use of the landmark terrain feature: e.g. Duro has wasteland terrain, Imperial center is an urban sprawl, Dagobah is full of marshes.
Unlike the previous version, in which limitless travel was afforded among all sea tiles, between all of these planets lies hyperspace trade routes (all linked to Imperial Center), which essentially act as open railroads. These routes are only one square thick, so it is more than possible for a fleet to block trade and transport. A new feature to this map is the inclusion of pirate asteroid bases. 2x2 landmasses, with three barbarian camps preplaced, and plenty of pirate frigates patrolling the seas, the galaxy is not entirely easy to travel between.

Also in this version, the Chiss and the Ssi Ruu are cut off from the galaxy. Sea routes, now made treacherous are placed between the known galaxy and the unknown galaxy, and these can only be crossed by the construction of the Chiss 'CEDF' wonder or the Ssi Ruuvi 'Cree'n'aak Palace' wonder. This gives them a chance to build up their forces before getting involved in core galactic politics - or thats the theory, anyway.
Star Wars - The Clone Wars

Galactic Republic
Seperatists (CIS)
Hutt Cartel
Independents (Unplayable)

Map Description:​
Using the same base map as the Galactic Civil War, with the deletion of the Chiss and Ssi Ruuvi factions and the addition of a couple of minor planets, such as Geonosis. Planets have been re-allocated according to the Essential Atlas, with the inclusion of the 'Independents', representing worlds aligned to no particular faction (normally due to lack of populace etc.). This faction can't get involved in galactic politics, and does not have access to transports (meaning they cannot expand). Their purpose is to harass the major factions (locked at war from the start) and allow potential immediate expansion for the major factions.

In the Clone Wars, the two factions start out with differing military strengths. The Republic start out with a large invasion force on Coruscant (the Newly produced clone Army), and several militia forces on each planet. The Confederacy, having had more time to prepare for war, have a garrison on each planet, but due to the defeat at Geonosis have no immediate way to move these forces between systems. The Hutts have a greater empire than from the Galactic Civil War, and begin in a neutral state, although controlling almost a quarter of the galaxy makes them powerful allies.

Unit Factories:​
As a trial, a new wonder scheme has been developed. Each unit-factory wonder now has the capacity to produce up to 5x more than before. When a wonder is built, such as Kamino Cloning Facility (which auto-produces phase-II Clones every 6 turns), there is now a butterfly effect of wonder construction, that places 6 subsidiary-wonders. The effect is that Kamino Cloning Facility now produces 6 Clone troopers per turn. Because of the upgrade from small-wonder to wonder, if these wonders are captured their unit producing effect is transferred to the newly controlling faction.
Note that the Republic's wonders are pre-placed, and are only build-able (in order) on the planet of the same name. The Seperatists wonders can be built anywhere.

Giant Map:​
The giant map version of the Clone Wars, (a map about 360x360) will be released at a later stage. This map, previously released again by the talented sum_aar_jam, features many more planets, individually placed/named units, and a greater deal of attention and accuracy than the smaller released version. Note long load times are from vast amounts of early unit placement - gameplay is bearably fast. Features a detailed mass regicide mode (15 'kings' each) for faster resolution.
Screenshots Coming Soon
Credits Coming Soon
Yeaaaaaa! Its finally finished. After years of work and dedication its great to see it finished. Awesome Job SheepMonster. This couldn't have been completed without you :). You're the best!

Now I can't wait to play this.......
Hmm...I dl'd and loaded into the correct directory per your instructions. When I try starting any of the biqs you included in the download I get a crash to desktop upon selecting the faction I wish to play. The crash happens as the scenario attempts to load.
I had a few similar problems, try editing the biq files and removing the player data. For some reason it doesn't get on...

tell me if this sorts the problem.
Ooh! But please put it somewhere else, like atomic gamer. My browser just crashed as I clicked 'download' and now I have to wait 15 minutes! AARGH!!!
Thanks for the advice SheepMonster. I'll try that as well as look for the common items that cause these seemingly unexplained crashes.
missing text entry for ANIMNAME_PRTO_Droid_Starfighter

also, when i tried to click on the hutt cartel button on the loading screen i got a... C++ error? never had that in civ3! I had to shut down the game as it just stopped.
ok so im playing the clone wars scenario... i start in anarchy, but have access to every gov't when i come out of it. i know im supposed to use republic at war (im republic btw) but seems odd that i have so much choice. also i have MASSIVE bankruptcy. im losing hundreds per turn (with nothing to draw from) as soon as i get out of the anarchy. my capitol is mandalore? why not coruscant? also you need to turn off war weariness. my gov't got overthrown the turn after i came out of anarchy. also, im sorta unsure what to do... i know i have to conquer the galaxy, but should i just start wherever i want?
Hey, I'm going to upload an updated version toa few more sites tonight, once i've updated a few things.

The crash-on-load, I had this problem a couple of times, but 4/5 times (based on 40 attempts) the scenario loaded fine. This is only the Clone Wars, mind - Galactic Civil War never had a problem starting up. It does take a while to load up, so don't assume it's crashed if it doesnt load after 10 seconds or anything.

The C++ error comes from the CSA leaderhead (mirokov or whatever hes called). Selecting CSA is fine, but clicking off it causes an error (I don't quite know why). It possibly comes from using the Civ3Flc maker under a 64 bit version of windows (all the other static ones were made underf XP x86). I can usually get past the error tho problem by just hitting ignore or retry a few times.

I have not had a problem communicating with any faction from any faction... at what exact point does the error occur? Is it during diplomacy, or just as you see their unit? And does an error pop up, or does the game just freeze?

I'll post a biq tonight which sorts out the government problems, and work out the monetary problems too.

There are 4 different ways to win: build the death star (spaceship victory, available only to the sith factions), be voted into the senate (diplomatic victory, senate only buildable by jedi factions but winnable by everyone), domination (own 66% of the galaxy), or conquest (kill other factions. This is if you decide to raze alkl your enemies' planets).

If anyone posts problem in the future, can you detail which scenario you're talking about? They're all set up slightly differently...
ok so ive decided to do an epic game type. its a lot of fun! a couple of things though:

1) i would either make every civ "seafaring" or remove the coastal requirement for buildings like banking complex. it sucks that my capital cant build a host of other improvements because it isnt on the coast, especially since there is no reason for me to assume this would be the case...

2) for some reason the CIS was just ANNIHILATED in my game. they were attacked by the republic (im the empire) and all of their cities disappeared. now, i know that there is no way they attacked and razed all their cities in one turn, so i think the elimination game setting must be on? it didnt look like it was in the editor or at the start of the game, nor was regicide for that matter. so i dont know whats up. ill just have to be careful.

3) the wondersplash text entry for Carida Academy doesnt work. i checked the text file and everything seemed fine... totally identical. there is a corresponding art file as well, so im really not sure whats up?

otherwise its all pretty awesome. im REALLY dominant but thats ok, im cool with it.

Hey King Coltrane, thanks for your time.
Ok, in reply to your 3 criticisms.

1. Oops, Banking system and corporate presence were not meant to be coastal installations.

2. If you were playing Revenge of the Mod, then it should be setup that you decide on the game rules - thus if elimination occured, then it was because you played your last game that way. You can tell if regicide is enabled because you'll have a king unit (in your case, vader).

3. did Carida academy crash the game, or just come up blank?

Oh, and i think i fixed the bankruptcy problem you talked about, and several other things like the capital. Any more problems, keep em coming.
hey thanks for your quick responses.

yeah im sure i must have selected elimination by mistake. my bad.

and the carida splash crashed the game. i went into the text files and tried correcting it or putting in a quick fix of another entry, but a) i couldnt see any actual error and b) my retyping/replacement quick fix didnt work. im really not sure whats up.
OH! also, give air units a TINY rebase ability. it sucks building them and not being able to load them onto star destroyers unless the star destroyers dock. and while that may make sense, my inland cities cant do anything with their fighters. also i doubt the AI would know what to do.
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