Star Wars: The Mod Strikes Back


Jedi Knight
Mar 24, 2003
Oxford, UK
1. Introduction

As you may or may not know, there was once a lot of work that was going towards the creation of a Civilization III modification based on Star Wars. This mod was to be called Star Wars: A New Mod. There were also four planned sub-mods, including The Clone Wars and The Galactic Civil War.

Work on this graduallly stopped, until the project was forgotten about and cast aside. The mod leader had vanished and I no longer had an internet connection and had long thought I'd lost his Civilization III CDs. I was wrong, and now I'm back!

The mod is being re-started from scratch. Although some things will not change, such as the technology tree and much of the civiliopedia entries, the way it is structured will. For example, there will be no sub-mods. Only four civilizations are being worked on at the moment, and Conquest scenarios will be made for each Star Wars Episode.

So, may the force be with us...

2. Races

Rebel Alliance
Leader: Mon Mothma
Bonuses: Militaristic, Seafaring
Flavor: Rebelion
Allignment: Jedi
Fav. Government: Democracy
Shun. Government: Facism
Architecture: Republican Architecture

Galactic Empire
Leader: Darth Vader
Bonuses: Militaristic, Seafaring
Flavor: Imperial
Allignment: Sith
Fav. Government: Facism
Shun. Government: Democracy
Architecture: Imperial Architecture

Leader: Count Dooki
Bonuses: Militaristic, Expansionist
Flavor: Imperial
Allignment: Sith
Fav. Government: Facism
Shun. Government: Republic
Architecture: Imperial Architecture

Galactic Republic
Leader: Chancellor Palpatine
Bonuses: Expansionist, Commercial
Flavor: Republic
Allignment: Jedi
Fav. Government: Republic
Shun. Government: Facism
Architecture: Republican Architecture

3. The Team

Since the idea of a Star Wars Mod was first thought of, the team has changed a million times. This time, I'm taking charge of the mod. Sorry if Jobiwan7 is still out there, but you've been gone long enough for me to declare you MIA and take your position. As such, I am therefore extending an olive branch to the rest of you, stating that if anyone wants to help with this they can. This time round, I guarentee you the first Beta of this mod will be in January 2005 and the final release of the mod should be ready by March-April 2005. So, any help to keep to this deadline or to speed it up would be grateful.

4. Things To-Do List

  • Make the mod...
Well, I'd say because they are quite different, (good/evil, Jedi/Sith) and because if they were one civ, we'd only have three total! Also, would the Confederacy and the Rebellion fight against the same people?
If you're having the Galactic Republic as one of the good guys, wouldn't a pre-Palpatine leader be a good idea? Maybe even Padme Amidala, although she was never actually Chancellor.

Just a suggestion... I have no scenario-making related skills at all, but I would love to play a Star Wars mod/scenarios. Good luck!
bkwrm79 said:
If you're having the Galactic Republic as one of the good guys, wouldn't a pre-Palpatine leader be a good idea? Maybe even Padme Amidala, although she was never actually Chancellor.

Just a suggestion... I have no scenario-making related skills at all, but I would love to play a Star Wars mod/scenarios. Good luck!

perhaps Vallorum? (or however his name is spelled?)

also, for a little difference, perhaps making the Republic agricultural and the Alliance industrious (since they were the little guys) instead of expansionist [they would've tried to get the Outer Rim] and Militaristic {being the same isn't as fun, especially when they are enemies....}
Nice Request. We need more people to post something there.

I think your civ characteristics fit pretty well, though I can understand the Republic being expansionist.
ahhh thats what I couldn't quite hit, agricultural didn't quite fit (despite the need to feed the immense population) but scientific seems good to me...
I had an idea recently to solve one of the mod's problems: there are virtually no defensive units. So I thought about what to use. I think we should have a combination of turrets (good defense, high def. bombard) and shield generators (high defense). Does that sound good?

Here are some previews of my ideas. First is a small, early generator. Second is a larger, improved one. The third could be the mod's version of Missile Defense.


  • 1-LittleShieldPreview.gif
    3.1 KB · Views: 8,627
  • 2-ShieldPreview.gif
    98.9 KB · Views: 1,109
  • 3-BigShieldPreview.gif
    176.8 KB · Views: 1,097
somebody's been playing Galatic Battlegrounds

perhaps give the shield generater's a Zone of Control, to represent the space they could cover
though preferably, they would merely increase another unit's defense....

perhaps a turret, that could load a unit and add a defensive bonus to it?
I was thinking the turret should have the ZOC.

I still think the shield should have the high defense. When the shield is working, you still can't attack the troops in the city. Once the shield is down, then you attack the enemy forces. I thought it seemed more realistic. That is, if you can call anything in Star Wars realistic. :D
How about using the shields as walls?
That would be possible, but the point of my idea was to have more defensive units.

Also, if in some miracle one of us would win Kinboat's lottery, would it be a good idea to have 2 Mon Cals (1 big, 1 small) to have the Rebels' Battleship/Cruiser line filled?
Good news:

I just got a new computer!--a computer with a Paint Shop Pro Trial! So, for around 60 days, I'll try to make units again. I'm working on a Sith Apprentice attack anim, it's almost done, except for a few palette issues.

It would be a lot easier if someone could just get the PCX's to FLC's for me. Anyone want to try that? :D
I can only take PCX's and make them into FLC's now. I no longer have a GB cd so I can't extract the PCX's from GB...
Well, I can still convert them from GB, but my attack anim didn't work after I fixed the palette. It played a few frames, then the game died.

I can upload the pcx's, if you like.
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